2 August 2023


©Winnipeg Free Press

As an unashamed Americophile, I like to keep a close eye on what is happening on the other side of The Atlantic.

In recent years, the political scene has certainly been lively. You have probably heard that a special prosecutor has prepared legal charges against the 45th president over his role in the insurrection of January 6th 2021. Trump has some very serious and thoroughly legitimate questions to answer in a court of law.

The most recent charges are supplementary to other legal cases in which Trump is involved. To tell you the truth, I am surprised that there are not more charges against him concerning his business dealings and the cunning games he has played with  taxation officials over decades- simply to avoid paying his dues.

In all of this, I am flabbergasted that Trump remains by far the most popular presidential candidate that the Republicans are able to offer up. I have seen several American voters in vox pop TV interviews expressing their continuing  support for Trump, effectively forgiving him his many sins and implying that the legal pressures upon him are all just part of a massive witch-hunt by the Democrats in league with the American justice system.

What is wrong with them?

Trump once said that he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters.  And do you know - I think he may be right!  The  nincompoops who support Trump would probably still support him if there was hard evidence of him selling nuclear weapon secrets to North Korea or robbing Fort Knox or sexually abusing children in Trump Tower. In his supporters' eyes, it seems that even the worst kind of mud will not stick to Trump.  He is like the leader of a crazy cult.

"It’s difficult not to despair that so many Americans have so completely bought into Trump’s lies and denigration of the institutions that sustain democracy and the rule of law — the Department of Justice and FBI, the free press, the courts and juries — that they would reject the damning evidence piled up against him. That they would vote again for a man who is manifestly unfit to lead a company, let alone the world’s greatest and most powerful country."  - Jackie Calmes, "Los Angeles Times"

I wish the army of followers would step aside for a while and ask themselves some simple questions, including:-
  1. In essence, is Trump a good and decent man?
  2. What did he actually achieve during his tenure as president?
  3. How is his mental health?
The USA was and is a great country - a land of opportunity and a beacon of democracy. It is terrible to see its present divisions and the way that the ongoing Trump Problem is dragging the great nation down. Rather than "Making America Great Again", Trump and his people seem to be ensuring its moral demise and its descent into bitter wrangling, shame and unhappiness as they unashamedly twist the truth.

What do you think?


  1. They believe he's good; they believe he's been unfairly treated' they actually believe he was sent by God.
    It's hard to fight that.

    1. Please keep on pushing back through your blog Bob. It's something.

  2. The issue here is no-one will look up and say Donald did you hear what you just said, without questions, he just gets bolder and more ridiculous.

    1. One day, I expect he will freeze - just like Mitch McConnell.

  3. The questions, answered:

    THey believe him to be a good and decent man, and that everything negative said about him is the machinations of a lying press.

    They will tell you over and over that they were better off with Trump. They cannot cite examples of improvement, but they feel things were better. The nonsense they spout is usually bullshit dribble about illegals taking their jobs, stealing our benefits.

    They will judge his mental health as perfect...because they are nutcases themselves. What else do you call people who will refute every fact to cling to an indefensible illusion?

    1. America! America!
      God shed His grace on thee
      And crown thy good with brotherhood
      From sea to shining sea!

  4. I think you probably know how I feel. And here's the thing- his followers don't give a s**t about those three questions.

    1. Mary's right...they DON'T give a sh*t about those questions. Not at all.

    2. Sometimes I say to English people, "Not all Americans support Trump you know! I often communicate with decent, thinking Americans who despise Trump and all that he stands for!"
      Of course I am referring to you people - Mary and Jennifer, Bob and Steve, Debby And Oddball Bruce. Keep shining that light!

  5. I'm astonished at the amount of sheer criminality his supporters seem prepared to forgive. Indeed, they are convinced he is being unjustly prosecuted and persecuted by his political opponents. Many of these people consider themselves evangelical Christians, and yet they're willing to overlook his hush-money payments to a porn star!

    A lot of this support comes from people who see themselves as powerless -- less educated, working-class people in rural America -- and who want to stick it to the man. They like Donald Trump because they know college-educated professionals in liberal cities, who they believe have been looking down on them for decades, DON'T like him. They think these "elites" have engineered the world to work against them and Trump is their revenge. What they don't realize is that the modern world works against MOST of us, even those of us who are educated. Only the kleptocrats of the one percent are getting ahead these days.

    1. You make a good point Steve. The dynamics and the social psychology involved here are difficult to tease out. Churchgoers who live blameless lives and yet willingly support a bullying egomaniac who grabs women's pussies and dodged the draft when called to Vietnam.

  6. Due to my wife's family, I pay attention to Filipino politics and was horrified when their last political election was between a tyrant/murder's daughter and a former brutal dictator's son. I was glad to live in America. Now I don't think our election choice this time around will be any better.

