27 October 2023




  1. That is so beautiful. I wish that war would end and the Ukrainian one too.

  2. As like with many major and minor conflicts around the world, it is just too hard to contemplate being in such situations. The images of dead children, injured children and very happy children running through bombed out areas are so difficult to watch.

    1. Half the population of Gaza are children. They did not deserve this. Far more Gaza children have been killed than the number of innocent Israeli people who were killed by Hamas terrorists on October 7th. Perhaps double that number.

  3. Neither side deserves to suffer but it has been brought on by British/Western incompetency after the war. I seriously recommend the drama series The Promise which sets out the background. Well acted and with a young Claire Foy as one of the main characters. I pray peace will come to both sides soon.

    1. https://g.co/kgs/KoWqgd

    2. I will definitely try to watch this. I hope it is still on i-player.

  4. Vengeance is a terrible thing and compassion and kindness on thin ground.

    1. That seems to be what is going on in Gaza right now - vengeance - no matter how many innocent women and children die.

  5. The world needs more good neighbors who help one another rather than fear one another.

    1. Netanyahu and his right wing cronies bear a lot of responsibility for the way things are playing out.

  6. Wars leave everybody without hope.

  7. Ghandi said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind" and I can't think of a better example of it than this situation. What happened to the Israelis is horrific....what's happening to the people of Gaza is horrific...how humans can continue to treat each other this way makes me despair. We're never going to learn, apparently.

    1. Over 3000 Palestinian children have become "collateral damage".

  8. I don't think I can say enough bad things about war, that it solves nothings, only breeds new hostilities for the future, destroys lives in endless new and inventive ways, kills and traumatizes generations, not only just today, but for generations to come; while the old men who order such things sit back and say, "This is a just war.", just not their war. They are not in harms way, their children are not dying, they have other homes to which they can retreat when the bombs rain down. Nothing good can com from war.

    1. Those who order such wars do so to make money from them, as if "they" don't already have more than enough.

    2. We should have more women in high places - bringing a more feminine influence to decision making.

  9. Wars rarely solve anything. Hatred is the disease that ultimately kills. And now many countries have the weapons to put an end to all life.

  10. Should be on a poster about why our two countries shouldn't nation build.

    1. That brother and that sister... fills my heart with sorrow.

  11. We saw the dead lying in the mud, Their eyes staring and their limbs akimbo;
    We saw the blood-soaked earth, and the mud red with the blood of the living and the dead and we thought of the futility of war, and the folly of man, who would kill his brother and call it glory, and shed his blood and call it honor.
    We saw the women and the children, the mothers and the fathers,
    Weeping and wailing;
    We saw the homes that were destroyed, and the fields that were ruined.
    And we thought of the futility of war, and the cruelty of man, who would bring ruin And death on his fellow man and call it glory.
    We saw the dead lying in the mud, their eyes staring and their limbs akimbo;
    We saw the blood-soaked earth, and the mud red with the blood of the living
    And the dead.
    And we thought of the futility of war,
    And the folly of man,
    Who would kill his brother
    And call it glory,
    And shed his blood
    And call it honor.

    1. So sharp, so true and so apposite at this point in time. Thank you for sharing it Donna.


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