1 August 2024


We all know that The Olympic Games are currently happening in Paris but there has been little reporting on the parallel Blogolympics which are being held at Fontainebleu with its extensive grounds just outside the French capital. Below please see "Live Reporting"copied this very evening from the BBC Sports website.

14.00  Gold for Canada!

In the men's rhythmic gymnastics, Keith Kline of Red Deer, Alberta wins gold for Canada with a highly original routine that left the Chinese competitor Whi Mee lost for words. Afterwards Kline, known as Red by his many friends around the world, said, "I have worked so hard to achieve this goal!"

14.15 Disqualified

Tragically, over at the lake, the American coxless four team has been disqualified after a routine drug inspection found that all four women had partaken of illegal substances. Captained by Jennifer Barlow from South Carolina, the team includes Mary Moon, Margaret Grieve from Washington  State and  Ellen D..

14.30 Women's Weightlifting Final

Gold has gone to Meike Riley of Germany who lifted 85kg on her third attempt in the women's "clean and jerk". Afterwards she said, "I am knackered!" Silver went to Elsie Drifting, the Australian lifter and bronze was won by the Swedish athlete Dawn Treader. 

14.35 Reed Triumphant

In a tightly fought pole vaulting competition it was neck and neck between Stephen Reed of the USA and Andrew de Melbourne of Australia but ultimately it was Reed who triumphed with an outstanding leap of 6.14 metres. De Melbourne dressed in his trademark gold and green bodysuit said, "It's not fair! Reed's pole was longer than mine!"

14.45  Slatten Flattens!

Over at the boxing venue, Bob Slatten of America hammered Tasker Dunham of Great Britain in the middleweight final. Dunham was knocked down several times and his nose was flattened but he still earned a silver medal for his country.

14.55  Gold in sight for The Isle of Man!

Isle of Man-based archer JayCee Ramsey got off to a fine start in the first round of the women's archery competition scoring four bulls to eliminate world champion Jenny O'Hara representing Canada. JayCee Ramsey will meet Nurse Pixie - also from Canada - in the second round. ADDY from West London (GB) is scheduled to meet another British competitor in the form of Poppy Patchwork.

15.05  Taylor Made! 

In the final of the senior men's wrestling competition Bruise Taylor (USA) earned a narrow victory over Cro Magnon representing both France and Great Britain. Taylor forced a screeching Magnon to submit in the third round with a full nelson.

15.25  Gray beaten to Gold

At the athletics track John Gray earned a creditable silver medal for Great Britain in the shot put event. He hurled one of his iron balls a full 29.6 metres as his adoring fans whooped and cheered. Gray was beaten to the gold by the redoubtable Ed Riverbend from Iowa, USA.

15.40 Latest from the Triathlon

Current race leaders as the cycling phase nears its end
1. Dave Northsider (Ireland)
2. David Godfrey (USA)
3. Graham Edwards (Great Britain)

16.05 Table Tennis Final

The final of the women's table tennis will take place at 19.00 British Summer Time with Britain's Thelma Wilcox "The Pocket Rocket" taking on Australia's Kylie Tai "Waltzing Matilda" in the gold medal match. Both beat off strong Chinese competitors in their semi-final matches.

16.30 Men's 100 metres finalists.

The men's 100 metres final will be hotly contested by seven bloggers from African countries - namely Malawi, Burundi. The Central African Republic, Zambia, Lesotho, Niger and Togo. Only one European blogger  has reached the final - namely Great Britain's seventy year old Yorkshire Pudding who is said to be able to run like the wind which he will need to do in order to stand any chance of a medal.


  1. Steve's pole is longer than Andrew's? Love it, although I was unaware of this fact, but as I nurse, I have noticed that poles do tend to shrink with age:)

  2. Silver? Yay me! This was a fun read :)

    1. If you had trained harder instead of reading books and watching TV, I am sure you would have done better Elsie!

  3. I never knew I could box!

    1. Well you know now. You are an Olympic champion Bob!

  4. Replies
    1. I wonder how you will come back from your disappointment at the archery arena?

  5. That must be one of the most sustained inside-jokes I have seen for a while. Presumably everyone referenced will now need to respond in comments. Obviously this does not include me.

    1. STOP PRESS! Latest from Fontainebleu! Marcellous Kelly of Australia wins gold in the 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men having controversially and accidentally shot dead the referee in the semi-final.

  6. I am innocent of this "Girls in the Boat" scandal. LOL

    1. We wuz robbed! Robbed, I tell you!

    2. It is a shame that the Blogolympics have been tainted by this scandal. What were you thinking about girls?

    3. No illicit drugs for me unless you are counting my blood pressure and blood thinner meds! No Fair, Neil!

    4. You can moan all you like Ellen but the governing body have decided.

  7. If it was your intention to entertain and amuse, you succeeded well.

    1. Your pole was a mere three metres long.

  8. My, what a fine athletic bunch. I am all a'quiver with excitement and bow to the excellence of your reporting.

    1. You are like Cupid JayCee! Your arrows always hit the spot - just like Fallon Sherrock!

  9. Thanks for the laugh, Neil! I‘d be well and truly knackered if I tried to lift 85 kg - I struggle when I carry my food shopping home and the bag contains a tetra pack of orange juice and a kilo of apples.
    Good luck with your 100 m race!

  10. Well, these sound so much more exciting that those other Olympics in Paris. They never seem to be off the TV screens. However, by burying my head in the sand and turning the TV off, I've managed to avoid them so far!

    1. STOP PRESS! British exile Carol Coppa wins bronze for Great Britain in the 25m Pistol Women.

  11. I would have won gold if they had let me box against the girls.

    1. Not if your opponent was a certain Tunisian "girl"!

    2. tsk tsk, tooo topical! You have possibly been paying attention after all.

    3. Actually she was/is Algerian.

  12. What about the poetry reading competitors YP?

    1. Sadly, there were no entries due to an administrative mix-up.

  13. Is it televised? And can I wear something pretty to play ping pong?
    A fun post, Mr pudding

    1. In "ping pong" at the Blogolympics, women competitors are required to wear bikinis in their national colours.

  14. Replies
    1. The irony is that the drugs in question were, as you well know, marijuana and cannabis resin. Not really performance-enhancing.

  15. Well, you've outdone yourself with this one, Neil! Extra rhyming points for "Slatten Flattens." I'm keeping shtum about my pole.

    1. It is well-documented that your pole is the maximum length allowed - 17 ft 5 in!

  16. I guess all those years of throwing hay bales over my head into the mow stack paid off.

    1. I have heard you have muscles like Bluto in the Popeye cartoons!

  17. We were robbed! There was not one illegal substance in our bodies. It was just cold medicine!
    Clever post, Mr. P.!

    1. You can always put in an appeal but by then the games will be over so what's the point?

  18. Humorous post. Lots of fun to hear about other bloggers. Keep up the fun posts.

    1. Congratulations on your gold medal Keith. You have really put Red Deer on the map.


Mr Pudding welcomes all genuine comments - even those with which he disagrees. However, puerile or abusive comments from anonymous contributors will continue to be given the short shrift they deserve. Any spam comments that get through Google/Blogger defences will also be quickly deleted.

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