7 July 2024


Hello there jolly quizzers! Today's quiz questions are all based upon the first six July 2024 blogposts here at Yorkshire Pudding. To find the answers, all you have to do is look back through the past week. As usual, you will find the answers in the comments section.


1. When was our granddaughter Phoebe born?

2. Name the fellow who is holding a baby in the picture at the head of Tuesday's blogpost. He is now Britain's new prime minister.

3. Which ragamuffin became Britain's PM on December 13th 2019?
(a) Wurzel Gummidge (b) Freddie Flintoff
(c) Boris Johnson (d) Stan Laurel

4. Which bush in Yorkshire Pudding's garden is a useful indicator of recent rainfall or lack of it? (Clue in header picture)

5. What percentage of garden slugs are normally doing their thing underground?

6. Which national team did England beat last night to go through to the European Nations semi-finals?
(a) Mexico (b) Narnia
(c) Switzerland (d) Liechtenstein

7. Who scored England's equalising goal in normal time?

8. What is Limacus Flavus?
(a) the name of a Roman general (b) a skin disease 
(c) a South American flower (d) a yellow slug

9. What is the average temperature predicted for tomorrow, July 8th,  in this neck of the woods? (N.B. S11 is the Sheffield 11 postal district)

10. Who was the very first Labour prime minister here in Great Britain?
(a) Nobby Stiles (b) Ramsay MacDonald
(c) Ebeneezer Scrooge (d) Jethro Tull


How did you do?


  1. Answers:-
    1. January 2021
    2. Sir Keir Starmer
    3. (c) Boris Johnson
    4. hydrangea
    5. 95%
    6. (c) Switzerland
    7. Bukayo Saka
    8. (d) a yellow slug
    9. 18 degrees centigrade
    10. (b) Ramsay MacDonald

  2. I got 8/10 and I cheated on a couple. For #9, the interweb says that the average high for July is 15C.

    1. Cheating is despicable young lady! Come to my study!

  3. 1. 2022? I'm so bad with dates!
    2. Keir Starmer. Good on y'all.
    3. Boris.
    4. Um, yeah, not a clue.
    5. Can I be correct if I say 'nearly all of them'?
    6. The Swiss Team.
    7. Some guy? I'm awful at this one.
    8. I wanna say that since you talked slugs, it's the new Prime Minister? No, it's a slug!
    9. I know we'll be slightly cooler than this past weekend in my neck of the woods!
    10. since [c][ and [d] I know are wrong, and since [a] sounds like a character in Harry Potter, I'm going with [b]!

    Alll in all, I'd say I bordered on abysmal!

    1. Not bordered on abyssmal - you were in it up to the neck dude!

  4. 4 out of 10. Guess I'd better start reading your blog.

  5. I hope I got them all wrong; other than No 8, as Limace is French for SLUG.

  6. Without going back through the posts I did terribly. BIG fail. 4 out of 10.

    1. Oh dear! Still, you could perhaps get a job picking fruit.

  7. Hmm.. mainly football and politics so I'll pass on this one.

    1. Slugs and hydrangeas are not politics!

  8. I got 6 without looking anything up !

    1. That's because you are a ruddy genius!

  9. As you are aware, I sent in my answers yesterday (the Blogger equivalent of postal voting) and got most of them right, so you changed the questions. You even changed the last one which you said was Jacob Rees-Mogg. I am not playing any more.

    1. You're moaning like a Tory in a betting shop!

  10. 6/10 if Sit Keef Stammer counts.

    1. Show some respect laddie! It is Keir - named after the great Keir Hardie - founder of The Labour Party.

  11. Hmm... is it just me who couldn't find "the first six July 20224 blogposts"? My calendar is firmly set to 2024 this year; I doubt I'll still be around in July 20224.

    Anyway, I didn't know the answer to #7 (hardly surprising), and finding out the answer to #9 would have ment to look up the forecast for Sheffield on the internet which I consider cheating.
    So, 8 out of 10 this time.

    1. Thanks for pointing out my error Meike. No problem with your eyesight lass!

  12. 30%, I didn't look up the answers, on the temperature, I guessed - like the Met office does.

    1. Mmm - 30% may suggest early onset dementia.

  13. I didn't look back (that's cheating!) but got 6 out of 10 so that's pretty good!

  14. 8 out of ten. I thought yellow slug meant Boris Johnson. They are the same thing.

  15. Tip: Easier to just check the answers than to go back to previous posts... ;-) There have been too many elections on the news recently - I'm not sure I have managed to get the name of your new PM to stick in my memory yet. (Jethro Tull would be easier to remember!)

    1. Of course that would be easier Monica but not in the true spirit of quizzing. The new leader is KEIR STARMER! KEIR STARMER!

  16. This morning I managed to recall 'Sir Keir'. If he stays long enough on the post, I'll probably also manage the surname, eventually...


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