"O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet Act II scene ii
30 July 2006

28 July 2006
Blogging is just an avenue of this freedom but what are the rules for blogging? There doesn't seem to be a governing body enforcing a manual of regulations and we don't seem to be blighted by those shadowy moderators who used to oversee certain chatrooms, looking in from their moral stepladders, castigating contributors, asserting their own sometimes hypersensitive brands of justice.
Often, when I make comments on other bloggers' posts, I like to be a little mischievous - a little risque - for that is in the nature of humour and God knows the world needs more laughter right now. But sometimes my comments will be heartfelt and serious. Recently one particular blogger, who shall remain nameless, posted a map of Saharan Africa showing how that part of the world is suffering and will suffer further in the future - largely because of the West's callous disregard for human life there. I left a comment that began , "Don't Cry for Me Argentina, cry for Africa, cry for the victims of the AIDS epidemic, cry for the wild animals we are waving farewell to..."etc.. If I say so myself, it was rather poetic.
24 July 2006

23 July 2006
Well here’s one story. You know how cities these days have very few public conveniences? Well maybe twenty five years ago, I was walking home from a night out that involved several pints of beer and I desperately needed to urinate. I left the main thoroughfare with its pedestrians and lights and Saturday night traffic and wandered through the back gates of a small engineering company. Such relief! Between the waste bins, I pissed out two hot pints, zipped up and went back through the gateway, only to be confronted by a policeman with a torch. What was I doing there? I told him and he made me turn back to show him where I had pissed. He shone his torch on a still steaming puddle of piss and with a second experience of relief let me go.
And once I got very drunk when Shirley and I lived in a little one-bedroom flat. In the middle of the night, I got up in a drunken stupor and headed for the wardrobe. I took out her two red wellington boots and filled them with piss even though the bathroom was only two metres away. I guess I was dreaming - but of what I will never know.
Then there was the time I got something very horrible and very painful called a urethral stricture – something I wouldn’t wish upon anyone apart from George W. Bush, Tony Blair and the entire Israeli military. I had to have an operation to allow me to piss naturally again while a tube in my bladder did a temporary job. Straight after the operation, I was an Olympic pisser. A full bladder would be expelled in two seconds flat. Talk about siphoning the python? I felt as if I could be a one-man fire brigade with no need for hoses!
We all urinate – every day. Old people often smell of it. Babies fill nappies or diapers with it. Every public or private building where people work or spend money contains lavatories for pissing in and yet we don’t talk about it much, sing about it, read about it, include it in our films and plays. It’s almost a taboo subject and that’s why I made this particular blog entry about it. Are you brave enough to share a urination story of your own?
20 July 2006
Togo (Original in French)
Hail to thee, land of our forefathers,
Thou who made them strong, peaceful and happy,
Men who for posterity cultivated virtue and bravery.
Even if tyrants shall come, thy heart yearns towards freedom.
Togo arise! Let us struggle without faltering.
Victory or death, but dignity.God almighty,
Thou alone hast made Togo prosper.
People of Togo arise!
Let us build the nation.
Fiji (Original in Fijian)
Blessing grant oh God of nations on the isles of Fiji
Shores of golden sand and sunshine, happiness and song
Stand united , we of Fiji, fame and glory ever
Onward march together
God bless Fiji.
Oman (Original in Arabic)
O Oman, since the time of the Prophet
We are a dedicated people amongst the noblest Arabs.
Be happy! Qaboos has come
With the blessing of Heaven.
Be cheerful and commend him to the protection of our prayers.
Latvia (Original in Latvian)
Bless Latvia, O God,Our verdant native land sod,
Where Baltic heroes trod,
Keep her from harm!
Bless Latvia, O God,
Our verdant native land sod,
Where Baltic heroes trod,
Keep her from harm!
Our lovely daughters near.
Our singing sons appear,
May Fortune smiling here
Grace Latvia!Our lovely daughters near.
Our singing sons appear,
May Fortune smiling here
Grace Latvia!
Zaire (Original in French)
Zaireans, in the new found peace,
United People, we are Zaireans
Ahead with pride and dignity,
A free people forever!
Three-coloured flag, stir up the sacred fire in our souls
to build our country increasingly more beautiful
Beside the majestic river, Beside the majestic river.
Verifica (Original in Verifican)
Oh lovely mountain land of goats
Where we grow oats
And wear overcoats
Where men are strong
And women are wrong
And everyone gets along
And sings this song
Verifica! Verifica!
Best country on Earth
Let’s sing it for all we’re worth
Verifica! Verifica!
Nice place for your holidays
But bring your cash in dollars!
17 July 2006

