16 September 2024


We have the absurd prospect of a crazy man getting back into The White House. This is a person for whom truth is utterly flexible. Not only did he lie about Haitians in Springfield, Ohio but when his lies were immediately exposed he just doubled down on them. His hardcore MAGA supporters follow his example - not giving a damn about truth - as if it were just an irritating inconvenience.

I often read letters from readers to the editor of "The Los Angeles Times". Last week the newspaper published this letter from an aggrieved immigrant who took an ironic but effective swing at The Republican Party's presidential candidate.

To the editor: 

Former President Trump, you are right. Vice President Kamala Harris allowed us immigrants to come to this country illegally with millions of others so that we would vote for her.

When my insane asylum was emptied back home and my violent husband was let out of prison, we were happy to start again in a new country. Harris supported us having transgender surgery while we were staying at the luxury asylum center, generously paid for by U.S. taxpayers.

In gratitude, we want to give back to this country in any way we can. My husband is out now selling drugs to schoolkids and, by the way, has cut back on rapes and murders. I am grateful too and when I sell my cookbook, “Yummy Dog and Cat Recipes,” I will send the proceeds to abortion clinics so they can continue to execute newborn babies.

You will see — we are hard workers.

Andrea Ehrgott, Topanga


Once upon a time, truth mattered to politicians operating within democratic boundaries in the name of democracy. But that rambling old man murders truth in the full knowledge that his brainwashed flock will continue to follow him. Sometimes it seems that all we can do it is to shake our heads in disbelief - or as Bob would say to his fellow Americans - VOTE BLUE!


  1. I had a physical therapist in my home today who insisted she had seen a video of a Haitian eating a cat in Springfield. I argued with her but saw her mind, such as it is, was made up. So I researched it. Turns out a woman did kill and eat a cat. But it was in Canton, Ohio . . not Springfield . . . and she was born there, wasn't an immigrant. And she wasn't Haitian. And she was arrested, adding new charges to a rather lengthy rap sheet going back over years. VOTE BLUE, INDEED!

    1. I guess you have to be careful who you talk to nowadays. Politically it never used to be like that in the good old USA.

  2. It's a sad state of affairs but it has become common for the former president and his running mate to spread lies and hate instead of truth in order to get attention. I can't wait for the election to be over. Vote Blue!

    1. Now they are even trying to cast the blame for the recent failed assassination on Mr Biden and Ms Harris even though the guy voted for Trump in 2016!

  3. The cult of Chump are gone, just gone. Nothing will get through to them, any critical thinking skills they may have ever had are non-existent. VOTE BLUE! Chump for prison!

    1. Chump's audacity is quite breathtaking. So many blatant lies.

  4. I was as blue as possible before this and now I'm 100%.

    1. You are even wearing a blue jacket in your profile picture!

  5. He has no conscience, no grasp of truth, all he has is lies and ego cultists along with a need for social media clicks to make him feel popular.

    1. It's all just a game to him and if he should be victorious again then one thing is for sure - he will NOT work hard for America. He will play golf.

  6. It is most difficult to understand how people have so little concern about the truth. Trump is a bully and uses any method to gain what he wants.

  7. It would all be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

    1. You're right, Meike. It would be laughable, and unthinkable not that long ago. Now it's like we're caught in a nightmare and a (far too big) minority of people STILL support the lunatic. I spend most of every day frightened about the prospect of him getting back in the White House.

    2. Four more years of that slimeball! It's not just America that needs Kamala Harris.

  8. That letter made me laugh, It's clearly taking the mickey. I'm with Bob, vote Blue! Of course I am in another country and can't vote, but I shall wear blue on the day.

    1. British, Aussie, Canadian or German - we all need Ms Harris in The White House. How dare that ignorant moron call her a Commie?

  9. I know someone who thinks Trump was the best president the world has ever seen. And this is why the guy is dangerous

    1. Does that person have learning difficulties?

  10. Trump has created his own bubble, where everyone does his bidding, they don't question him, they just go along for the ride for whatever reasons they may have, greed being a prime one. It seams power is more important than people and sadly it's arrived in UK politics as well.

    1. To me, Johnson was like "Son of Chump". Similarly lazy and self-obsessed.

  11. I can only say my mind boggles as to why anyone would vote for the criminal. I wish someone would compose a simple list of his wrongs, including bankruptcies, foot spurs and all the rest.

    1. It would take all day, Andrew. And his supporters simply DON'T CARE.

    2. It does seem that way. The Orange Turnip can say that black is white and white is black and they will go along with him.

  12. The mind boggles as to how anyone can even understand the voting system in the USA. It seems the main aim is to shoot as much muck as you can about your opponent and hope it sticks. Mind you, the same is happening over here, it's all about the last government left, conveniently forgetting the mess they left for that government to sort out. Politics, you can keep it.

    1. I thought the way that Sunak relinquished power and the way that Keir Starmer took over showed dignity and mutual respect.

  13. I find it hard to believe that any politician anywhere lies. I trust them all implicitly.

  14. I wish I had an explanation as to how my country has gotten here but I do not.

    1. Maybe there needs to a greater distance of time to properly dissect this madness.

  15. Two agenda items for November. Watch donOld lose the election, and then watch a judge sentence him on 34 felony counts.

    1. I sincerely hope your prophecy comes true Sir Godfrey.

  16. If you really believe that truth matters in politics, look much closer to home, and the lies and deceits put forward by Sir Kneeler's gang of merry men and women, including the ridiculous claim that failing to remove the Winter Fuel Payment from pensioners would cause a run on the pound.

    1. Who said that? I keep a close eye on the news but I didn't hear or read that one.

    2. Lucy Powell, Leader of the Commons - "Labour cut winter fuel payments to stop run on pound, claims minister" https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/09/01/labour-cut-winter-fuel-payments-to-stop-bank-run/

    3. "And why we had to do that was because if we didn't, we would have seen the markets losing confidence, potentially a run on the pound, the economy crashing, and the people who pay the heaviest price for that are not you and me, Trevor, the people who pay the heaviest price when the economy crashes are the poorest in society."
      The key word here is "potentially". Labour needed to show fiscal bravery from the outset in order to prove to the markets that they mean business.

      Last autumn I received a winter fuel payment of £500. To me it was like an early Christmas gift that I did not need. This would have been just the same for a few million other pensioners.

  17. I listened to this the other day and it hit home. Thought you might be interested in it.


    It's about despots and tyranny, kind of like today. The truth seems quite irrelevant to american politicians these days, but I wonder if that is new.

  18. I truly believe you have more knowledge of what is going on in this country than much of the people who live here. Thanks for sharing that letter to the editor. It speaks volumes for how stupid the MAGAs are. And as Jennifer commented, a big minority support him. And our nutty election system may have him "win." I worry about it a lot.

  19. The scary thing is, a lot of people will read that letter and the satire will be completely lost on them.

  20. It was from a Labour spokeswoman rolled out on a Sky broadcast several weeks ago, a Sunday morning show I think


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