"O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet Act II scene ii
31 January 2007
27 January 2007
The Sublime
Angel Gabriel has given of his best throughout the GCSE course. He listens and concentrates. Because of that positive attitude, he has gradually improved his skills and understanding so that now two C grade passes appears to be an eminently achievable goal.
Cane Toad: "Okay sir! I'll catch up!"
The Ridiculous
Earthworm’s coursework folder remains seriously incomplete and he failed to achieve a grade in the vital drama-based Speaking and Listening assignment. He was absent from the two mock exams. In lessons he is often moody, easily distracted and slow to settle down to work. He rarely has a pen to write with. Often he seems to bitterly resent correction or pressure. He has some natural ability but so far hasn’t made the most of it. However, it is still not too late to make amends though time is obviously beginning to run out now.
24 January 2007
22 January 2007
18 January 2007
As well as being a self-confessed “EastEnders” addict, I am also not averse to looking in on the Big Brother house. I wouldn’t say I was ever addicted to this show but I do find it fascinating to be a fly on the wall, watching other human beings in a laboratory-like situation. It can teach you quite a lot about how people are – adding to your knowledge of social life.
In the red corner there is Jade Goody. I have seen her before and my impressions include the following; a) She is pig ignorant and knows so little about the world we live in. b) She is fat and ugly and could double for Miss Piggy c) Especially when she gets angry or excited, I cannot understand a word she’s saying – everything melds together into estuarine Essex-speak littered with modern buzz words and occasional expletives. She needs subtitles most of the time. d) Deep down she envies people like Shilpa who is so far beyond her that she might as well be in another galaxy.
To me Jade represents a nasty, boorish, shallow seam in British society. It is a seam I have tapped into in everyday life. I sometimes smell it in my own workplace. People like Jade could make one ashamed to be English. Thank heavens that we are not all like that and if there are any Indian visitors to this blog may I please apologise for the way in which Jade Goody has ignorantly upset and bullied the lovely Shilpa.
Tomorrow evening, I hope the country will boot Jade out of the house and save Shilpa. For the very first time, I shall cast a telephone vote to get Miss Piggy out and save the Bollywood Beauty. I wish I had enough faith in my fellow citizens to confidently expect them to do the same.
16 January 2007

At New Year many people make resolutions but by the third week of darkest January, many of those resolutions have been broken. The nicotine patches have been abandoned and drinkers "on the wagon" have generally returned to the bottle in moments of weakness or depression. Many people start to feel like failures because they couldn't keep up their resolve. And summer days - picnics, eating out, barbecues, beach holidays, coatless rambles, pub garden gatherings etc. all seem so far away. Everything can seem grey and colourless.
14 January 2007
What is the smallest mammal to be be found wild in the British Isles? Answer - The Pygmy Shrew
Latin name: Sorex minutus
Size: Approximately 60mms from tip of nose to base of tail. The tail is around 40mms long. The penis of the male pygmy shrew is 2.5mm when fully erect. (Eat yer heart out George W. Bush!)
Distribution: Found throughout the UK.
Months seen: All year round.
Food: Spiders, insects and woodlice.
Habitat: Woods and hedgerows.

12 January 2007
10 January 2007
9 January 2007
5 January 2007
4 January 2007
the new Blogger has a fast, reliable, scalable backend
Eric Case - The Blogger Beta Man
1 January 2007
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