13 November 2023


I love this picture of our Little Phoebe lying in her bed three nights ago. We may have recently welcomed two new baby grandchildren into our family but Phoebe remains our special one, the first born and a star who still shines brightly in our lives.

Her Uncle Ian bought her the Buzz Lightyear figure to co-incide with the arrival of her baby sister Margot. Also in Phoebe's bed you can see Zog the Dragon, Einstein the cuddly prawn and Phoebe's special friend Monty the Sloth - named after Monteverde in Costa Rica which her parents visited three years  before she was born. I was going to say nine months but that would have been a lie.

In the picture, you get a sense of Phoebe's mischievous character. She is full of beans and has a real zest for life. Her language skills continue to progress in leaps and bounds. She can parrot just about anything you say to her. When she wants something or indeed doesn't want something, she digs her heels in like the anchor of a tug of war team.

It's hard to believe that she is not yet three years old. Her birthday will be on January 15th which of course makes her a Capricorn. If you believe in all that horoscopal nonsense, "Capricorns see everything as a task to be done, which makes them a very self-reliant and diligent personality type. They can do everything they set their minds to, regardless of how much energy it takes, as long as they have a clear objective in mind and a plan to get there."

Frances and Stew have already booked the local church hall for Phoebe's third birthday party but when Grandma and Grandpa asked if they could come along she said, "No! You can't!" 

Even though she is less than three feet tall, she can be exceedingly defiant and the word "No!" figures frequently in her communications with adult members of her family. But we wouldn't want her any other way. As she sometimes announces, "I'm Phoebe!" and that is that.


  1. I completely understand how you feel about this darling girl. You will come to love all of your grandchildren with all of your heart but that first one- the one that made you a grandfather, will always have a special place in your heart.
    Sounds to me like she is absolutely the person she is meant to be and isn't that wonderful?
    I like that her special friend is Monty the Sloth. My August's favorite stuffed animal is also a sloth but this one is known as "Slothy." I know- not that original but that is what August named him and that is who he is.

  2. Those stubborn, self-reliant children are difficult to raise while letting them make choices for themselves that will not hurt them or cause others grief. But, Lordy, they turn out to be the most marvelous adults!!

    1. Are you partly thinking about yourself here Donna?

  3. These little people know what they're sayin long before we think they say anything. My son said something we couldn't understand for a long time before we realized it was "No way."

    1. I bet he's still saying that to you now Red!

  4. Himself and our firstborn granddaughter have a very special bond and have done since they first set eyes on each other. Her 2 year old sister is great with :"no", "mine", "stop it" and, with a thumbs up "Alice approved".

    1. I don't think we can mould them - not entirely anyway. The inner spirit will have its way.

  5. Young Phoebe didn't fall far from the tree, did she?

  6. She is adorable and exactly as she should be at her age. The first grandchild will always be a bit more special than the ones that follow, the one that first bestowed grandparenthood upon you.

  7. A church hall for her third birthday party? Wow - I'm impressed! I can not remember what we did when I turned three, but I remember my sister and my birthday parties from about age six quite well, always in our dining/living room with a cake and other food made by my Mum, some fun games and little toys for our guests to take home with them. Different times.
    The photo is great, and I think the look on Phoebe's face shows quite well what you tell us about her.

    1. Last year Phoebe had her second birthday party in the back room of "The Greystones" pub complete with a bouncy castle that was hired in.

  8. Lovely photo of Phoebe - how grown-up she looks.
    I, too, am a Capricorn, so must share many of the traits she does (or vice-versa), though I'm not aware of them these days. I do remember learning that defiance and "No" earn no Brownie points!

    1. A defiant young Carol? I can't believe it! I bet you were all sweetness and light.

  9. She looks gorgeous, reminds me of endlessly watching 'Toy Story' with Tom when he was young. Also a Capricorn, also thought we were meant to be mean with our money, or at least very careful..

    1. Having grandchildren makes us watch programmes and films that would have otherwise passed us by.

  10. As a child I detested birthday parties. As an adult I just detest parties. Don't get me wrong. I love people. I just detest parties.

    1. I am not big on parties myself Graham. Never have been.

  11. I have just read your quote about Capricorns. Definitely me!

    1. Capricorns are goats. The aroma is a giveaway.

  12. Quite right. I wouldn't want old dried-up-brain wrinklies at my birthday party, either.

    1. Your comments can be very hurtful Tasker!

  13. Treasure the time, they grow up so quickly. But then you do have some back up spares now. Phoebe looks smart, maybe too smart for the old grandpa. You will be challenged.

    1. Yes - that's what the two new grandbabies are - back up spares.

  14. Knowing when to say no, is an important life skill that many adults lack.

  15. There is never a dull moment when Phoebe is around.

  16. She's spirited! Love that!

    1. And she is already much cleverer than Donald Trump Junior.

  17. Well, that quote sums up every Capricorn I've ever known perfectly, even if it is all hogwash. Phoebe is such a darling little girl, and I love reading about her!

    We just found out there's going to be a new addition in our family. Our nephew Tyler and his wife Jessica are expecting a baby in May. My sister in law is thrilled at the prospect of becoming a grandmother!

    1. How lovely! I wonder what the baby will be called if it's a girl. Jennifer is a nice option. I have always liked that name.

  18. My Mom was born on January 15th and your Capricorn description really fits the personality she had. I hope Phoebe gets as much joy out of life as my Mom did.
    My oldest grandchild was born Scarlett but now goes by Vincent and will always hold the most special place in my heart even tho I don't get to see them much. But we Snap Chat our love to each other!

    1. Is Scarlett trans-sexual? I don't know much about such re-identification but it cannot be easy .

    2. I have heard that Vincent is pansexual which means being attracted to people regardless of their gender. They do have a boyfriend now, tho.
      They are still the same person I have always loved so it hasn't been complicated.

  19. That photo brings back childhood memories of my own - I used to have my bed full of stuffed animals too. (Possibly other toys as well, but that I don't remember.)

    1. I am glad that that picture chimed for you DT.

  20. It's funny how little kids love to assert themselves with the word "no!" I like Einstein the cuddly prawn.


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