    I know you probably don't see this but as someone who lives in solid Trump support territory (unfortunate for me), his most loyal supporters are a segment of our population who have been left out of every election in recent memory. Trump appealed to their support and they rallied. They are mostly non-college educated blue collar workers who were tired of being asked to pay for everyone else (through taxes) to get a free ride while they have to work so hard to survive. They don't understand the progressive tax system and realize that they really don't pay much if any taxes because they get it all back as a refund in April, but they feel like that is the case. Their desire is that everyone works for a living and does their fair share. They hate democrats who want to give everybody everything by "raising" their taxes and hated the traditional republicans who cater to big businesses. Trump tapped into that and it has turned our election system up on end.

    I personally feel like I'm watching two trains approaching each other head on a single track. I am feeling some anticipation and dread knowing that what is about to happen will probably be unexpected and something I will never forget.

    1. Thanks for this insider view Ed. Plenty of food for thought there and even from this distance I can see what you mean about two trains.

  7. I haven't lost faith in my country yet, but the whole Trump phenomenon totally baffles (and disheartens) me. As a "middle of the road" person, I'm not enthusiastic about the other side, either. I wish there could be a viable third party. We need better options.

    1. Isn't it amazing that in a country with so much talent the best that the two main parties can offer you is two faltering old men!

  8. You know, brother, it IS a cult. His followers which are growing in numbers by the day, cannot be bothered with anyone or anything else. I used to think that it would be him against Biden in the coming election and that Biden would win again. I'm not so sure anymore. I fear the worst is yet to come for our Constitution and our country and it will be shortly after the presidential election.

    1. I was hoping that there would be four years of relative stability under Biden before he passed the baton to someone younger with a clearer vision for the future. Maybe Kamala Harris - though I fear there would be a core of bigoted voters for whom a highly educated woman of mixed race just would not cut it.

  9. You can't talk reason with people who've been brainwashed by a cult. And a disturbingly large portion of our population fall into that category. I'll never forget (or forgive) the people who've supported and enabled this criminal. It's a disgrace to our country.

    1. At least you are not blind Jennifer!

  10. It is telling that you have had no comments in support of him. If you want to see the British version, try turning your tv to channel 8, Talk TV. which I came upon by chance recently.

    1. It must be virtually impossible for a Trump supporter to sensibly articulate their allegiance.

  11. I don't understand it either, Neil. He has always been an awful man and I was shocked and saddened when he was elected. I hope it never happens again!

    1. I hope there are enough voters "in the middle ground" who will be appalled by Trump's conduct.

  12. The title of your post says it all for me. I am just flabbergasted at the amazing ignorance of so much of the American public. Where I live I see Trump bumper stickers and "Let's go Brandon" bumper stickers on vehicles from old trucks to high end cars. Still, the numbers say Trump's appeal is only to something less than 40% of all Americans so there is hope. And in two runs for the presidency, he has failed to get a majority of the votes cast. But in one of those elections he was successful. One has to wonder about the wisdom of the concept of the Electoral College.

    1. I wonder how "the electoral college" ever came about. It also favoured Dubya when he did not win the majority of votes.

  13. The point of motherhood statements is that they are impossible to argue against, just like this post.

    1. I have never heard the term "motherhood statements" before.

  14. Well said. They have lost respect around the world.

    1. Trump is an appalling example of what it means to be an American.

  15. I am an american- 74 years old- i've seen alot in this country but i will never, ever, ever understand how anyone can vote for that man. it is a complete mystery to me as he is pretty much a crook. i hate to judge but it's his own words and actions that i judge him on. but his followers??? a total mystery.

    1. Thanks for contributing Lini and for expressing your honest opinion on this nightmarish issue.

  16. I have no idea why they continue to believe and follow him apart from the republicans hate the democrats and he feeds and validates their hate which makes them feel good I guess. My other idea is they are all somehow brainwashed. I hate the "toddlerman" so fiercely I don't even read the newspaper articles anymore.

    1. If America can have a leader like Trump, could Australia elect a similar cartoon character? Over here in Britain we have had one - but hopefully he is gone now - never to return - Mickey Mouse Johnson.

  17. I too have despaired that, given a country the size of the USA, any of the candidates that they have come up with are absolutely bonkers. Even Biden should have been pensioned off decades ago.

    1. I would have been all for Mr Biden serving one term to heal the wounds that Trump caused, before handing over to a younger Democrat presidential candidate in 2024.

  18. His support comes from two populations, religious populations - this is conservative Catholics that rallied around a cry to try to ban all abortion, and evangelicals who believe anything that their church tells them - both were somehow convinced that the Republicans would implement their vision of the world - and conned that he was somehow converted and healed in a prayer circle. The other support base is lower working class that have been left behind in a changing economy. This group was looking for something to blame their misery and failure on. Some have become christian nationalists. Many are anti immigrants, somehow blaming immigrants for taking away the job that they didn't want to do. Many of them are blatant racists. I think Hilary described them as a basket full of deplorables.

    1. I seem to recall that that was an unwise thing for Mrs Clinton to say as, though it is true, it only deepened the sense of alienation

  19. Deplorable: Trump is taking America for a ride. I watch the show like everyone else."Only in America" is a fact proven. I remind myself every day...This too will pass..

    1. It may pass Susan but how much lasting damage has it caused?


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