1 August 2023


August 1st is Yorkshire Day! On behalf of Yorkshire folk everywhere I would like to wish you and yours a very Happy Yorkshire Day! 

I am very proud of my Yorkshire heritage. My parents were born here and so were all four of my grandparents and all eight of my great grandparents. And on my father's side the Yorkshire chain goes much further back in time.

On August 1st 2018, I posted a poem I had composed especially for Yorkshire Day. It would do me a great honour if you would take a moment or two to read it.   You can find it here.

Today in the town of Rotherham, mayors and mayoresses from every town and city in our illustrious county gathered to celebrate  this special day. Unfortunately, I could not be there as I was standing at the Derbyshire border, holding a large Yorkshire pudding up to the sky - similar to The Statue of Liberty in New York Harbour...


  1. I trust you had your turd cart.

  2. Eww... you should have warned us you would be posing in your underpants.
    Happy Yorkshire Day to you.

  3. Happy Yorkshire Day, Mr. P! How lucky you are to have been born in the best place on earth.

  4. I have read your very fine poem. And I have gazed at the photo above. All I can say, my dear friend, is: stick to poetry. Happy Yorkshire Day to you anyway.

  5. Never heard of a region celebrating a day. But I just googled and found it is a thing. I'll have to come up with something next February 8th.

  6. Happy Yorkshire Day for you and for all the people of the región. Every town, city and country have his good traditions. Yorkshire is an Old Place with a long and respecte history. Have a nice summer too.

  7. The resemblance between the Yorkshire statue and Lady Liberty is uncanny!

    And I might like "foaming pints of Yorkshire ale."

  8. Happy Yorkshire Day to you!
    The outfit is quite, um, remarkable ;)

  9. Well, that's not something I ever expected to see and now cannot unsee it:)

    Happy Yorkshire day!

  10. Make Yorkshire Great Again. Don will advise.

  11. Well I hope you had a great day for Yorkshire people.

  12. In Australia, at least in racing circles, 1 August is the horses' birthday.

  13. The poem is very good! Is that really you holding up a yorkshire pudding which looks suspiciously like a wooden salad bowl?

  14. Nice poem.....it rhymes! Couldn't you have found an image with a better body?

  15. Happy Yorkshire Day to you all YP.
    Er... is that the Yorkshire National Costume?

  16. A Happy Yorkshire Day. The county is indeed a beautiful place, it could almost be turned into a self governing country. Poem is charming but not so the posed figure!

  17. Belated Happy Yorkshire Day! Actually, I did wish everyone of my readers that in yesterday‘s post, but was not able to offer a special Yorkshire outfit or pose.

  18. I did not know (or possibly had forgotten) that 1st August was Yorkshire Day. That part of England has a special place in my heart too, though, ever since a stay there in my teens (a month with a family in Wadworth near Doncaster when I was 16 going on 17)

  19. Happy Yorkshire Day, Neil! Sorry I am one day late!


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