28 October 2023


I must share this with you before I forget it. 

On Thursday morning, Shirley brought Little Phoebe back to our house before I was even up. I heard her downstairs so donned my dressing gown (American: robe) and descended the stairs.

She was in the front room checking out her Gruffalo jigsaw. There are sixteen big pieces  but that's surely enough of a challenge for a small girl who is just two years and nine months old.

I decided to provide a bit of help and successfully clicked in another piece.

Seeing what I had done, Phoebe clapped her hands with glee and cried "Good girl Grandpa! Well done!"

She hears that particular praise quite often but sent my way all I could do was laugh.

Amongst the things I received on the occasion of my birthday was a helium balloon with "Happy 70th Birthday!"printed upon it. Phoebe was the one chosen to present me with it, saying, "There you go Grandpa!".

The balloon is still inflated after three weeks. The helium hasn't entirely leaked away. Since my birthday  Phoebe has been to our house a further seven or eight times and each time she has found that balloon and brought it to me saying, "There you go Grandpa!"

In other Phoebe news, two weeks ago after Sunday dinner she had a big drawing pad on the table. She drew a rough circle with a marker pen and I said to her, "Do two eyes!" and she made two little marks in the middle of the face. Then I said, "Do a nose!" so she did. Next I asked her to do a mouth and she did.

Mum, Dad, Grandpa and Grandpa all praised her with "Good girl Phoebe! Well done!" You should have seen the resulting look upon her little face. She was positively beaming with pride.

It's amazing how far she has come in two years and nine months. And now she waits for her sibling who will change her little life a lot. The baby's due date was last Sunday but apparently nobody told him... or her. Phoebe was "late" too.


  1. they lap up praise. I hope she's ready to accept the new one. Our son was devastated when his sister appeared.

    1. Hopefully all will go well with the new baby but you never know.

  2. Enjoy these precious moments. As you well know, once the sibling arrives, Phoebe will seem so big and grown up. You are indeed, a good girl, Grandpa!

    1. I hope that Phoebe will be mummy's little helper when the new baby arrives but she might get grumpy and say "No!"

  3. Good girl, Grandpa, you did it!

  4. The progress of grands and greats is spectacular to observe. I expect descending the stairs in a robe, very Joan Collins like, is what made Phoebe call you a girl.

  5. How sweet.

    When Iris got her little sister, she was frustrated by the fact that babies have naptimes and they have to be in their cribs for that, which meant that sometimes, when Iris wished to go to the playground, they couldn't go, because Ruby needed a nap. After a few weeks of the changed routine, Iris got very frustrated and had a good cry. Her mother tried to talk to her. Iris said, "I just don't understand why you need to take her everywhere!!

    1. It's hard being a small child. It will certainly be interesting to see how Phoebe handles it all.

  6. Hahaha, good girl Grandpa! 😁

    1. Ahem! Only Phoebe is allowed to say that!

  7. Jigsaws and drawing! She's growing up so fast.

    1. They don't stay babies for long do they?

  8. She sounds like an absolute delight...can't wait til our F ( who was 2 in October) is talking more and clearer! Sadly I don't see him very often although they only live 20 mins away. He is at nursery when I deliver his half brother back from school once a week.

    1. It's important that F has regular contract with his Nana Frances who is filled with wisdom and practical commonsense.

  9. She is a few months older than our youngest grand daughter, they soak everything up, Molly is the youngest of three, she is already outsmarting her brothers, she often dazzles us with her smile, it stops you as you can't resist watching her.

    1. One can become addicted to grandchildren for they brighten our lives so much.

  10. Out of the mouth of babies. There's never a dull moment with Phoebe.

    1. She could already be a stand-up comedian. The microphone might be rather too high for her though!

  11. Phoebe is such a delightful little girl that it's hard to imagine her not accepting her new sibling with anything other than pleasure. She has nursery, which gives her an added interest in her life, so that it doesn't revolve totally around her parents. I'm sure Grandpa will be there to offer lots of love and reassurance.

    1. With her practical commonsense largely nurtured through nursing, Shirley is the best grandma a small child could hope for and Phoebe loves her very much indeed.

  12. Enjoy the family and watch them grow.

  13. Oh- these growing-up moments! They are precious.
    For some reason the medical profession has decided that babies are all to arrive in x-number of days and if they are "late" by that standard, then it is time to get involved. Drives me crazy.

  14. It's good that you record all of these happy Phoebe quotes here in your blog so you will never, ever forget them, Grandpa! Good job!

  15. I love the Phoebe quotes! What a little character! :)

  16. This past summer, Jack told me and my husband we were doing such a good job colouring. It felt surprisingly good. I don't think anybody ever told me I was doing a good job when I was growing up and it felt wonderful to hear it from him.

    Good girl Mr. Pudding!

  17. "Good girl, Grandpa!" That's hilarious. A funny family story for years to come!

  18. Hope the sibling doesn't take too much longer to arrive. Everyone must be on tenterhooks...

  19. Spending time with one's grandchildren can alleviate, for a time, all the pain and sorrow our poor world gives us.


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