8 September 2024


Another "Quiztime" quiz from Yorkshire Pudding Entertainment Inc.. This week's theme is songs but not recent songs. How will you do? Answers given in the Comments section. Good luck! 


1. Which Oklahoma city was Gene Pitney twenty four hours from?

2. Which Georgia-born singer was "sitting on the dock of the bay"?

3. Which Liverpool lane did The Beatles sing about in a 1967 hit single?

4. Which fashion and lifestyle magazine did Madonna sing about in a 1990 hit single?

5. Which song from the musical "Hair" contains these words - "He resembles George Harrison of The Beatles/ But he wears his hair tied in a small bow at the back"?

6. She sang, 

We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her and I go back to
I go back to us
but who was this troubled British singer?
(a) Cilla Black  (b) Petula Clark  (c) Amy Winehouse (d) Florence Welch

7.  Which 1969 Bob Dylan hit single includes these words - "I long to see you in the morning light./ I long to reach for you in the night"?

8. This cartoon band had a big hit with "Sugar, Sugar" in 1969 but who were they?
(a) The Temptations (b)The Archies (c) The Monkees  (d)The Republicans

I recall the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground beneath your knees
The birds, like tender babies in your hands
And the old men playing Chinese checkers by the trees
Which Los Angeles Park was Richard Harris singing  about in this 1969 hit single composed by Jimmy Webb?

I sat on the roof
And kicked off the moss
Well, a few of the verses
Well, they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind
While I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
It was his very first hit single back in 1970 but who was he? Clue: His real name is Reginald  Kenneth Dwight.

Okay that's it! Score and perhaps why?


  1. Answers
    1. Tulsa
    2. Otis Redding
    3. Penny Lane
    4. "Vogue"
    5. "Frank Mills"
    6. (c) Amy Winehouse
    7. "Lay Lady Lay"
    8. (b) The Archies
    9. Macarthur Park
    10. Elton John

  2. Three. I got Amy Winehouse, The Archies and Elton John. Sigh.

  3. Huzzah! I scored 9 out of 10! I know nothing about the musical "Hair", so I missed #5.

    1. Errr... Well done Kelly but please see my post of Saturday September 7th!

    2. My excuse Is that I don't read here daily and didn't see that post, but I can't speak for your regulars.

  4. I got eight of them right, missed Tulsa and Frank Mills. And I'm really alright with that!

    1. Errr... Well done Deb but please see my post of Saturday September 7th!

  5. I got all except Frank Mills.

    1. Errr... Well done Deedles but please see my post of Saturday September 7th!

  6. Replies
    1. #5 was foreshadowed by my previous blogpost Margie!

    2. I realized that after the fact!

  7. Four, but I got Frank Mills only because of your very recent post about that song.
    Not surprising, since much of your kind of music has never been my kind of music. I am much more familiar with music from the mid-70s (ABBA, for instance) and 80s, when I was a teenager.
    Of course I got Penny Lane right - The Beatles are basic general knowledge when it comes to music, aren‘t they.

    1. Your youth was against you Meike! However, you were alert enough to recognise that "Frank Mills" had been covered the day before! Have a lovely work day!

  8. 8 out of 10 this time, I missed Frank Mills and I know it was someone you recently wrote about but thought it would be cheating to go back and I didn't know Lay Lady Lay.

    1. I would not have thought of it as cheating. That's why I slipped that particular question in!

  9. Replies
    1. I thought you were our musical expert!

  10. I got 7.....didn't bother reading your post about Frank Mills as I had never heard of him!
    Never been into Madonna and didn't recognise the lyrics from McCarthur Park, though of course I do know the song.

    1. Frank Mills was. I think, an imagined character.

  11. I missed 5 and 7. Otis Reading took some remembering. I didn't need the multiple choices or photos for 6 and 8. 10 I only knew because you wrote his name.

    1. Good lad Andrew. You tried your best!

  12. Only really knew 2,3,4; got 6 & 8 from your pictures and 10 cos I know his real name. Sorry, I glaze over a bit for your music posts so missed #7.

    1. Yes, I mean #5. But funnily enough that line about the hair tied at the back tugged at my memories and I had a snippet of tune without making the link to "Frank Mills."

  13. I am badly in need of a 'P' please, Bob.

    1. Just go behind that hedge over there.

  14. 7/10 - which is surprise to me - I usually haven't a clue! I failed on 2,4 and 7. I only knew Frank Mills because of your recent blog about the song.

    1. Shows your brain is in working order Carol.

  15. 4/10. (Surprised I even got that many.) 3/ The word "lane" was enough to trigger the name of the Beatles song; 5/ I did read your post yesterday (but had to go back to it for the title); 6/ without suggested names + photo I'd have been clueless, but Amy Winehouse was the name that (vaguely) seemed to click with the photo in my memory; 8/ I recognized Archie from a comics magazine back in my childhood. (His name in Swedish was "Acke".) I also (kind of) remembered the song. I never saw the animated TV series, though and I don't think I ever knew that The Archies was a fictional band, or connected to the comics character at all...

    1. As usual you did your best Monica! Good effort.

  16. 8 / 10. Got the Archies wrong I thought it was the monkees and I didn't have a clue on question 5.

    1. Not bad Freewheeler! For Q5 you could have just looked at the previous day's post!

  17. 60% - better than I thought I would. Listen to music without paying attention to who the artist is.

  18. 1. Tulsa, and I say that because it was the first city in Oklahoma to cross my mind.
    2. Otis Redding.
    3.♫ ♪ Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes ♪ ♫
    4. Vogue!!!
    5. Frank Mills ... I have been paying attention!
    6. Amy Winehouse
    7. Stumped.
    8. The Archies!
    9. MacArthur Park
    10. Sir Elton.

    9 of 10! Damn that Bob Dylan!!!

  19. Let us just say that I am much better at this subject than geography.

  20. I got 9 out of 10 correct, Neil. Those were the songs of my youth and you helped out with the post on Frank Mills the other day! I couldn't remember the title to the Bob Dylan song but once I saw your answers, I could remember all of the lyrics!

  21. I don't consider songs my strong suit because I have a hard time remembering song titles but you phrased your questions well so I only missed two today, questions 1 and 9.

  22. 1. Tulsa
    2. Otis Redding
    3. Penny Lane
    4, (No Idea)
    5. (No idea . . and it was only yesterday)
    6. Amy Winehouse
    7. (No idea and I was a Dylan fan)
    8. The Archies
    9. MacArthur Park
    10. Elton John

    Well 7 out of 10. I'm getting stronger.


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