5 August 2023


Today my oldest brother Paul would have been 76 years old. He was born on August 5th 1947. There he is with our baby brother Simon in 1957. Simon was buried on August 5th 2022 - exactly one year ago.

Here's Paul in 2009, the year before he died. He had become a gifted fiddler and played in many Irish venues. He played with his heart as well as his fingers. If you had met him along an Irish lane in County Clare, you might have thought that he was Irish but he was as Yorkshire as me.
And below, that's Simon - dead at 66. He's in the village churchyard now waiting for his gravestone to be erected and probably berating me for the time it is taking. I find this selfie a little disturbing for I knew who he was and who he might have been. He was interred close to two plaques upon the church wall that he placed there in memory of our late parents whose mortal remains were cremated in 1979 and 2007 respectively. At least Simon did that
And finally, this was our father Philip who was born on August 5th 1914 - on the very day that the outbreak of World War One was announced in the British press. Dad is pictured during World War Two in New Delhi, India in his RAF uniform. The year was probably 1942. He would have been twenty eight that year.
And here he is drinking from a coconut. I seem to recall him telling me that this picture was taken either in Egypt or Palestine on his way home from India after the war but I might be wrong. Unfortunately, I cannot check with him as he died in 1979 and though we might remember them, the dead don't really speak. He would have been 109 years old today
August 5th. You can tell that on the calendar it is a special day for me just as it is for Cro Magnon in France whose own father was also born on this day. It was his blogpost that inspired mine.


  1. August 5 is indeed a significant date for you. There are many birthdays and anniversaries in my family during August but they don't fall on one day. Simon reminds me of Richard Burton in that photo.

    1. Richard Burton? Hell, I would have never imagined that Margaret!

  2. Your dad looks like he was a lovely man.
    My father in law was also in Egypt and Palestine after the war before he was demobbed. I wonder if they ever met?

    1. I think Dad was only passing through - not stationed there.

  3. My heart aches for what you have lost, Neil - two brothers gone, who were such lovable boys and whose lives went very different ways and yet both ended prematurely.
    Your Dad was a dashing young man with much kindness in his eyes and smile.

  4. Lots of memories for you triggered by August 5th, Neil. I hope many of them were happy memories...

  5. It's fascinating to have family photographs like these. I can't understand why they are so often thrown away, or turn up in markets for Steve Reed to buy.

    1. Thank heavens Steve is always there to sweep up.

  6. You have much to remember and be reminded of on Aug 5. Good summary .

  7. None of you seem to look like your father, perhaps because he was young in these photos.

    1. He has the same eyes of those of my other brother - Robin - who resides in France.

  8. Sad and happy memories. Your father looks a good man with a cheerful disposition and your brothers enjoyed their lives so be happy for them.

    1. Paul certainly enjoyed his life and was fulfilled. Not so for Simon.

  9. A lot of stars must be aligning for your family every August 5th. Perhaps you should buy a lottery ticket on that day next year.

    1. I have been buying the same lottery ticket for over thirty years. What a waste of money Elsie!

  10. P.S. I remember when I worked in the shoe factory, there were about a dozen of us all working the men's shoes line and ten of us had August birthdays but none on the 5th.

    1. I guess this your birthday month then?

    2. yes, I will be 71 in 10 days time.

  11. What a significant day for you! The photo of Paul is wonderful, I can see he's playing from the heart. I'm sure you wonder what it would have been like to have him around in these last couple of years.
    As it happens, my dad also has an August 5th birthday. He was 83 this year and he is visibly declining

    1. Wow! What a coincidence Kylie. Is he also in Sydney?

    2. Yes he is. He grew up in Dubbo, which he is keen to inform everyone about

  12. Your beloved Papa had a thirst on him (in Scotia we say a drouth) the day
    he drank from that coconut in the Middle East. What sights he saw !
    One generation cometh and another goeth but the Earth abideth forever.

  13. A very significant date for your history.

  14. I especially love that last photo of your dad, he looks like he sparkles. Some people are like that, their souls sparkle out of their eyes.
    My dad would have been 103 this year, if he had lived. Two very different fathers.

    1. We don't get to choose and nor do our children Pixie.

  15. Do you have any recordings of Paul's fiddle playing YP? I would love to listen to his music.

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-Vi_ttYRkI

  16. Your father appears to have been a dashing young man.

  17. Indeed the dead don't talk. How I wish I knew what I know now back then when I could have asked questions. I've tried to remedy that a bit by doing military genealogy research on some of my family war heroes. It provides some relief but not the quality of a conversation had I had one while they were alive.

  18. It's interesting how some dates carry special significance for a variety of reasons. You'd think with as many days as there are in a year, multiple events wouldn't all happen on the same date -- and yet they do.


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