7 August 2024


Tim Walz and family

IVF = In Vitro Fertilisation. It is a  technique that has given babies to thousands of couples with fertility issues - bringing shed loads of happiness and relief to people who were losing hope.

It seems incredible that within the Trump cult there's a lobby of MAGAists who not only vehemently disapprove of abortion under any circumstances, they are also against IVF treatment. These unkind numbskulls claim to be servants of God Almighty but I have searched through The Bible with a fine tooth-comb and found no evidence that God disapproves of either abortion or IVF. It is highly likely that the numbskulls just made it all up to fit in with their bigotry and backward looking philosophies.

Some of you may recall me writing about our grandson Zachary. He came into being with the assistance of IVF, bringing a beautiful child into the lives of his grateful parents - Ian and Sarah. Without him, I think they would have always felt his absence - like an emotional fissure. And of course, Zach continues to bring joy and fulfilment to his wider family. All thanks to IVF.

Meanwhile, over in America, the president in waiting - Kamala Harris has just picked Tim Walz as her  running mate for the upcoming election. He seems like a great guy - in many ways the archetypal mid-westerner. He's decent, fair-minded and funny and his description of Trump and his VP pick as "weird" seems spot on.

Tim married his wife Gwen in 1994. They looked forward to raising a family but the magic didn't happen and so they sought medical assistance in the form of IVF. It was a difficult journey but in 2001 they were blessed with a daughter - Hope and five years later their son Gus was born - also with the assistance of IVF.

That challenging but ultimately joyful experience is in stark contrast to the Republican stance on IVF. Back in June,  Senate Republicans  defeated a bill that would have established a federal right to access in vitro fertilisation services. That seems pretty sinister to me but for those seeking IVF assistance it's frightening.

Thank heavens for Hope and Gus and Zachary and for all the other much cherished IVF babies in this world who came to join us.


  1. The Republicans seem focused on forcing people who don't want to have children to have them, and not allowing people who DO want children to have them. It's mind-blowing.

    1. There are so many other issues to address. Why do they waste energy on issues surrounding reproduction?

    2. It's the effect of religious extremism within the conservative political sphere in the United States. Thankfully not something we see as much in England.

    3. As the years have passed, at least with regard to Christianity, England has become less and less religious which fills me with pride.

  2. Your description of the MAGAts as numbskulls is one of the nicest names you can call them. I'm almost feeling like I can breathe again..... Harris/Walz for the win!

    1. A numskull has so much skull bone that the brain cavity is exceedingly small.

  3. Republicans don't like people who don't have children yet they would deny people trying to have children the means to do it. You have to wonder if they all have dementia - not being able to be logical is a hallmark of it!

    1. They play at God themselves - daring to re-interpret The Bible.

  4. Trump and his crowd of trumpkins are beyond the pale. It's so nice to see a politician who is not clinically insane and not spewing hatred. Go Harris and Walz.

    1. Already those Republican mobsters are digging away at Tim Walz's record in relation to the George Floyd riots - as if he was in some way to blame.

  5. I'm in favour of programs like IVF and any other method that gives children to families that want them. (The exception here is kidnapping and baby trafficking, that is wrong on so many levels.) One of my friends has a delightful daughter via IVF and is hoping to get a sibling for her soonish.

    1. Many children are unwanted but IVF children are always much wanted and then cherished.

  6. The Republicans are in conflict on these issues. They really don't know what they're talking about and don't understand the issue.

    1. Most of them are like sheep - following the flock.

  7. "It is highly likely that the numbskulls just made it all up to fit in with their bigotry and backward looking philosophies."
    And if those so-called Republicans believed in God then they might realize that God created the men and women who created IVF and gave women an option besides having their rapists' child or giving birth to a stillborn child, or dying in childbirth.

