19 September 2024


It's "Quiztime" once again with more questions to tease you. This week, your genial host will be giving you a helping hand by providing multiple-choice answers for each question. As usual, the correct answers will be given in  the "Comments" section. Please don't despair if you score zero. After all, there are more important things in life than quizzing - though for the life of me I can't think what they are.

1. Who was this figure from European history?
(a) Benito Mussolini (b) Bernard Montgomery 
(c) Francisco Franco (d) Heinrich Himmler

2. Who was this American film star (1916-1973)?
(a) Marilyn Monroe (b) Betty Grable (c) Joan Crawford (c) Lana Turner

3. This man was a member of The Rolling Stones. He died in 1969 but who was he?
(a) Mick Taylor (b) Ian Stewart (c)  Andrew Oldham  (d) Brian Jones

4. Which French artist painted this picture in 1891?
(a) Paul Gauguin (b) Pierre-Auguste Renoir (c) Paul Cézanne (d) Edgar Degas

5. Which South American country does this flag belong to?
(a) Chile (b) Venezuela (c) Surinam (d) Bolivia 

6. Who is this cartoon character?
(a) Sylvester (b) The Cat in the Hat (c) Top Cat (d) Mr Whiskers

7. Name this African mammal.
(a) bat-eared fox (b) mongoose (c) caracal (d) African wild dog

8. This is the shape of which Asian country?
(a) China (b) Vietnam (c) Brunei (d) Sri Lanka

9. What is Kamala Harris's husband's first name?
(a) Ronald  (b) Donald (c) Douglas (d) Michelangelo

10. In which European country will you find the city of Ludwigsburg?
(a) Switzerland (b) Germany (c) Czech Republic (d) Austria

Okay. That's it. How did you do?


  1. Answers
    1.(c) Francisco Franco
    2.(b) Betty Grable
    3. (d) Brian Jones
    4. (a) Paul Gauguin
    6. (c) Top Cat
    7. (a) bat-eared fox
    8. (d) Sri Lanka
    9.(c) Douglas
    10. (b) Germany

  2. I scored a 90%, only missing the final question. I relied on the tried and true "go with your first thought" approach. I can easily overthink things if I don't.

    1. That is a fine score Kelly. You must be very clever.

  3. Only six correct this time, I'm slipping.

    1. Tut-tut Deb! Too much time looking out of the window I think.

  4. Only 40%! Ouch! I got Brian Jones, Paul Gauguin, Doug, and of course Germany!

    1. Do they have schools in America?

    2. Ouch! Damn Neil, you didn't have to go there! Haha! Just kidding. :)

      The schools I went to were mostly crap, if I'm being honest. I wish I had gotten a better education but the small town I come from was (is) very poor and the schools were not that great. They're even worse now, from what I understand. I can't believe a few of my classmates chose to stay there and send their children through such an underfunded school district. I feel cheated and would never have allowed a child of mine to attend such substandard schools.

    3. A great excuse for only getting four out of ten!

  5. Four, I suck at these.
    You had mentioned that you were not feeling well and hadn't been walking much. Are you feeling better now?

    1. Some people have it worse but I am now pretty sure that I am suffering from plantar fasciitis.

    2. Have you been to see a doctor? Or a physiotherapist? Orthotics really help, and lots of stretching.

  6. 1. I picked Benito; I picked wrong!
    2. I picked Lana; I again picked wrong.
    3. I picked Brian Jones; I was correct!
    4. I picked Gauguin; I was correct AGAIN!
    5. I picked 'I don't have a clue.'; Incorrect AGAIN!
    6. I picked Top Cat; i know my cats, so I was correct!
    7. I picked Bat Eared Fox because I saw bat before I saw the choices; I was luckily correct.
    8. I need a map because I had no idea; incorrect once more!
    9. Doug, Douglas; I knew this once so correct!
    10. Germany; lucky CORRECT guess.

    Not too bad ......

    1. Six out of ten. Your father will be turning in his grave.

  7. This wasn't so easy; I knew only a few for sure but gave it my best guess with others, mistaking Betty Grable for Lana Turner, not having a clue about the former Rolling Stones member (they were never "my" guys), having seen the cartoon character before but never having actually seen any cartoon with him in it, and so on.
    No. 10 was especially hard for me!!

    1. I thought you would struggle with No. 10!

  8. Replies
    1. "Must try harder... David is too easily distracted."

  9. Nine this week. Had no clue about the first person. When did Bolivia add the emblem to the yellow stripe? It doesn't show on the flags pages of my atlas.

    1. Was your atlas published before World War II?

  10. Success for me on all but Bolivia. I am rubbish with flags.

    1. Well done JayCee! What a clever lass you are!

  11. 7....not bad for a lot of guesses!

    1. I am sure you used your powers of deduction Frances.

  12. I only missed Bolivia's flag.
    Betty Grable was who it wasn't rather than who it was.
    I don't know why I knew Douglas.
    The body of the animal looked like a fox.

    1. The people of Bolivia may rise up against you Andrew!

  13. I would prefer to open the box, Michael. I've got the key to Box 13. I did not say no.

    1. I would prefer you to get in the box Tasker!

  14. Did you put me in the naughty corner for getting one wrong?

    1. Not in the naughty corner but on the pedestal of champions!

  15. I only got six correct, though I was close to picking the correct one on the 4 that I missed! At least I got the geography/history ones correct!

    1. Hell! You were a teacher Michael! What qualifications do you need these days?

  16. 80% correct this week, passing for a change.

  17. 7/10 this week - could do better!

  18. 7 out of 10. Missed 2, 5 and 7.


Mr Pudding welcomes all genuine comments - even those with which he disagrees. However, puerile or abusive comments from anonymous contributors will continue to be given the short shrift they deserve. Any spam comments that get through Google/Blogger defences will also be quickly deleted.

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