17 August 2024


Here in England, "randy" is a mildly rude word (American: horny). Back in the summer of 1976,  I arrived at The Red Raider Summer Camp near Cleveland, Ohio and was soon introduced to my assistant counsellor: Randy Fitch. To say I was taken aback would be an understatement.  The equivalent might be renaming me Horny Pudding!

Anyway, Randy Fitch is the wrong Randy. Today I want to highlight Randy Rainbow - an American comedian in his early forties. While roaming the internet, I have stumbled across him several times. He specialises in political satire - often singing cleverly reworked songs. I love his stupid facial expressions but his videos are not stupid at all, they are ingeniously put together and usually politically "en pointe" as they say in the world of ballet.

He makes Trump look like a chump. Hey, that rhymes! Here's "Forty Five" from two months back. Enjoy!

By the way Randy Rainbow is his real name - it's not made up. He does something that many other comedians fail to do - he makes me laugh! If you want to find out more about him and his comedy: Go here.


  1. We LOVE Randy Rainbow in this house! We subscribe to his Youtube channel, so anything new he puts out immediately shows up when we open YT. I'm glad you've discovered him too!

    1. I wonder if Trump himself has giggled at Randy's videos?

  2. Randy is high-larious, and spot on!

    1. Have you featured him on "I Should Be Laughing"?

  3. I've never seen him before but I love him! He's got a great voice too.

    1. In some ways he is like a throwback to variety shows of the past.

  4. That is so clever and so true. I've never heard of Randy rainbow, but I'll be checking YouTube later for more of his stuff.

    1. Make sure you have some dry knickers in your drawer Elsie!

  5. My sister sends me links to Rany Rainbow‘s videos. As you say, they are very clever.

    1. I am surprised he is not more well-known.

  6. That was really funny and honest.

    1. Happy to give you a chuckle on a Sunday morning Poppy!

  7. I love him. His videos are actually very clever (although he does have a lot of material to work with considering Trump and Vance). There is also one with Ron DeSantis that is a scream. I agree w/Pixie: I think Randy has a lovely singing voice.

  8. I read is biography a year or two ago. This election will give him lots of material to work with.

  9. Randy Rainbow is a talented genius. That is my opinion in a nutshell.

  10. Randy Rainbow is a hoot and he has lots of funny, funny songs and his presentations are always so well done. I think his videos are popular here in the US and I see him on Instagram and Facebook all of the time. I think he just released a book...

  11. Sounds interesting. I'll go over and take a look.

  12. Randy's a favorite of mine.

  13. Dave LOVES Randy Rainbow. (Well, not romantically.) I don't spend much time on YouTube so I haven't seen much of this stuff but what I've seen I've liked.


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