30 July 2023


Mick and I won the pub quiz up at "The Hammer and Pincers" tonight. Just the two of us. It's nice when things come together and hunches work out. In "guess the year" I knew that Cruise missiles first came to Greenham Common in England before our Ian was born. I drove down to Winchester to attend the wedding of my friend Jock and his lady - Sally. I stopped at Greenham Common to tie one of my father's old handkerchiefs to the wire fencing. I had drawn  on it in permanent marker the "Ban the Bomb" peace symbol: ☮. The year was 1983.

Riding home on the Number 88 bus I heard the voice of Stevie Nicks playing in my head - a voice that was and remains very evocative. It speaks of vulnerability and tenderness and simply being human. I suspect we all hear old songs in our heads in idle moments. They rise to the surface like fish and we listen to them all over again. Sometimes they just play in the background - rather like radio music in a taxi cab.

Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night
And wouldn't you love to love her?
Takes to the sky like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover?
All your life you've never seen
Woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Will you ever win?


  1. Congrats on the win!

    Stevie does have one of those instantly recognizable, take you back to that place you first hear her, kind of voice.

    1. It's much more than singing in tune. You have to "feel" every word.

  2. She has such a beautiful, distinctive voice.

    1. A great songwriter too. She is now 75 years old.

  3. Great voice. P always had a crush on her.

    1. Why pine for a cheese sandwich when you have fillet steak at home?

  4. To win the pub quiz with such a small team is no mean feat! Well done, the two of you.

    1. There were two big teams - regulars too but we had a good night.

  5. Greenham Common? Wasn't that where all the women with unshaven armpits gathered before Maggie 'strongly discouraged them'? Nevertheless it is good to know your thinking, no matter how ineffectual, was correct in your youthful days back in 1983.

    1. The sexist right wing media made those brave and determined women look like crazy hippies. But their cause was right.

    2. Total cost of Britain's nuclear weapons stretching over 50 years
      is difficult to assess (hidden costs too) but would amount to
      hundreds of billions of pounds.
      Look at us today. We can't even repair our roads & pavements.

      On Sunday morning I walked into Glasgow city centre.
      Hope Street at the Central Station was filthy, alcoholics everywhere.
      I came along by Waterloo Street, named after Wellington's defeat
      of Napoleon (with a lot of help from the Germans).

      Once proud Sauchiehall Street is a wasteland, electric bicycles
      speeding on the pavements at 40 MPH.
      A nightmare for pedestrians.
      Who would want to invade our sad broken country ?

  6. I love Stevie Nicks. Landslide is my favourite track of hers or Fleetwood Mac.

    1. "Landslide" is indeed a masterpiece.

  7. Between my father's first retirement, and second retirement, he worked as a quality inspector in a cruise missile factory.

    1. "Yup Dave! This one'll kill a village filled with people just fine. Put a 'pass' sticker on the sucker!"

  8. Fleetwood Mac was one of those bands I was "supposed" to like. Never did. I have no idea why.
    Congratulations on winning the pub quiz!

    1. I remember the very first Fleetwood Mac tide with Peter Green. They evolved into a very different band.

  9. Congrats on the win! My son goes to "Trivia night" at a local bar every other Tuesday. He joins my brother and his wife and daughter and a friend to make a team. Last week they won when my son knew the final answer (and he was the only one in the bar who did). The question was, "who was Marvel comics first super hero?" Do you know, Neil? (no fair using Google!) : )

    1. Nope! I do not know the answer Ellen. It's one of several knowledge zones in which I can appear quite stupid.

    2. ALTERNATIVE RESPONSE (Using Google)... Wait a minute Ellen, is it Human Torch?

    3. Yes, it's the Human Torch, Neil!

  10. Yes, Stevie Nicks is a good one.

    1. I can imagine you skating to the sound of Stevie Nicks.

  11. I do remember that song playing OVER AND OVER AND OVER on the radio back in the day. I didn't mind it but I wasn't a huge Fleetwood Mac fan. I like "Landslide" and I did own the album "Tusk," but only about half the tracks are listenable.

    Congrats on the pub quiz victory! I went to peace marches around that time too.

    1. The Greenham Common women were right. Also, I agree that "Landslide" was a great track.


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