It's almost the end of January. Time for a clearout. In my list of favoured blogs there is much inactivity so I have decided to dump "Hanging Hope...", "Zandrea!", "Cruising the Bullette", "Arm The Insane" and "Retarded Rugrat" - this last one is the hardest to dump because I still like that blog and it is well-maintained. It's just that Dawn - a Sheffield gal - who runs it switched from Blogger to Word Press and I don't know how to transfer her new address to my sidebar. I can be quite stupid when it comes to HTML, templates and all that jazz... like sitting in a Maths lesson at the age of thirteen - bored to the bone. (Later - I amazed myself by finding out how to save Dawn from The Black Hole of Blogobscurity - See:- Retarded Rugrat)
To replace these former favourites I'm going to try to add "MOPSA" from Devon UK, "Goddess of Clarity", "Mutterings at The Mill", "Arcane Enigma" by David in Auckland NZ and "The Golden Hill" by Sam in Ohio. These high level IT actions will probably take hours to perform with much "cussing" as hillbillies might retort. But like I announced at the start of this post... nothing lasts forever.