24 March 2025


What a fine portrait of Donald J. Trump was created by  artist Sarah Boardman. It hangs in the Colorado State Capitol Building in Denver. Through this well-executed portrait, Ms Boardman has disproved the old saying, "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear". 

Cunningly, the artist has taken years off the sitter who in real life appears much more haggard and confrontational. Any photographic close-ups of his facial complexion reveals a surface that is not unlike our moon but through Ms Boardman's brushwork, his skin appears as smooth as rendered fat.

...Oh drat!  While creating this blogpost, I have now discovered that President Trump has railed against Ms Boardman's painting. He doesn't like it, saying this: "Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol, put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before."

He has demanded the removal of his portrait. Oh what a shame for Sarah Boardman! Perhaps he will prefer my picture of him - made with some of our Phoebe's felt tips and crayons. Though I say it myself, I think it genuinely captures something of the true essence of the man...


  1. Your portrait is EXCELLENT although, personally, I would add horns to complete it.

    1. May we conclude that you like horny men?

    2. No, you may not conclude that, because I'm a lesbian. I only like horny women!

    3. Do you mean women who look like rhinos?

  2. The official portrait is much too flattering of the tangerine toddler. Yours is more like the real thing. Nothing close to real will satisfy the thing because he thinks he's young and beautiful.

    1. People are being killed in Gaza and Ukraine. Innocent asylum seekers are being shipped to a concentration camp in El Salvador. America's financial future is in crisis. But Trump cares most about how he looks in a painting. You could not make this stuff up.

  3. You made me laugh. I think it's an excellent likeness:)

    1. He's a handsome guy... if you like orang-utans.

  4. He should take that picture and run as it flatters him.

    1. Maybe Trump could find sanctuary in Red Deer.

  5. All that's happening in the world and right here at home and he's pissy about a portrait? I mean, come on, she made him look nearly human, a feat never before attained.
    Poor widdle baby, that Felon.

    1. And he doesn't have the nous to realise that by complaining he invites more mockery.

  6. I heard about this on the news last night and wondered what was so wrong with the painting. Perhaps the artist should have made the skin more of a moonscape, for the sake of reality. Added a couple of extra chins for good measure.

    1. Why do we need any portraits of the ugly ******* anyway?

  7. Thank you Sarah Boardman. Thanks to his tantrum, this is destined to become a meme for the next decade, lol.

    1. He doesn't have the wisdom to realise that DB.

  8. I think #47 should be grateful to the artist who almost made him look like a decent human being.

    1. He wouldn't know decency if it crept up on him and whacked him from behind.

  9. I'm just trying to understand the red line above his mouth.

    1. The red line is his mouth. The dark bit is just some shadow.

  10. Ha! I love your portrait. I think you should mail it to the White House.

    Boardman's painting does fill out his face a bit but I think it's a good likeness. It's typical of Trump's narcissism that with all the things going on in the world, he's seized on THAT as an injustice that must be corrected.

    1. One day, I might want to go back to America so I will not post my portrait of The Man Baby to The White House. Vindictiveness has several guises.

  11. I love the piggy nose.

    1. There is certainly something porcine about him.

  12. Your portrait was too flattering

  13. Your portrait looks more like Andrew Lloyd Webber than Tr*mp.

    1. For Andrew Lloyd Webber I would just do a frog.

  14. You don't have your own felt tips and crayons?

  15. That's a true work of art, Neil! You captured him perfectly!

    1. You have a discerning eye Lady Jennifer.

  16. That's an excellent likeness YP - you've captured the very essence of the man. Perhaps you should paint one of his next official portraits - I'm sure there will be enough to hang in every Art gallery in the U.S. and beyond. However, I must criticise your comment about his similarity to orang-utans - that's an insult to an endangered and endearing species!
    I read about this spat over the portrait and apparently within minutes it had been posted millions of times on social media - with suitable "flattering" comments!

    1. To all orang-utans reading this - I send my heartfelt apologies. I am so sorry for any hurt my earlier remark may have caused.

  17. The portrait does make me laugh, I have to admit. Although the fact that he had to post on and on about it is so horrifying. He has nothing else to do? Actually, probably not; most people assume he is being led around and just shows up once in awhile to sign things. (Horrible things.) And don't get me started on yesterday's debacle about the group chat on Signal.

    1. Bizarrely, the wicked fellow sees himself as a champion of freedom. How twisted is that?

  18. Your portrait is too flattering

  19. Every time the felon posts a rant like this, it amazes me that he still has this legion of followers. Your portrait gave me a smile this morning. Thank you.

  20. I am sure there is a crowd of tourists who would be very happy to remove the "portrait" take it out onto the plaza in front of the state house, invite a crowd, and burn it. They could sell tickets for that and fill Mile High Stadium.
    He also said very nasty and demeaning things about the artist. What a hateful and nasty piece of work.

  21. What. A. Dick. I think your portrait captures his true essence nicely.

  22. What an ass he is.

  23. Definitely a good likeness by Phoebe.

  24. In Sarah Boardman's portrait the orange one looks as though he's got a mouthful of marbles. I prefer yours, though I agree it flatters him.

  25. You just couldn’t make it up. I am not that ancient but remember the time when politicians could talk in complete sentences and had decency to look at least slightly shame faced when caught telling a bare faced lie.

    People praise him for “putting America first”. It is depressing how easily people can fall for his crap.

  26. Trump's ego can't let him accept anything that doesn't flatter him or anyone who doesn't kowtow to him. Your portrait is truer to both the outer and inner Trump than Boardman's. I'm most impressed by the hair, and by your ability with the drawing materials you chose!

  27. I don't know about the man but I definitely prefer your portrait.

  28. i don't know why, but i can never focus on donald trump's hair.... it's like its identity has been preserved with a blurry filter...... his fking hair has been redacted!!


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