27 September 2023


Katie in "The Job of Songs"

Lying in bed this very morning half-listening to the "Today" programme on BBC Radio 4, I was surprised to hear the dulcet tones of my niece Katie warbling "I Remember You Singing This Song Ma". There then followed an interview led by the presenter Martha Carney with our Katie plus an American documentary film maker called Lila Schmitz.

Schmitz has created a film called "The Job of Songs". Focused upon Doolin in County Clare, Ireland, I understand that the film explores the tension between the quiet solitude of the west of Ireland and the vibrancy of traditional music sessions. Apparently, Katie has a lead role in the documentary which I have not yet managed to see.

Katie features in the film trailer...

And then this very evening, I learnt that our son Ian featured in today's edition of "The Evening Standard" down in London. It is our capital's most widely read paper and during the week you will find it stacked at every tube station entrance.

Ian starred in a regular mid-week item where "celebrities" give insights into their particular neighbourhoods. For Ian, it was the Fulham district...

Such family fame and publicity! In contrast, the faceless author of this humble Yorkshire blog has reached the end of his course of antibiotics. Still feeling rather nauseous and not quite myself I did very little all day - only venturing out in the Clint rocket ship  to do some grocery shopping at half past eight in the evening.  

Now that my difficult love affair with  nitrofurantoin is over, I hope to become myself again and fully able to drive over to Hull on Saturday to watch my beloved Tigers play Plymouth Argyle in the English Championship.

But to recap, I guess this was a pretty momentous day for my family - my only niece on Radio 4 and my only son in "The Evening Standard". I am not jealous - not one little bit for I am content to bask in the reflected glow of their achievements.


  1. What a nice treat to find them on TV and in the papers! Very cool.

    1. Such a co-incidence on the same day.

  2. A very talented family!

    1. I can juggle five oranges while playing a banjo.

  3. Talented indeed and dare I say it comes down from you?

  4. How great to have such gifted and famous family members! I only have my infamous first cousin twice removed. :)

    1. Would that be Jimmy Savile Margaret?

  5. Nothing succeeds like excess. Two in the media on the same day! And not for crimes.

  6. And you are a published author - with a review of your book "The Headland" on my blog. Doesn't that make you famous, too? Not to speak of your frequent placements on Geograph's list of the best photos.

    1. You know how to make a fellow feel better about himself Meike! No wonder OK likes you!

  7. I am surprised that you still mix with us mere mortals!
    Good to hear that you are recovered from your bout of nastiness.

    1. It always good to remember where you came from JCB!

  8. I saw your Katie at Doolin Folk Festival in 2018 singing the very song YP.

    1. "The Job of Songs" sounds like a film with which you could easily identify Dave.

  9. Don't be getting a swelled head there YP.
    The pub music sounds lively and happy, real toe-tapping stuff.

    1. My head is so swollen I cannot get out of the house!

  10. They're both doing well for themselves, aren't they? So much talent in your family! And you're a talented writer.

    I despise taking antibiotics so I'm glad to hear you're done with them. The side effects can be really bad.

    1. I have never had such a reaction before. Today I slept quite a lot.

  11. I'm pleased to hear that you're feeling a bit better Neil.

    What a talented family you have...you included. I had a pre-release viewing of 'The Job of Songs' with absolutely no knowledge that it was going to feature some of your family (your great-niece and Paul have their moment too), and it was such a lovely moment when I made those connections. I hope you can get to see it soon.

    My review is here ... https://www.on-magazine.co.uk/arts/film-reviews/the-job-of-songs/

    1. By accident I stumbled upon your review yesterday Elizabeth. There was a sharp intake of breath when I spotted your name as I thought to myself, "How can this be?" A little weird. However, it was a very good review.

  12. A very talented family.
    Hope you'll soon be feeling 100% and off on your rambles again. If the Tigers win, that will make you feel much better!

  13. A very talented family, and the next book?

  14. Whoa! Rock stars in the family! Congratulations, Mr. P!
    Now get better. As in- all well.

    1. No Keith Richards though! Thank you Mer.

  15. Well, congrats to them for their fine achievements! How proud your family must be!
    Hope you feel much better soon, Neil.

    1. Neither Katie nor Ian did very well at school but it hasn't held them back.

  16. I'm with Jaycee. You will only want to mix with the celebs from now on. I've given up waiting for comments on my blog! ;)

    1. Co-incidentally, I have just been over to your blog to inspect your innards ADDY!

  17. Congratulations to both your son and your niece. I hope you're feeling yourself again soon.

    1. Getting there Nurse Lily. Thank you.


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