11 July 2024


Half an hour ago, I was watching the conclusion of the NATO summit meeting live from  Washinton D.C.. President Biden had summed things up with the aid of an auto-cue and was  about to hand over to Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine.

Joe Biden introduced him as "President Putin"! Breathtaking really. I mean, it's like introducing Winston Churchill as Adolf Hitler or Salavadore Allende  as Augusto Pinochet. This was the gaffe of gaffes. I mean - Putin has effectively killed thousands of Ukrainians and in Mr Zelensky's eyes he must seem like the devil incarnate.

We all make slip-ups or mis-speak but in my opinion the time has come to stop making excuses for Mr Biden. Enough is enough.  What will his mental state  be like in 2028 when he is eighty six years old?

I have no doubt that he is a good man and that if he were ten years younger he would have made a truly great president, bringing dignity and wisdom back to The Oval Office after the crazy and disturbing  years of Trump's first presidency. However, the immediate future of The United States is infinitely more important than  the  stubbornness of an old man  whose faculties are clearly in serious decline.

It is time for him to go and the pressure behind the scenes is becoming inexorable. I wish that he would resign on his own terms - jumping before he is pushed. His wife and family should be assisting with that decision - even though up to now their apparent  motto seems to have been, "whatever Joe wants".

As I come to the end of this blogpost, Joe Biden is  soon to be quizzed in a solo press conference in which  he will not be able to rely upon the crutch of an auto-cue. He will be exposed and there will be more scrutiny of his performance than the answers he gives with regard to NATO.

Especially if you are an American citizen, you might be wondering why a limey like me should even be commenting on this matter. The truth of it is that who leads America is critical to the rest of the western world. We do not want to see a narcissistic, ill-informed, lazy, draft-dodging  bully boy back in The White House. One term was quite enough. A second term would be disastrous - not just for America.


  1. Americans have no real choice in this election.

  2. I support Biden but would also support replacing him with Harris. She is the only one who can access their "war chest." Do I think she would win? No. We elected a mixed-race president, yet this country won't allow/isn't ready for a woman in the highest office--idiotic, I know. Men have screwed things up to the nth degree; shouldn't we get a chance to right the ship? In my opinion though, Trump will win. Then the "fun" starts.

  3. The world cannot have a second go round of the orange pile of shite.

  4. I watched his news conference and thought he did well except that he tends to go on and on and on with his answers. The Putin/Zelensky remark was quickly corrected.

  5. I watched his press conference and he does make gaffes, he always has, but he spoke for over an hour and was spot on nearly all the time.
    If he stays in, he has my vote; if he drops out, the Democrats have my votes. Too much is at stake to sit this one out because you think Joe is too old but a rapist felon fascist dictator wannabe is the right choice.,

  6. Oh dear. I hadn't heard about this latest... what should I call it? I'll borrow the term you used, gaffe, while "catastrophe" first came to my mind.
    Elderly people have every right to sit back and enjoy their retirement, especially if they have been as hard-working as Mr Biden, who has been serving his country for many decades. It must be very hard for his family, seeing him acting like this and (probably) not listening to their advice and concerns.
    You are right, Neil. What happens in the U.S. does not just stay in the U.S. It has an impact on the rest of the world.

  7. This latest gaffe has convinced me too, that it is time for Biden to step down and I hope his party has someone ready to step up in his place. I see Vlodomyr Zelensky had a little laugh at the mistake.

  8. I absolutely agree with you, Cro.

  9. I remember when Biden was first elected. I was elated the first week because finally there was someone in the White House that had a sense of dignity for the office and he acted "presidential." I think Biden is a good man and I will continue to support him or his replacement. The alternative is in my opinion something that could very well be the end of the USA as I know it. I know that sounds so doomsday-ish, but Trump is an absolute ass in every sense of the word. I just don't get why the "normal" Republicans, not the MAGA crowd still support him. He's an embarrassment.

  10. A disturbingly difficult time.

  11. I was a Biden supporter, but now I think vote the correct party to represent you and don't vote for the party that may be led by a felon who is facing multiple charges, and hates woman, glbti, foreigners, etc etc.

  12. In the presser, Joe talked knowledgeably and convincingly for almost an hour on foreign policy and the importance of backing Ukraine and our alliances in Europe and Asia. He answered each reporter's question directly and fully. This after a full day of consequential meetings with foreign leaders. He's continued a full schedule since the debate. The other guy met with a wannabe dictator and "rode around in his golf cart marking his scores before he hit the balls."

  13. Reporting that in the presser, Joe talked for almost an hour, knowledgeably and convincingly, on foreign policy and the importance of backing Ukraine and honoring our alliances in Europe and Asia, many of which he set up. He answered every reporter's question, directly and completely, something the felon is incapable of. He's kept a full schedule since the debate. With our admittedly wacko election system, it's far too late to change candidates. Democratic voters have chosen Joe as the candidate and have already chosen Kamala Harris to replace him in the remote circumstance he might be unable to perform his duties sometime in the future. You notice no one is pushing for him to step down immediately. He's done an historically amazing job at getting important domestic legislation passed which is benefitting both red and blue states that Republicans who voted against it laughably try to take credit for. I enthusiastically support Joe as do most Democrats. Just because George Clooney has lost his mind doesn't mean the rest of us should.

  14. Here's the thing- Trump is incoherent. He babbles on about completely unrelated topics. It's word salad. And yet no one is calling for him to step aside. I agree that it's unbelievable that these two are our choice and yet, here we are. Do you know how terrifying this is? At least Biden is very much surrounded by good people. Experienced people. Not people looking to make over the world in their fascist interests.

  15. I keep thinking that both parties should come up with new candidates for this election, preferably both at least some 10 years younger or so...


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