8 June 2024


I plonked myself down at this keyboard ready to write my 4758th blogpost but nothing much sprang to mind. I had one or two ideas concerning things I have done in the past but I soon discovered that I had already covered  them in past blogposts. Well, we can't easily remember every blogpost we have ever published can we?

Today, after a wasted morning on the internet, I finally managed to get out into our garden. There were some jobs I needed to do such as dismantling the wooden gate I made thirty years ago.  It leads on to the back lane. The gate has become rotten after all that time and needs replacing. However, it pleases me to think that it lasted so long.

It was difficult getting the old hinges off the wooden gatepost. Not just a simple matter of turning a screwdriver for the screws were rusted and unwilling to move. In the end I had to prise the hinges off and apply brute force, taking care not to damage the gatepost because before too long it will need to receive new screws connected with the new wooden gate I will most likely build from scratch.

This afternoon, I also had to cut back vegetation that flanks the long garden path I made back in the summer of 2009. Next week two fellows will be using that path as they begin work on new patio paving. They will have to prepare the ground and there's a significant amount of  stonework to be done.

Tomorrow's weather forecast predicts a nice sunny morning turning to drizzly rain in the afternoon so I hope to get out there fairly early. There's more to be done before the patio work can commence.

Another thing I did today was to phone my brother Robin in south west France. He has been living there since 2005 - a good chunk of his life. As usual we had a good old chinwag and put the world to rights. We may not speak every week but when we do phone each other the conversation flows naturally. As brothers we have learnt to make allowances for each other. We are the same in many ways but different in others. I have known him longer than any other living person and he can say the same.

Before I sign off, I just want to say I have been thinking about "Quiztime" which has evolved into a regular feature of this blog.  I want the quizzes to be fun to do but it is hard to pick topics that will suit visitors from different places. The last quiz was geographical. What I want to ask is this: Can you suggest a topic or theme for the weeks ahead? The subject should have some universal appeal.

Soon I will be climbing the stairs to my lonely bed but like last night please don't worry about me. I will be okay.


  1. Funny how we can keep busy with our yards and home.

    1. There's always something to be done... or sometimes NOT done if we are feeling lazy

  2. Food might be a good Quiz topic.
    According to MacGyver all you need is duct tape and WD40. "if it moves and shouldn't-duct tape it. If it doesn't move and should (rusty screws) a squirt of WD40 should do the trick"
    A new patio sounds exciting.

    1. I used WD40 but with wood it didn't help at all.

  3. It is nice to know that you and Robin have a good brotherly relationship. As you know, my sister and I are close - not only geographically (10-15 minutes from each other), and it means a lot to both of us. Along with my Mum, she is the living person I have known longest, and vice versa.
    A newly paved patio and a new garden gate! The grounds of Pudding Towers will be sparkling with newness soon.
    As for quiz topics, do they have to have a topic? The pub quiz at "my" Irish pub simply covers all sorts of topics, from geography to celebrities, from politics to sports, music to nature/health/biology.

    1. Like me you are an ardent quizzer and value general knowledge. Some of the visitors who have attempted my quizzes don't necessarily share our curiosity. But okay I will try a random quiz next time.

  4. "I will most likely build from scratch". You don't sound so sure. I suggest rather than waste money on timber and then find your timber working skills aren't what they once were, and then get a gate built to fit, just get a gate made to measure.

    I wonder if I would answer all questions correctly in a 'What do you know about Australia' quiz. Actually, that could be fun and or interesting for any country.

    1. The distance between the two gateposts is probably not a regular space but I plan to check out the dimensions of ready made gates at B&Q DIY stores. Do you have them in Oz?

  5. Dog breeds/ house plant pictures for the quiz? You can see where my interests lie!

  6. Name 10 famous Rwandans
    Name 10 Australian Rivers
    Name 10 Yorkshire Dales
    Name any Sussex Cheeses (tricky)

    1. Name any Sussex Cheeses (not tricky with Google!))
      Pevensey Blue
      SUSSEX CHARMER ( named after you!)
      Blue Clouds Cheese.
      Idle Hour
      Lord London

    2. Well done, I think you named all of them, except for 'Lady M's Glory'.

    3. Lady M's Glory sounds quite intimate.

  7. Airport codes, world capitals, events in world history, - I need to think of some Sunday Fives.

    1. I would be happy with those subjects but not everyone would be.

  8. I need to attend to things in my yard today too. I'm not taking a fence down though, and that's for sure.

    1. I have just come in after four solid hours of work. I feel jiggered.

  9. I like Meike's comment about the variety in her pub quiz. But it is your quiz time, so just do what is easiest for you, Neil. If I don't know the answers, I might be learning something new!
    Glad you are surviving your weekend alone and getting some yard work done.

  10. English football grounds, famous gardeners and Prog Rock bands would be my subject.

    1. The first topic would suit me DOWN TO THE GROUND. Geddit?

  11. For my own part I appreciate multiple choice questions as that gives everyone a chance even with topics you know very little about :)

    1. Okay. I will keep that in mind for some of the questions.

  12. It would not even occur to me to build my own gate. I say go buy one! I wonder if you can get one that somehow adapts to various widths. (Trimmable? Flexible? Collapsible?)

    1. I will check out ready-made gates at B&Q before I start making another one.

  13. Themes are fine occasionally, but I like a quiz that covers a variety of topics.


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