18 July 2023


Some time yesterday evening, this blog's recorded hits surpassed the three million figure. Thanks to everyone who has called by here apart from Russian bots, trolls and spammers. Special thanks to regular visitors who have stuck with me for years. You know who you are. Your loyalty is most endearing and I am grateful for it. It puts fuel in my tank that's for sure.

To celebrate this moment in history, I am sharing two AI images I have recently made with Microsoft Image Creator. At the top that's "man with a Yorkshire Pudding head" and below  - that's simply "iceberg on fire"...
And while we are thinking about strange images, here's another one. It was passed to me by Ed in Iowa - the author of "Riverbend Journal". One of Ed's relations posted the picture on Facebook. However, Ed was rather bashful about sharing the bell pepper picture image on his blog.   In contrast, posting it has proved no problem to me. It reminds me of something but for the life of me  I can't remember what.


  1. It looks like a very tiny penis with very large balls. I'm typing this with a big smile on my face. Thanks for making me laugh.

  2. Oh, you are silly, Neil!

  3. That is a pretty seedy picture!

    1. That thought crossed my mind too. I nearly wrote it.

  4. I'd be very averse to cutting any more of that pepper.
    That said the Yorkshire Pudding Head scares me and I feel nightmares coming on.

    1. Pepper man appears to be growing an extra ball.

  5. Strangely, all the pictures look like trump to me,

    1. I dispute any relationship between Yorkshire puddings and Trump.

  6. kinda looks like a mosquito's big eyes and proboscis

  7. Strange images, all of them. My blogging friend Monica from Sweden (not sure whether you know each other) has been having fun with MS image creator, too. Some VERY odd results have come up for her, but some good ones, too.

    1. This is just the start of AI. The possibilities re. imagery seem boundless.

  8. The bell pepper (which we Aussies call a capsicum) is a lovely golden colour. I like the image of the burning iceberg.

  9. Esther Rantzen strikes again.

    1. Oh yes - the funny fruit and of course... Jake Thackray.

  10. Congrats on 3-million. Fun images.

  11. There are creatures more terrible than any we can imagine.
    Financial Times journalist Paul McClean was snatched by a crocodile
    in Sri Lanka while washing by a lake.

    *How did crocodiles survive the disaster that wiped out dinosaurs ?*

    Dinosaurs ruled Earth for 150-175 million years.
    YouTube videos feature the Purussauras (extinct caiman),
    Sarcosuchus (gigantic croc) and Thylacoleo (Australia's giant lion).
    Children sponsor and adopt Komodo Dragons in London and
    Bristol Zoo though I can't think why.

  12. I thought it was you in that first photo, but wasn't sure. Good likeness.

  13. Congratulations on the 3 million mark. Your topics are varied and you're energy comes through on your writing. You're not afraid to express an opinion. Here's to another 3 million.

  14. Congratulations on the three million. Interesting AI.

  15. Congrats on the 3 million hits. Your blog readers could fill Hull and Sheffield multiple times over!


Mr Pudding welcomes all genuine comments - even those with which he disagrees. However, puerile or abusive comments from anonymous contributors will continue to be given the short shrift they deserve. Any spam comments that get through Google/Blogger defences will also be quickly deleted.

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