19 December 2024


St Joseph's Catholic Church, Tristan da Cunha

For bloggers and blog visitors who will be travelling to Tristan da Cunha in time for The Laughing Horse Blogging Awards evening, I have been doing some further research. With special permission granted, the ceremony will now be held in St Joseph's Catholic Church.

There are only 250 permanent residents on the island and all are of European descent. They tend to lead simple, communal lives in which fishing, vegetable growing and raising cattle all figure significantly. Tristan da Cunha was never settled by humans before the European era.

There is only one settlement - located on the northern plain which has rich volcanic soils. It is called Edinburgh of the Seven Seas.

Some video footage:-

I am sure you will agree that Tristan da Cunha is very likely the most unique awards venue ever selected by the Laughing Horse team. Those of you who make the effort to get there will be forging unforgettable memories. Those who discard the opportunity will be creating bundles of lifelong regrets...
Edinburgh of the Seven Seas


  1. I guess I will be covered in regret as I'm not able to visit Tristan da Cunha

    1. Oh that is a shame Red. I was hoping to arm wrestle with you aboard "The Jolly Puffin".

  2. My flight is booked and I'll be on my way soon! See you there!

    1. Looking forward to meeting you Jennifer. What a jolly time we will have aboard "The Jolly Puffin" as we sail from Cape Town. It will be like a party boat.

  3. One more bundle of regrets to toss onto the pile in the memory banks. I don't even remember what the other bundles are and I have no wish to delve deep and find out.

    1. I guess it is a matter of character and personality Elsie. Some people seem to wallow in regrets while others are almost immune.

  4. Odd that the island was never settled before. People of old weren't stupid and probably had good reasons for not settling there - or maybe it was simply too remote for them to even reach it?
    Anyway, I shall live with my bundle of regrets until next year when no doubt the ceremony will be held aboard the International Space Station!

    1. I guess it was just too far from anywhere for early settlement. Ludwigsburg is among the venues being discussed for 2025.

  5. That boat crossing in the video is very reminiscent of the IOM Steam Packet ferry journey from Liverpool. A trip on the Vomit Comet in winter is a truly life affirming experience.

    1. At least it doesn't take six days to voyage from Liverpool or Heysham.

  6. I'd be happy to live there.

    1. I am sure that you would soon be the elected President and they would call you Tasker da Cunha.

  7. It's still a Turkey and Tinsel break though isn't it YP? I will bring my tin of tartan paint with me.

    1. You will need red paint to paint the town red.

  8. Can't come. I get seasick.

  9. My tickets haven't arrived yet.

  10. Seriously though- what an interesting place! How bizarre it would be to be born there. Although, no, it would seem perfectly normal. I have many questions...

  11. Like Thelma, I get seasick so I'll be staying home, Neil. Have a wonderful time!

  12. I remember once sailing in a chartered yacht on San Francisco Bay at nighttime. I didn't get seasick but that may have been helped by the amount of grog the crew were dispensing. Not being sure of the provisions on board the Jolly Puffin I have regretfully decided to remain high and dry (but lubricated) in Arizona.

  13. I agree with Ms. Moon. I have many questions that I will be looking up answers for. Very interesting. I had heard about the most remote island in the world and thought it was uninhabited although in some way also linked to Britain. Hum! I like to sail but a trip that long might not be for me at this stage of my life. But, thanks for the invite. What hotel or hostel will your guests be staying in?

  14. I dare not leave my tenant home alone, so please accept my award on my behalf.


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