3 August 2024


Meal for one

It was Solitude Saturday for me. And I didn't mind at all. In fact I rather enjoyed it. Solitude can soothe or boost the human spirit. At least, that's how it seems to me.

Shirley Pudding took a train  down to London yesterday afternoon to assist our Ian with little Zachary over the weekend. His mama is away in southern France with her parents and siblings to attend the wedding of a family friend. I know that Ian could have managed perfectly well but having Zach's grandmother  in the house means he can share the caring.

Today, I didn't speak to another person until I phoned my daughter Frances at 9.30pm about tomorrow's Sunday dinner arrangements. It was such a peaceful day.

I changed two light bulbs in the downstairs shower room, had a bacon and egg sandwich for lunch  and then went out into the garden where I trimmed back a vigorous laurel bush and then continued with the walling I began on Thursday.

Earlier in the week, the neighbourhood Facebook page had led us to a free supply of walling stone on nearby  Huntingtower Road. It took four car journeys and I reckon I must have shifted more than a ton of stone. It was a great workout and as I often say on such occasions - better than visiting the gym. The kind supplier was an Irish woman from County Sligo with a first name I had never come across before - Fidelma. She was good enough to help me with the transfer process and I enjoyed conversing with her.

Essentially, I have been capping the cemented stone walls that the paving men had left bare last month. It looks a lot better now and putting those stones together was like a mesmerising jigsaw puzzle. I enjoyed the process very much. However, while I was working on it on Thursday evening, dressed in my sexy work shorts, I believe that something must have bitten my beefy legs in three or four places. I didn't spot whatever it was at the time but afterwards the itchiness was intense.

Forty eight hours later and some of  the itchiness is still there along with red weals. That's why I chose to wear long trousers today (American: pants).

Making my evening meal was simple as I had some spare bolognese sauce in the fridge. Boiled penne, three or four fried mushrooms and a palmful of parmesan and there it was on a plate - accompanied by a glass of milk.

Last night my evening meal for one was liver and onions with mashed potato and tenderstem broccoli. I hadn't had liver in ages because Shirley doesn't like it any more. See the picture at the top of this post and drool... or gag if you happen to be vegetarian!


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed your solitude. Do you only cook enough for yourself or do you make extra for tomorrow? I find it next to impossible to cook a single serve and end up with a very sad looking plate.

    1. I ate too much liver. I could have split it in two.

  2. Fancy a pint ? Planning my next Sheffield jaunt

    1. Maybe but I might be nervous about meeting such a famous man.

  3. While your plate does look appetizing I'll just pretend that was sliced beef instead of liver. The latter has never held any appeal for me.

    1. Liver can be delightful. Turkish restaurants do it so well.

  4. You're a handy guy when you're left on you own. No starving for you.

    1. Trouble is - I have to do the washing up and kitchen tidying!

  5. I enjoy my solitude from time to time.

    1. Some people seem panicky about being alone.

  6. We a photo or two of your outdoor efforts. But not a photo of your rippling muscles.

    1. Okay pictures coming and don't worry - I shall not give you an inferiority complex by providing images of my manly physique.

  7. If your bites are still itchy you can point a hot hair dryer at them until you can't bear the heat and the itch will stop for hours! (Mr. Google can tell you why it works ! ) If Shirley has taken the hair dryer, very hot water dabbed on also does the trick.

    1. Thanks Dr Frances. On Thursday night I would have definitely given that method a go but here on Sunday morning the itchiness is now greatly diminished.

    2. I use the same trick but a different delivery: heat a spoon in hot water and press the back of the spoon on the bite. My guess is the heat destroys the proteins causing the reaction

    3. Trouble is that your skin is burnt.

  8. After all your hard work outdoors, I know that your meal was well earned and very enjoyable. Sadly I find most photographs of food, posted on blogs, very unappetising.

    1. If we had "Smellovision" with our blogs your tastebuds would have been tingling with anticipation.

  9. Will you show us pictures of the finished walls? I have read about the almost meditative effect stone walling can have on people, but have never tried it myself.
    Like you, I don‘t mind being on my own. I am never bored, and feel that I can enjoy the (selected) company of others more when I have had enough time to myself.
    I am not vegetarian, but I don‘t like liver. Your bacon and egg breakfast and bolognese meal sounds a lot more appealing to me.

    1. Okay - a couple of others have asked to check out my walling.

  10. Tenderstem broccoli is what we call broccolini, and anything with mashed potato and gravy is good in my books. I like liver but haven't had any in years, I used to slice it very thinly, coat it in seasoned flour and then fry it in butter in a very hot pan. Great for breakfast with a fried egg.

    1. I hope my blogpost inspires you to buy some liver soon.

    2. It has inspired me......I used to do a lovely lamb's liver dish. Not had it for years!

    3. It makes a delightful change. Hubby will be like putty in your hands.

  11. I would like to see a photo of your wall caps YP.

  12. I love liver but usually eat it in winter when in need of comfort food.
    Please post a photo of the finished wall so that we can admire your prowess with a trowel.

    1. No need for a trowel even though the paving guys used cement for the bottom sections. Out in The Peak District no mortar is used in drystone walling.

  13. Solitude for a day or two can actually be quite uplifting and peaceful. In my case it's been 14 years and counting and it can get quite boring and depressing. I do try to distract myself and socialize but some weekends seem to drag really slowly.

    1. I can see the difference ADDY. Maybe it's time to try a couple of dates.

  14. And even the bugs are eating well this weekend.

  15. I'll pass on the liver (yuck) but I'm impressed at your cooking skills. Enjoy your time alone, I know I always do.

    1. I do all the cooking in our house but hardly any baking.

  16. Liver and onions was my Mom's favorite meal but none of us could even stand the smell! You made me smile at the memory! :)

    1. Buy some liver and eat it in memory of your dear mother. It is what she would have wanted. There are plenty of online recipes but to me the simpler the better.

  17. Americans say trousers as well as pants. You don't need to translate. :)

    I am experiencing solitude as well this week (except for the dog) and I am looking forward to it! Of course I may change my mind after three or four days.

    There are some little black gnats we get in the garden every summer and they bite and itch like crazy. I wonder if that's what got you?

    1. I suspect that I have been bitten by either a wasp or a bee (American: critters). The infuriating itching is still there but much subdued.

  18. I don't get solitary days very often anymore but when I do, I certainly enjoy them.

  19. Good for you for your wall-building. Excellent work-out with a visible outcome.
    My mother used to love liver. Not me. No thank you.


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