23 September 2023


Last night was awful. I am sure I was experiencing side-effects from the antibiotics. I don't believe I have ever been given nitroturantoin before. Because of the unpleasant reaction, it is hard to tell if my urine infection is being effectively targeted. I just feel rotten. I will spare you the gruesome details of what transpired last night but it involved several visits to the bathroom

Again I did not feel like eating anything but this morning I had a small bowl of porridge - simply so that I could take the first capsule of the day with food. It was the same in the evening when I had a cheese sandwich. That's all I have had to eat today.

I spent the entire day on our sofa watching, "Hey Duggee" and two World Cup rugby union matches plus other bits and bobs. I didn't have the energy to do much else. "Hey Duggee" was to please Little Phoebe as she is staying with us again this weekend. Her parents are attending a wedding down in Oxfordshire. I think this is the last one in their  2023 diary.

I am afraid that my granddaughter caring skills have been on ice this weekend but fortunately Shirley  has been in top form.

A little googling suggests that there can sometimes be a correlation between COVID booster vaccinations  and urinary tract infections. I had my last booster on Tuesday afternoon and by Wednesday evening I was starting to feel  somewhat queasy - and not in my usual robust health so there may be something in this idea.

And now I am off up the stairs to bed. I hope I have a better night than last night.


  1. Well, we hope you did have a better night. I think I would have asked for the antibiotic that had previously worked for you.

  2. Yikes. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. It seems to be settling a bit now. Thanks Bob.

  3. Oh no! back to the doc you go for a new script. If your appetite must be so bad, I think a cheese sandwich is a great choice

    1. I may be able to avoid a new antibiotic this time round but clearly nitrofurantoin and I do not agree and in the future I will certainly ask for an alternative.

  4. Not a pleasant condition at all. I hope things get back to normal rapidly.

    1. Slowly the horrible side-effects seem to be reducing rather than getting worse.

  5. UTIs are horrible and the older we get the worse they seem to affect us. At least you don't appear to have gone completely doolally. Hopefully the drugs kick in soon and you feel more human.

  6. I do hope this passes quickly, I hate feeling awful myself, and wouldn't wish it on anybody.

    1. I am used to good health and tend to take it for granted.

  7. I, too, hope you have had a better night.
    Does Phoebe understand that her granddad is poorly and can't play with her as usual?
    Was your COVID booster vaccination against the new variety that is spreading like wildfire in the UK? My sister-in-law keeps telling me about it, and I hear about it here in Germany as well, but so far, vaccinations are recommended only for vulnerable people - a group I am not part of, but because of my elderly mother, I suppose I could get the vaccination nonetheless.
    Returning to work on Monday makes we think I should be sensible and wear a mask again while on public transport.

    1. Publicity about the new strain is not very prominent. I assume the new vaccinations are aimed at it. I got mine early because I am over the age of 65. Phoebe seemed to sense that not all was well with me.

  8. Oh dear. That sounds awful. I hope it clears up soon.
    I am hesitant about having my booster this year. I may decide to take a chance and give it a miss.

    1. Personally, I do not think that that choice would be wise JayCee.

  9. Clearly not the right antib. for you. However, being ill gets you out of cleaning the toilet.

    1. I have tried my best to keep the oft-visited toilet clean but obviously not up to my wife's exacting standards.

    2. You were lucky not to have been forced to use an old bucket in the back yard.

  10. You seem to have to be very healthy before you take the nitroturantion antibiotic, from what I have seen on the net but at least you are not pregnant. As for Phoebe she is a bit young to be a nurse. Hopefully the medication will work and you will be your usual smiling self again.

  11. Hope you will soon be feeling better.

  12. Take care of yourself.

  13. Sounds horrid. Please get in touch with your doctor is things aren't better today.

    1. Slowly, the backlash from the nitrofurantoin seems to be reducing but I would not wish to take this particular antibiotic again. I have had sixty hours of unpleasantness waiting for the next explosion.

  14. When I worked on the floor, nursing, I never thought much about antibiotics and their side effects. As I've gotten older, I've realized how much the side effects of antibiotics may have made my patients feel even worse. I think it's something modern medicine has to address, the side effects of drugs that are supposed to make our lives better, but often don't. If you're not feeling better by now, go back to your doc.

    1. The last time I had antibiotics for this it was like magic - a cloud being lifted in twenty four hours . I don't know why I received different tablets this time. Most unpleasant but slowly things seem to be settling now.

  15. I hope you're feeling better by now. How strange about the possible Covid vaccine link. Did your Googling give any reason for that potential correlation?

    1. I didn't see a reason. It just seemed a little suspicious that just after my booster the urine infection began to kick in. That's why I googled.

  16. Hope you get some rest today and you will feel better soon, Neil.

    1. That's kind of you Ellen. Thank you.

  17. Oh dear. Get well soon.

  18. Hope you get a healthier sleep tonight and wake up feeling better tomorrow

    1. Going to sleep is a worry because of possible involuntary occurrences during my sleeping hours.

  19. I hope you feel better today, but if you do not, I urge you to report to your doctor. Antibiotics can cause gastrointestinal symptoms and you may need to stop that one. I'm sure you know all of this, especially with a wife who is a nurse. So sorry you're so sick with this.

    1. I plan to stick with it and heal myself when the course is finished but I do take your point Jenny. Something that is meant to do you good could cause you harm. Next time I require antibiotics I will ask for something other than nitrofurantoin.


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