15 July 2006
2. Nike Air Soles do not actually have 'air' in them.
3. Oak trees are struck by lightning more than any other tree.
4. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
5.There are more bacteria in your mouth than there are people in the world.
6. During his or her lifetime, the average human will grow 590 miles of hair.
7. Children laugh about 400 times a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day.
8. The human brain is insensitive to pain.
9. Cattle are the only mammals that pee backwards.
10. The average American uses eight times as much fuel energy as an average person anywhere else in the world.
11. Female canaries cannot sing.
12. Your heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood each day!
13. During your lifetime, you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that's the weight of about 6 elephants.
14. The first toilet being flushed in a motion picture was in the film “Psycho”.
15. The warmest temperature ever recorded on Antarctica was 3 degrees F.
16. A Koala Bear sleeps 22 hours of every day.
17. A rainbow can only be seen in the morning or late afternoon.
18. During a typical human life span, the human heart will beat approximately 2.5 billion times.
19. A survey reported that 12% of Americans think that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.
20. Cats make over 100 different vocal sounds; dogs can make about ten.
Visitors - do you want to share any other interesting facts? Please leave them in Comments below.
11 July 2006
to Zinedine Zidane to enrage him so?
Please leave answers in the "Comments" section below. The winner will receive a year's supply of frozen "Aunty Bessy's" Yorkshire puddings and a copy of Zinedine Zidane's latest self-help manual.
And the winner is..... Laura for her suggestive, "I've tried your sister but your mother was better!" Prizes below. I will be happy to deliver them personally. All I need is your home address Laura! The Zidane book is unfortunately in French - "Le Roman d'une Victoire" which roughly translated means , "Head-Butting for Beginners". On the cover Zidane is doing an impression of his ample Algerian mother.
10 July 2006
And so now you can zoom right in on our humble semi-detached home on our humble street in our humble suburb of humble Sheffield. From this distance, people in the streets appear like ants casting ant-like shadows. Perhaps that’s all we are with our antennae and receptors, most of us worker ants, tending the larval ants while older ants decline into memory.
7 July 2006
Yorkshiremen ain't got no fears
heave away, haul away
They comb their hair behind their ears
They’re men who will amaze ya!
So run away you Lanc’shire boys,
Run away, far away
Run away don’t make a noise
We’re the men who will amaze ya!
Yorkshiremen ain’t got no stress
heave away , haul away
What’s less is more what’s more is less
Our lads they will amaze ya!
Yorkshire folk don’t need no pills,
heave away, haul away
They eat pigs’ ears and codfish gills
Our diet would amaze ya!
Yorkshire gals ain't got no care,
heave away, haul away
They run around almost bare
Their knickers would amaze ya!
*The photo shows Spurn Point/Spurn Head at the entrance to the Humber Estuary which is the mouth through which most of the water in Yorkshire's river system eventually flows.
5 July 2006
Cook was born in a small village near Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, and learnt his trade in small sailing ships known as 'cats', in which he journeyed up and down the coast from the Tyne to the Thames. He later served with the Royal Navy, and in 1768 won the appointment of commander of the Endeavour.
In 1769 Venus was due to pass in front of the Sun, a rare event that can be used to measure the distance of the Sun from the Earth. The Royal Society decided to send astronomers to the Pacific to record the transit of the planet, and enlisted the Navy's help. The Navy agreed, as long as one of their officers was in charge of the boat.

In 1772-5, not satisfied by his previous exploits, he made a second voyage of discovery, this time to chart the Atlantic.
Cook was a practical seaman, who understood the importance of vitamin C to maintain the health of his crew, but on his third and final journey, in command of the Resolution, he did not deal so well with the Hawaiians he encountered when he landed on their island .
3 July 2006
But who was that at the back gate? She seemed familiar with her greenish pallor and her flowing medieval garments. Yes. It was Alkelda the Gleeful of “Saints and Spinners” fame. She was cradling a small silver vial. She proceeded past the compost bins and the comfrey plot to where I was swinging like Dick Turpin. The magpie that was now perusing my jelly eyes flew off to the chimney pot.
Alkelda chanted some ancient incantation and tossed the contents of the silver vial all over my front. I guess it was just water – some kind of holy water. “Water of life! Heal this erring son!” She stood on the picnic table and unfastened the thick sisal rope that had killed me just as my conscious spirit returned to fill my body like a tide moving over a beach. I was alive again! I twisted my head back and forth and pinched myself as Alkelda disappeared back through the gateway.
“Come back Alkelda!” I yelled but she was gone like a departing rainbow.
Back in the house my wife said, “Where’ve you been? You’ve missed all the quarter final and what’s that red mark on your neck?”
“Oh it’s just those bloody brambles again!”
“Want a cup of tea?”
“Thanks love.”
“Do you wanna know the score? The match?”
“Why what was it? Lost on penalties again I bet.”
“Not this time honey. It was England 4 Portugal 0! That Sven is a master tactician and motivator. Looks like we’re playing France in the semis… Should be a walk over. Walcott scored a hat trick and Michael Carrick played his usual progressive midfield role… it was brilliant! Want a biscuit?”
1 July 2006
World Cup Quarter Final
Arrrrrgh! It's happened again! England lose on penalties! The Portugese team looked pretty ordinary all afternoon and even though we were a man down, England created the better goalmouth chances by far. Owen Hargreaves was again a revelation - full of energy and commitment. Our back four were also brilliant. But Lampard and even Gerrard were disappointing today. England's army of fans deserve more than this - more than our uninspirational Swedish manager could provide - in spite of his barrowloads of money. In the end, I would have to say that he has been a dismal failure and I am glad to see the back of him. It's so frustrating. We have so much talent and yet in this World Cup it was never properly harnessed. Like most of the English nation I am well and truly gutted (see above with apologies to the squeamish!) and I'm just going up the garden to string myself up from the apple tree! Farewell cruel world!
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