"O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet Act II scene ii
Mr Pudding welcomes all genuine comments - even those with which he disagrees. However, puerile or abusive comments from anonymous contributors will continue to be given the short shrift they deserve. Any spam comments that get through Google/Blogger defences will also be quickly deleted.
And these are blogs you link to yours? The pictures came up skewed on my machine, but I'm having a guess of "Shooting Parrots" as blog b, as I happen to read that one. But as to the other...I'm going with Friday's Web.
ReplyDeleteI am, though, of only modest intelligence.
awww, shucks
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ReplyDeleteEvery year bloggers from around the world are pestered by irritating messages from anonymous morons. Now you can rid your blog of these infections by purchasing one of these unique designer products:-
Send £100 for your chosen item to Yorkshire Pudding Pension Fund Ltd..
I would do the same test with your blog as the answer YP, but I wouldn't be as clever as you with the crypic clues..
ReplyDeleteI have an average IQ, so I abstained from the quiz. Ask me something easier next time, like what was the name of the Confederate President during the American Civil War.:)
ReplyDeleteWhen I saw the picture of the guy with the gun, my first thought was, "Oh great, another gorilla shooting joke." What a relief it was to find that you were only maligning innocent birds with bright plumage.