4 February 2025



After returning from the local medical centre, following yet another appointment connected with my blood pressure, I began to doodle.  Hell, I have been doodling for donkey's years. Doodling helps me to think. To tell you the truth, I have no idea why I do it. It just happens. Up at "The Hammer and Pincers" they have several of my doodles pinned up on the noticeboard.

Today, I had the bright idea of drawing a cartoon of our blog brother John Gray. Over the years, I have seen many pictures of him. With his recent diabetes diagnosis, he has had a lot to consider in his bijou corner cottage. I thought this cartoon image might raise a smile upon his cheeky chops. 

I hope he sees it because he doesn't always drop in here. Hell, I don't blame him. Keeping up with all the blogs and bloggers you like could easily become a full time occupation. We have to draw some lines - don't we?

Perhaps the picture could lead to another cartoon series for children . My running title would be "The Adventures Earl Gray" and he would of course be accompanied by his faithful Welsh terriers and his mischievous kitten cats. The theme music would require a tuba.

In contrast to John, I have only ever seen one photograph of  County Cork blogger and plantaholic Dave Northsider so it was more difficult to create a cartoon for him - but still I tried.

Maybe Earl Gray and Dave Northsider could meet up in the cartoon series and have fun and frolics together. There'd be word balloons and everything and actions would be represented by cartoon sounds like POW! THWACK! OOPS! and SPLATT!

You don't have to be silly to work here at "Yorkshire Pudding Enterprises" but it helps!


  1. Would drawing some lines be considered a type of doodle?

    1. Hello Chris! Nice of you to call by. A few lines could indeed make a doodle.

  2. You've got a hidden talent there, sir. I see John Gray!

    1. It is what he sees in the mirror most mornings.

  3. I recognized John Gray right away from the glasses perched on top of his head, his bemused look, and the Walking Dead t-shirt! You definitely have a cartoonist's eye and the artistic skills to carry it off!

    1. That is very kind of you to say so Debra.

  4. Well, I'm impressed with this cartoon character. So all you have to do is come up with a couple of standard expressions and you're away to a successful cartoon.

    1. Every cartoon needs a villain and that could be you Red!

  5. The John Gray of Wales is a good representation. I don't know the other blogger.

  6. As I don't know what either of the two look like, I can't say how life-like your drawings are, but I have seen other drawings from you (including the one you are using as an Avatar here, and of course the wonderful illustrations you provided for my book) and imagine that these are spot on.

    1. I would have liked to see more pictures of Dave Northsider but he is rather shy.

  7. The drawings are excellent! No wonder they have some pinned up at the pub!

  8. Nice doodles. You have a not-so hidden talent .

  9. When you meet John he has a genuine smile, and a warm hug.

    1. Does he look as rough as a bear's arse?

  10. noodle doodle came to town, with lots of straight spaghetti..... they twisted it around around around, and this is what you get-ti. Noodle doodle doodle doodle motor cars, noodle doodle doddle doodle houses. Noodle doodle doodle doodle butterflies, EEK, noodle doodle mouses!

    1. Has it come to this? Get yourself a sanity test Mr Fox!

  11. Your drawings are way better than anything I could do. I'm more of a stick figure drawer:)

    1. The two drawings took me no more than three minutes to do.

  12. I have always wished for even the smallest gift in sketching or painting or...well, anything. I have literally never gotten past the stage of rendering humans on paper as stick figures. I am a little jealous of your doodling ability.

    1. I might do a cartoon of you Mary! But I need your permission.

  13. I look rough as a bears arse lol

  14. I could never in a million years doodle like that. You have a hidden talent!

    1. I just take it for granted that I can draw and paint and simply neglect my talent.

  15. You should write some stories with your illustrations for your grandchildren. What treasures!

    1. It was a sunny day in Trelawnyd and John Gray was bouncing down the lane on his pogo stick singing "Bat Out of Hell", closely followed by his Welsh terriers and two black kitten cats. Suddenly....

  16. Ps I’m game for A frolick. lol
    Pps I pop in most daysxx

    1. PPPS I don't pop in! So frolic on your tod mate!

  17. I knew that was John right away! (The t-shirt helped.) I always like your doodles. It seems like a fun skill to have.

  18. Pppps
    Is that a gravy stain near the I in waking Dead ?

  19. Another career beckons. I wish I could draw!


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