24 May 2024


Leftover images from our holiday in The Algarve, Portugal. Above - at the entrance to the castle in Silves. There have been fortifications on this site for two thousand years. What we see today is one of the best preserved Moorish castles on the Iberian peninsula.
From the castle walls my camera zoomed down upon a stork's nest. The young look ready to fly.
On Thursday May 16th we visited Praia da Marinha - just a ten minute drive from our villa. Ian's girlfriend Sarah found a shady spot by the limestone cliff with Zachary in her arms...
Because of the two babies we did not stay long on the beach. It has beautiful golden sands and is considered to be one of the top ten beaches in Europe. We were there for no more than an hour but Ian and I both went swimming in the pristine waters. Quite chilly to be honest.
Back at the villa, Ian took a well-deserved rest in the "Fatboy" hammock. Down in London, he continues to work so hard on all things "BOSH!".
In the villa there were many interesting objects and artefacts including this brass Buddha head from Burma...
And this massive shell atop a cupboard - probably from The Pacific Ocean...
Below there's a view across the villa's pool  to the Atlantic...
On one of the days we went into the nearby resort of Carvoeiro, I spotted this signage not far from the beach...
And finally here's Baby Margot having forty winks...


  1. You really go into another world touring this area. sometimes we need to get out into a very different place.

    1. It helps to see things more clearly.

  2. What a gorgeous beach, only outdone by the pool with view of the Atlantic!

  3. Oh, baby Margot. I see the resemblance to you, YP!

    1. Yes! I have also got the same number of limbs and facial features.

  4. The beach does look excellent. The objects around the villa are indeed interesting and I am sure add to interior.
    I'm pleased no one took a photo of you bare topped in the hammock.

    1. I prefer to nap in the nude - an English Adonis with bulging biceps.

  5. I hope someone has photos of you catching 40 winks, one of the joys of our age, is an afternoon nap.

    1. If someone has such snaps of me I will have to consult my legal team.

  6. Interesting that someone would put a Buddha sculpture in a villa for holiday makers in Portugal; it‘s a bit like crucifixes on the walls of holiday homes and in restaurants in some parts of Bavaria and Austria, only that they have become less common nowadays when people are more sensitive about religious/cultural matters.
    That golden beach is like a piece of paradise, and of course I‘d love to see more of the castle. Baby Margot is super cuddly!

    1. It's not just a rental villa it is also a family home away from home. The owners stay there regularly.

  7. Ha, I hope someone reminds Margot of that photo when she turns 18. Very cute.

    1. Her sweetness is intoxicating JayCee. Maybe you were like that once.

  8. The beach looks lovely and that's a nice view across the pool to the sea. Not surprised it was a chilly swim - it was in the Atlantic!
    Sweet photo of Margot.
    The type of sign you photographed seems very popular around the Med. too - we have something similar along our beaches.

    1. Maybe I should get a "YORKSHIRE PUDDING" sign outside our house.

  9. I love the Algarve and Portugal 🇵🇹. Great photos.

    1. I would have liked to sit with you in a Portuguese bar, drinking beer and talking bollix.

  10. The Algarve is on my bucket list of places I want to visit. Your photos in your postings have cemented that!

    1. On my bucket list there are several buckets I wish to purchase.

  11. It looks like everything a vacation should be in my opinion.
    Also in my opinion those baby storks have a way to go before they're ready to fly.

  12. Wow! It sure likes it was an amazing vacation! So beautiful.

    1. We have been home a week now. We all loved that holiday. Something good to remember.

  13. The young storks are wonderful, as are Zachary and Margot - all young things are enchanting.

    1. Being young is such a fleeting time isn't it?

  14. Beautiful photos of a beautiful place. What kind of a shell is that?

    1. It is a giant clam shell and one that size is worth quite a bit of money - maybe $2000US.

  15. I'm thinking I've probably explored more old castles and museums than beaches on my holidays through life. I have no actual statistics to prove it though :)

    1. You can't beat a good castle to evoke tales of past times.

  16. Love the sleeping baby Margot and the more alert Zach, and am glad neither got sunburnt. You all took such good care. I love the beach with the cliffs soaring above.


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