Wikipedia says -"In the closing battle scene, shots facing "Castle Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh" were filmed at Castle Stalker but the shots looking the other way towards the huge army were filmed later on Sheriffmuir near Stirling once they had managed to get enough people - one of them being author Iain Banks, then a student, as he recounts in his non-fiction work Raw Spirit."

After this film debut, I waited by my phone for years - expecting Hollywood to ring - though they never did. I saw my name in lights - "Yorkshire Pudding and The Temple of Doom", "Confessions of a Yorkshire Pudding", "Carry On Yorkshire Pudding" - in which I would chase Barbara Windsor into a lush shubbery from where her cheeky laughter would emerge - "Ooo! Mr Pudding you are naughty!"
By the way, the later-to-become-author Iain Banks was a rather dull cerebral young fellow. He was in a couple of my seminar groups and occasionally I would stuff him intellectually - though with hindsight I perhaps should have got more pally with the little wimp - I could have been his literary chauffeur!
John Cleese, Iain Banks...You walk with giants sir....
ReplyDeleteI have the movie, however there are very few sheep in it. A mistake I think
Hey, fame at last, YP! Never mind, I'm sure someone will read your post and ring you very soon with a very acceptable film offer. Would there be room for a classy, 'young' ex-teacher in your meteoric rise to fame? Oh, go on, pleeeease!
ReplyDeletebut YP old chap, wasn't that you who rushes in to announce 'there's trouble at mill!' in the spanish inquisition sketch as well?
ReplyDeleteI'll look for your hands sharpening a spear next time I watch "Holy Grail," though I'll admit, I am more of a "Life of Brian" fan. Were you in that? I thought I recognized you as the Roman soldier giving the plebe a lesson in Latin graffiti.
ReplyDeleteDear readers, I humbly accept your unbridled adulation!
ReplyDeleteDAVID - Not all filmgoers have a fetish about sheep you know! Is it true that the favourite all-time films in NZ are "Silence of the Lambs" an "The Big Sheep"?
JENNYTA - You could be my "personal assistant" in my dressing room or trailer. Those selfsame words "Oh go on pleeeese!" would often be heard by passing gaffers or best boys!
RILLY SUPER - Actually I rejected that part as it stereotyped the northern male. Michel Palin begged me to take it but I stood my ground.
ALKELDA THE GLEEFUL - No I was not in "Life of Brian". Were you in "Sleepless in Seattle"? I thought I recognised you as the cleaner swishing a mop in the background! Art as life or life as art!
I thought about being an extra in the 'Atonement' Dunkirk scenes at Redcar YP, but there was a sight risk I might have been asked to be french, and a Hollywood career and fame and fortune just aren't worth that much
ReplyDeleteOooh, how exciting! Please may I have your autograph?