21 June 2024


I had a post in mind for today but I discovered a problem with my data cable - the wire that is meant to connect my digital camera with the desktop computer. There were certain images I needed for the blogpost. Hopefully this technical issue will be short lived for I hope to purchase a replacement cable on Monday.

For the past two weeks I have been pretty much housebound because of work that has been going on in our back garden (American: yard). A landscaper has been working on a new stone patio and all of the materials have had to be carried through the house. Access was required throughout the day as the two builders went to and fro. The job has cost us an arm and a leg but now it is done and in a sense I am free.

Our house was built on a hill and this affected the construction of the new patio - building up levels and putting in steps etcetera We are pretty happy with the end result but one or two minor things niggle me. Is there ever such a thing as a perfect job? I guess I am just going to have to bury my small complaints. It's too late to address them now without major surgery. Besides, Shirley is delighted with it all and looking forward to planting things in the four little borders that are waiting around the paving stones.

Back in 2004 - twenty years ago -  we had wooden decking installed.

2004 Before:-

2004 After:-

So now we are onto our third iteration of the immediate outside area. The lower decking has now gone. I guess that structure served us well. Two full decades. Unfortunately much the undercarriage of the decking was rotting. I had hoped just to replace the top boards but in the end a stone patio seemed the most sensible option. I will show you pictures when I able to do so.


  1. I'm interested that the garden around the deck seems almost unchanged between the two photos.
    My front and back yards have had many iterations over the years.
    I look forward to seeing the new patio, having the materials walked through the house is a high price to pay

  2. Big change there and I can't wait to see the new patio. It's a lovely garden,

  3. Just need some summer weather now to enjoy your upgraded outside space.

  4. A major job indeed, and as with all such major jobs, there is bound to be something that either wasn‘t done quite right or that could have been done in a different way in hindsight. But as you say, it is probably best you bury your small complaints, as long as there are no major faults or safety risks with the new patio, and with Shirley being happy about it.
    The wooden deck looked very smart in 2004. I am looking forward to seeing the new patio.

  5. That looks like a kitchen window, and the current window is shorter than the original. Turning the large window into double doors looks like a great idea but you do lose a little inside space. The deck was nice when it was new. Didn't you replace the decking yourself not that long ago?

  6. We changed from decking to stone, and are very happy, hopefully they should last us out.

  7. (Yorkshire: back yard with the back grass) Mr. Poncy Patio Pudding.
    I used to mess about with a cable until I realised I could take out the SD card and put it in a slot in the computer.

  8. You could draw a sketch of the new patio.

  9. Stones will outlast us all.

  10. Fancy deck and I like the doors you put in there. So is your home attached to other homes and that is why they have to go through the house to work on the backyard?
    If you have a cellphone handy, you could snap a photo and email it to yourself and get it on your computer that way. That's what I do...

  11. Steps are not so good as you get older and also wooden ones can be slippery. Looking forward to seeing the transformation.

  12. I see you removed a window and installed French doors in that 2004 renovation. Now that I've seen your new patio (in your more recent post) I can say that it looks great!


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