23 June 2024


Dave over on The Sheep's Head Peninsula in Ireland  suggested that my steam engine pictures might look better in  sepia. Vintage scenes presented in a suitably vintage medium.  Consequently, the picture at the top was converted from the picture below. Thanks for the idea Dave. 
Also, now that I have fixed the problem with the data cable, I can show you a couple of pictures of our new patio that now waits for planting to happen...

Tomorrow we are heading up to Glasgow with Frances and Baby Margot. This has been planned for some time. Glasgow is where Frances's new company is based and this trip was meant to be her first real chance to get to meet up with key colleagues. She met the boss, Ryan, down in London last Thursday, but...

And you may have trouble believing this but Ryan was killed in a motorcycle accident on Saturday afternoon. He was thirty five years old and leaves a wife and three young sons. The trip to Glasgow now takes on a very different character and the future of the company is suddenly in the balance. He created it and built it from scratch.

We will be staying in an AIRbnb flat that Ryan personally approved for us. We are supposed to be there for three nights but that might not happen now. We will see. I am still shaking my head in disbelief.


  1. That's terrible. I'm so sorry.

  2. A friend of mine's son was killed on a motorbike. He and my oldest were best friends, and were at school together here in France. A lot of it is bravado, but it's also motorists who don't see them.

    Nice patio.

  3. Oh no, the poor family! As you say, disbelief is a natural first reaction.

    Your new patio looks very nice, and I like the nod to drystone walling.

  4. What a shock the motorbike accident, the needle spins and we do not know where it will stop. Just this moment had an email from my daughter, who went to visit her aunt in Switzerland. Her aunt fell yesterday and fractured her hip and the trip home is cancelled because of the Manchester power problem at the airport.
    Take care and a safe journey.

  5. The tractor does look better in sepia and a little larger. If not for the cars in the background, it could nearly be in a much earlier scene.
    The patio looks great. I was concerned. Is that proper dry stone walling?
    What shocking and awful news. Motor bikes are just so dangerous. Good luck with the trip, even if it is a bit of a downer.

  6. The new patio looks very smart and spacious, but I wonder if you have considered any handrails by the steps? Those hard surfaces are very unforgiving if you have nothing to hold onto if you trip up.Think about young Margot as she starts to walk.
    What a terrible tragedy for Ryan's family and employees - it leaves so much uncertainty in all their futures.

  7. Oh my gosh! What a shock! I'm so sorry for Ryan's family, and I hope this doesn't shake things up too much for Frances.

    On a brighter note, your patio looks great -- much neater than ours.

    Also, I want to be sure you saw this comment that River (from Australia) left on my blog a few days ago: "Can I leave a message here for Yorkshire Pudding? I am unable to leave comments on his blogposts, though I still read every day. There is a glitch that says 'an error occured while publishing' (or something like that) and it is happening on many of the blogs I follow so they probably think I just don't go there anymore."

  8. That is shocking news. Utterly awful for all concerned.
    I am very sorry. It does eclipse your lovely new patio photo a little.

  9. That is terrible news. The third you have a connection with is a very short time.
    As regards your new back yard slabs, you should now buy Phoebe a box of coloured chalks and teach her to play Hopscotch. Wax crayon might be better because it does not rub off. I bet she will be better than you at Hopscotch from the start.

  10. I agree that the sepia version of the steam engine looks amazing. Do your new patio steps have room for your zimmer frame to negotiate them? What a sad story about your daughter's boss. We never know what is around the corner and should make the most of every day. Death just doesn't come to the elderly exclusively.

  11. Moments like this show us how fragile our lives are.

  12. I love the sepia-toned photo, but I am loving the new patio; gorgeous!
    Safe travels.

  13. That's horrible! Life can surely take a sudden turn, can't it? What a horrible thing for Ryan's family and for the business too, of course.
    Your new patio is lovely.

  14. Oh my goodness, how shocking and sad to hear about Frances' new boss.
    What a different trip it will be now.

  15. Converting the top image to sepia was an excellten suggestion, it looks great, as does your patio.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter's boss. That's horrific for his poor family. Three weeks ago a young man I used to work with, went to bed and never woke up. He was only in his early forties and left behind a wife and two children. No idea why he died.
    I hope the trip to Glasgow goes okay and I'm glad you and Shirley will be there with your daugther and Margot.

  16. Like the beds incorporated in the flags

  17. I’m so sorry about Ryan

  18. Shocking news, take care on the trip, those are very difficult times for everyone around.

  19. So sad about Ryan. I don't know what else to say about that, he was much too young to die.
    I'm finally able to comment again after a glitch of some sort that has now been resolved.

  20. I really like the sepia version of the photo and your patio is looking lovely. Summer lunches in the sun might be calling?
    How terrible for a young man to lose his life like that and dreadful for the family


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