19 October 2024


Considering that most of the time only two people dwell in this house, we have a surfeit of mugs. I am almost embarrassed to admit that we have twenty four mugs in our mug cupboard. We could serve tea or indeed coffee to two football teams.

Giving someone a mug is a common gift option but for me the arrival of a new mug creates an internal groan. We have enough mugs already! No more mugs thank you very much!

Our lovely daughter, Frances - now aged thirty six - has always had a penchant for buying lovely, thoughtful gifts so I was a little surprised when on the occasion of my recent seventy first birthday she gave me a cardboard box that obviously contained yet another mug! Oh no!

But when I opened the box I was delighted to discover this mug which she had spotted online:-
Immediately, this new mug surged up my league table of "favourite mugs" putting it just above the mug below which a few years back was also given to me by  The Beloved Daughter:-
I dare say that if you, dear reader, did your homework you could also purchase an "I ❤ Yorkshire"  mug or better still a "Yorkshire Pudding" mug.

How many mugs have you got in your kitchen?


  1. Too many mugs for sure in my kitchen. I weed them out every so often but they multiply. I have my favorites as you do.

  2. I believe we have more than you, but who's counting? We each have our own and they all get used.
    Well done, Frances, on finding such an appropriate gift!

  3. Six, and two of them are mine which probably get used once or twice a year at most. I hate clutter.

  4. I don't have 24 mugs but I have been getting rid of them for a few years. You can't get rid of the mugs the grandkids gave you.

  5. Mugs? Fifteen hanging on hooks, two in the hard-to-get-to corner cupboard, two in the back porch cupboard and about a dozen or so in a box in the shed.
    I like your two mugs and would like to see the rest.

  6. Oops, I made a boo-boo, there are eighteen hanging on hooks.

  7. you must have a large mug cupboard!
    I think this one is very worth having but maybe you can pick some less favourite mugs and donate them

  8. We had eight matching mugs but two were broken as they missed me, with one hitting the fridge and the other the benchtop. Now there are six, and they were sitting very neatly in the crockery cupboard until my tenant arrived. My mugs are pushed to the back and a variety of mugs are at the fore. I don't use mugs, so it doesn't bother me.

  9. We have 11 mugs and 4 cups and saucers in case anyone posh comes to visit.
    We have a large amount of glass ware that is in need of culling. There would a lot less of everything if I lived alone but husband is very sentimental about stuff and objects strongly to any thinning out of anything. Oh well. Live and let live.

  10. Only 24! I just counted 30 in our cupboard, and another 5/6 ( mainly mugs for small children that are never used ) on a high shelf.

  11. We have too many. The wall cupboard above the kettle and coffee machine contains the mugs we use on a daily basis. The rest are stored away in another cupboard in readiness for any unexpected coachloads of visitors.

  12. Like you -- TOO MANY!

  13. I have not counted the mugs in my kitchen cupboard, but there are several I brought home from a Yorkshire holiday or received as gifts in Christmas or birthday parcels from there. I also have two with foxes on them, two with Fountains Abbey and one with Ripley Castle.

  14. I don't know how many mugs we have YP. Same with my plants. Lots and lots.


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