13 October 2023


For today's post I wanted to pose some questions for readers to answer. You must have seen this kind of thing before. I guess we might call them "get to know you" questions. There are many examples of these lists of questions out there in the blogosphere

Try as I might, I could not come up with any questions of my own  that I particularly wanted to ask so I sought help and ended up at a blog managed by a youngish woman called Molly Stillman based on a farm in North Carolina. Of herself she says, "I don't take myself seriously, but I do take burritos seriously. I'm just an imperfect woman chasing after a perfect Savior."

Molly had in fact come up with a list of fifty finding out questions but I narrowed them down to just ten. Here they are for you to think upon and possibly answer in the comments section.  My own responses are listed below the questions...
  1. What's your favourite scented candle?
  2. What female celebrity do you wish you were related to?
  3. What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t?
  4. Can you do a split? (English: the splits)
  5. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
  6. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
  7. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
  8. Do you have any weird phobias?
  9. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees?
  10. If you have a nickname, what is it?
  1. A plain candlewax scented one.
  2. Taylor Swift because she is so bloody rich she might give me a wad of banknotes.
  3. The well-thumbed copy of "Playboy" that I hide under our mattress.
  4. You must be joking. I would end up in hospital if I even tried.
  5. I just wore my normal clothes as we never "did" Halloween in England back then.
  6. I would rather have a Yorkshire accent - in other words, the same accent that I have now.
  7. Honeysuckle Melody Rose
  8. Yes. I am afraid of dentists so I am a dentophobic.
  9. I would rather be attacked by a big bear that is itself being attacked by that swarm of bees. I might be able to escape. Fortunately we don't have big bears in The Peak District but we have got sheep.
  10. Big Boy.

Thank you to Molly - for your inspiration.


  1. Dang it, I hit the Go Back button on my tablet and erased my 60% completed survey by accident so you'll have to do without my extremely earnest and erudite not to mention side-splittingly hilarious comment. The short version is that I don't believd in scented candles, celebrities, accents, phobias, or bears. Or online surveys lol. No, seriously I did erase my reply by accident but it was boring anyway so this is my contribution :)

    1. You don't believe in bears? According to my extensive research, Nova Scotia is home to 10,000 black bears. How did you miss them?

  2. 1. vanilla 2. Dolly parton 3. An old silk quilt that was Angel's favourite blankie. 4. no, though I wish I could 5. Aussie's don't do Halloween 6. British please 7. no idea 8. no 9. neither 10. Smurf

    1. You seem to have taken the quiz seriously Elsie... or should I say Smurf!

  3. Ha, ha... that question about a "British " accent stumped me. What's one of those?

    1. We all talk the same over here in Britain. Just like David Niven and Julie Andrews.

  4. Somehow I don't think you're taking this seriously YP, though I like your answer to number 9. The thought of you being called Honeysuckle Melody Rose made me laugh out loud!

    1. I suspect that your opposite gender name might be Winston Bernard after Churchill and Montgomery.

  5. I would like a Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes kind of accent YP.

    1. Practice makes perfect Dave but perhaps not the best accent for making friends in an Irish bar.

  6. What's your favourite scented candle? Orange blossom
    What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Phyllis Diller
    What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? Three bikes.
    Can you do a split? (English: the splits). Ha, ha, ha, not anymore
    What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? No idea.
    Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? British
    What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? No idea, my mother was hoping for a second girl.
    Do you have any weird phobias?
    Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? Bears
    If you have a nickname, what is it? n/a

    1. But you do have a nickname! It's The Penguin - as in the tales of Batman.

  7. What's your favourite scented candle? I don't have one.

    What female celebrity do you wish you were related to? Meryl Streep.

    What’s one thing you own that you should probably get rid of, but just can’t? A bendy Cat In The Hat doll that's doing the splits on a bookshelf as I type this.

    Can you do a split? (English: the splits) Not any longer ... I'm not Cat in the Hat doll.

    What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? Probably some kind of dead person.

    Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? I have been told, living in the South, that I sound like a Northerner, and when I say I'm from California, they say I have no accent. I like the mystery.

    What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? They never said; my sister, first born, would have had what became my name, and my brother, had he been a girl , would have been Debra, which is odd because his wife is named Debra.

    Do you have any weird phobias? Just bugs and claustrophobia; not fear of tight spaces but fear of being unable to move..

    Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of bees? I don't know if I could swat a bear away, but I could pummel a few bees and try to make my escape.

    If you have a nickname, what is it? I was Bobby as a small child and some in my family still call me that.

    1. Yes bears are hard to swat unless you purchase a bear swatter from your local hardware store. Sure to drive off even the angriest of grizzlies Bobby.

  8. Candles: Can't smell things
    Female friend: Rebecca Solnit
    Getting rid of things: None, I sorely miss things that I have got ridden already.
    Splits and Halloween I pass on.
    Accents: Thank god I haven't got a Yorkshire accent!
    Pass on 8
    Weird phobias: Hate answering questions.
    Bees or bears? Once attacked by a swarm of bees when I was a child, only a couple of stings, which was good of them as I had been sitting on their hive, idly kicking it with my foot.
    No nickname now.
    Why choose an American questionnaire?

    1. "Thank god I haven't got a Yorkshire accent!" How is that supposed to make me feel Thelma? I will tell you - it makes me feel sad and I am suddenly filled with self-doubt. Perhaps I should start talking like Jacob Rees-Mogg but in order to do that I will first need to find a turnip to stick up my arse.

  9. Life is certainly filled with absurdities.

    1. You might at least have mentioned your favourite scented candle!

  10. These are goofy questions, Neil!

    1. I agree Ellen but what is or was your nickname.

    2. My Dad called me "Aunt Blabby" as a kid as I often blurted out things that I shouldn't. ;(

  11. Your best answer was to Question #9!

    I was to have been Elizabeth if I were born female. Maybe my mom foresaw me moving to England?

    1. She may have foreseen something else.


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