31 July 2024


One of the downsides to becoming a famous political leader  is that you get to be mocked. The internet is awash with  fun images of  politicians. I say "fun" but many of those images are quite bitter. Some American visitors to this blog refuse to refer to the current Republican candidate for the US presidency by his proper name and I am happy to go along with that. Below there are ten images and all you have to do is guess which creature is representing  the orange fellow. As usual, answers will be given in the Comments section. Good luck!


1. He says "Quack!" and a lot of the time this feathered creature paddles around in the water
 2. Slimy - it munches through greenery - preferring tender, new plants

3. This creature can be a bit of a nuisance in North America often feeding from garbage cans and suchlike. The city with the largest population of these animals is believed to be Toronto.

4. This cute little creature is a well-known farm animal.

5. This is a hard one. Obviously it's a bird but which one? To make it easier there are four possibilities
(a) a hummingbird (b) a seagull that fell into a vat of tikka massala sauce 
(c) an Australian budgerigar (d) an owl

6.  A large African ape that grows big and strong on a mostly vegan diet

7. This bird is very symbolic for the people of the USA. Of course it is an eagle but what kind of eagle? (see options below)
(a) lesser spotted eagle  (b) golden eagle
(c) bald eagle (d) sharp beaked eagle

8. This slithery creature is a type of reptile but which one?

9. We normally associate this animal with The Democrats of America. What is it?

10. Below - a very common domestic animal that says Woof! and poops on the pavement (American: sidewalk).
(a) hamster  (b) cat
(c) ferret  (d) dog

How did you do?


  1. Answers
    1. duck
    2. slug
    3. raccoon
    4. pig
    5. (b) a seagull that fell into a vat of tikka massala sauce
    6. gorilla
    7. (c) bald eagle
    8. snake
    9. donkey
    10. (d) dog

  2. Ten out of ten this week YP.

    1. Have you been taking performance enhancing drugs Dave?

  3. Ten out of ten for me, too.
    I find the title picture of this post disturbing. Those poor animals have the bars of the gate going right through their heads and bodies!

    1. I should have looked closer at the header picture - generated by A.I..

  4. Ten out of ten, finally, a quiz I can answer!

    1. I am sure your intimate knowledge of #45 helped a lot.

  5. 10 out of 10. Insulting to those animals to be compared to that man.

    1. Even the slug? Yup - I guess you a right Ellen

  6. Duck
    I haven't a clue ... not an owl or hummingbird slug.
    Bald eagle with a bad toupee

    Not one of them actually human..

    1. Nine out of ten makes you a good lad Bob!

  7. I got them all, although I think you malign rattlesnakes and raccoons and slugs when you associate them with Dump.

  8. I've been reading for awhile, first time commenter I believe. This post is spot on! I live in Missouri USA, smack in the garden slug MAGAt territory. I'm lucky to be just outside one of the cities though, not all red here. And as I tell folks often, we're not all bigots and rednecks in Missouri. I appropriated your "massive garden slug" appellation soon as you used it. Hope you won't mind. I enjoy reading about your adventures in the Pudding family. Hope this works..... my comments on other blogs don't always "go thru".

  9. 9/10 A seagull in a tikka masala sauce? Really. I said owl but that didn't seem right.

  10. 10 out of 10 ! Best score yet and I am not from US, but I can recognise animals!

  11. 10 out of 10 for me too, I knew #5 was a seagull by the beak.

  12. Oh no! Not another quiz. And again I have missed the deadline because you have already posted the answers. No bother. I have used preternatural powers to predict the questions in next week's quiz, and here in very good time are my answers.
    1. Octoplasm.
    2. In his ark-hive.
    3. An ex-tractor fan.
    4. If you've got the time, I've got the inclination.
    5. To neutralise the enemy's base.
    6. A bad marksman shoots but can't hit.
    7. Because he needed plenty of ballroom.
    8. A bumpy road knackers your tyres.
    9. Because Christmas comes just once a year.
    10. Jacob Re-Smog.

  13. wow. 10 out of 10. What's the prize? Or dare I ask?

  14. 9/10 - I couldn't remember racoon, so substituted ferret! As a dog lover, in fact as a lover of almost all animals, I feel you do all on your list a great disservice. Not keen on snakes, so will allow you that one!

  15. What a playful way to engage with current political satire! It’s always interesting to see how people use humor to comment on public figures. I’m sure your readers will have fun guessing which creature represents the orange fellow.

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Mr Pudding welcomes all genuine comments - even those with which he disagrees. However, puerile or abusive comments from anonymous contributors will continue to be given the short shrift they deserve. Any spam comments that get through Google/Blogger defences will also be quickly deleted.

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