"O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet Act II scene ii
29 September 2007

25 September 2007

21 September 2007

East Riding Crematorium high on the Yorkshire Wolds
19 September 2007

You lonely travellers all
The cold north wind will blow again
The winding road does call
And will you never return to see
Your bruised and beaten sons?
"Oh, I would, I would, if welcome I were
For they love me, every one"
And will you never cut the cloth
Or drink the light to be?
And can you never swear a year
To anyone of we?
"No, I will never cut the cloth
Or drink the light to be
But I'll swear a year to one who lies
Asleep along side of me"
Farewell, farewell to you who would hear
You lonely travellers all
The cold north wind will blow again
The winding road does call
As we say our last goodbye, I hope the CD will bring us Vera Lynn singing "The White Cliffs of Dover". Earlier in the church I am expected to deliver a secular eulogy. I hope I am up to it. I have cried salt tears this week. I want to do it for her. Not to break down. You can do it boy! You can do it!
14 September 2007

They came home to England where she had four sons and became the wife of a village headmaster. All her life she was an expert craftswoman making lampshades and gloves, baskets and eiderdowns. She even taught "mixed crafts" and I remember so many nights when she was up late beavering away beneath a lamp.
Her name was Doreen. Tomorrow I must drive over to Beverley and arrange her funeral. Pick up the death certificate etc.. She was a woman who lived a full life. In her seventies she travelled back to India after a Round-the-World trip that took her to Vancouver and Sydney, Auckland and Singapore. She's gone and of course I will never forget her. I loved her. I am so pleased that the kids - Ian and Frances came over to see her with Shirley and I (like that Demob Happy?) a week last Sunday. She was eighty six years old and she was a very special lady - far far more special than Diana Spencer of whom Prince Harry said "She was the best mum in the world". He was so wrong.
8 September 2007

4 September 2007
When life was slow and oh, so mellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When grass was green and grain was yellow.
Try to remember the kind of September
When you were a tender and callow fellow,
Try to remember and if you remember then follow.
Some songs seem to echo in your mind. They are always there beneath the surface like old friends. Those words above for example. I researched them this evening. It seems they were written by a lyricist called Tom Jones to a tune by a composer called Harvey Schmidt (both pictured below). Back in 1960 the song "Try to Remember" featured in a new musical I had previously never heard of - "The Fantasticks".

Maybe it's because I have spent most of my adult life working in education that the month of September has a special aura about it. It's the end of the summer and I'm back at work. There's a long dark tunnel leading to mid-winter. It feels as if something has died as another academic conveyor-belt year begins. Those lyrics are about trying to remember in the full knowledge that your effort will be in vain because the kind of September the writer was thinking of has already slipped away. Besides, what should we "follow"?
Wake up Maggie I think I got something to say to you
It's late September and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused but I feel I'm being used
Oh Maggie I couldn't have tried any more
(lyrics by Rod Stewart)
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