    1. They only play at believing in God. It's just an elaborate game.

  8. While I do not in the least agree with MAGAists (and bigotry in general is something I detest, no matter what country or religion), I may have an unpopular view of this and others may think I don't have a right to have a view at all, since I do not have children of my own and never wanted any.
    ...honestly, I have never understood this absolute and overwhelming need/want for people to have their biologically own children. There are so, so many kids in this world who need a decent family to grow up in, and don't have that. Adoption is tough, I know that (friends of my parents have adopted, and a former colleague of mine has made that huge step, too). But all sorts of treatments for having a baby are tough, too. Why not give a loving home to a baby (or child) that is already there? Why does it have to be one's own genes?

    1. For most people, myself included, the urge is both strong and timeless. It is not logical, just instinctive as I suspect it probably was with your parents. However, I admire anybody who has the emotional wherewithal to adopt children and provide them with loving homes and security.

  9. IVF has given so many people longed for children and I wish it was freely available to all those need it. I had IVF treatment in the 1990s. It didn't work but thankfully I went on to have two sons. If I could sound a note of caution, I am concerned about all the hormones that women have to take during treatment. I got breast cancer a few years later and my doctor said that not enough research had yet been done into any possible link. I hope my comment hasn't upset anyone and I think the Republican view on IVF is cruel.

    1. That is interesting about the possible side effects of the hormones Debby. Something that may not be widely known?

    2. Clearly, this subject is something that is very close to your heart Debbie. Thank you for sharing. What joy those boys must have brought you when they first arrived... as if a stork had brought them. Do they still bring you joy?

  10. Kay has two friends are pregnant through IVF. One baby is due in October and the other in December. Although I did not have IVF, I failed to get pregnant until the age of 40 and I know only too well what it is like to want to be pregnant and not to be able to, so IVF is a godsend whatever the Republicans say.

    1. How long had you and Greg been "trying for" a baby ADDY?

    2. About ten years

    3. Wow! I bet you had almost given up hope. Kay must still seem like a miracle.

  11. They do. They are grown up and both have interesting jobs. There were plenty of high jinks when they were teenagers however!

    1. Does "high jinks" mean the cops kept knocking on your door? Good to hear things turned out fine.

  12. I remember when the first IVF baby was born and there was a lot of talk about whether humanity was playing God. I think we ask that question when science is at new frontiers and of course with IVF there's only good can come of it when it works.
    The republicans are about 40 years behind on this one.

    1. Yes. That particular ship sailed long ago. All the more reason for Americans to "vote blue" - Democrat.

  13. A breeze of fresh air in national politics. The latest addition to my family is an IVF baby, not covered by health insurance, cost as much as a new car out of pocket, and the proud parents had to go to another state to get the medical care they needed.

    1. It is so wrong that they had to go to another state.

  14. As I am feeling rather sad, the photo made me feel very happy.

    1. When you know the context of that picture, it is indeed joyful.

  15. Republicans want to be in our libraries, our school rooms, our doctors' offices, our bedrooms, and most especially- our wombs. In claiming to know what their god wants for all of us, they are only showing their ignorance and their inability to grasp the concept that religion was created before we humans had the slightest idea how the world worked.

    1. Their arrogance in redefining The Bible is breathtaking.

  16. It's odd that Republicans don't want the government programs that help others and want to keep the government out of their business but then insist on having government control everything that is none of their business! Weird!

    1. You state the irony of it so simply.

  17. I can't put it any better than Mary just did re: the Republicans.

    I didn't know that Zach was an IVF baby! I must have somehow missed that when you mentioned it before. I don't understand people who don't approve of IVF making it their business to police what other people do. Don't like IVF? Don't have it! And as Tim Walz said, "Mind your own damn business!"

    1. Isn't America supposed to be "The Land of the Free" as the song goes? That freedom should include women's bodies. Sorry if I have stated that wrongly!

  18. I love your take on American politics. I think you know a lot more about what is going on than many Americans. The more I read about Tim Walz, the more I like him. And the fact that he was a teacher is certainly (for me) a plus.


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