12 September 2024


Our lovely Margot at ten months old, heading towards her first birthday in November. Yesterday afternoon, I snapped her picture as she was getting ready to leave. You can't see this but just off camera in the first picture her mama has arrived after  eight hours of home work in her little office. And here's Margot below - presumably saying, "Your Country Needs You!" just like Lord Kitchener.
The sharp-eyed amongst you might recall that Phoebe - now aged 3 years 8 months - wore that very same faux-fur coat when she was a babe. This photo was taken when she was nine months old and on holiday in Canada...
Time keeps rolling on. This time next year Phoebe will be in primary school - the same one that her parents both attended. Margot will be walking and talking. And of course, perhaps less obviously, we are growing older too, day by day, month by month on the merry journey to old age and all that that entails...
Margot, Margot, Margot...
Life's just a passing show
You stand here in the light
Then wave and say good night.


  1. Beautiful baby girls! Time is rolling on too fast for me.

  2. Blue-eyed darlin's they are.

  3. Those girls have the most stunningly gorgeous eyes!

  4. Those girls have the most beautiful eyes! Time marches on.

  5. I do remember the faux fur coat, and that picture of Phoebe!
    You and Shirley have two very lovely granddaughters (and of course an equally lovely grandson).

  6. A cute baby. Time does indeed fly. Blink and they'll be backpacking round Thailand.

  7. Two lovely little girls. You are a lucky man YP.

  8. How lucky you are to have two such beautiful granddaughters. They have the most beautiful eyes.
    Don't fret about the march of time YP - you can't halt it - just enjoy the journey and give thanks for three beautiful healthy grandchildren.

  9. Clearly I am not sharp eyed. It is hard to believe Phoebe is nearly four years old.
    You haven't done an AI job on your granddaughters' eyes have you?

  10. Cute poem and very cute baby Margot with the mesmerising eyes. I didn't remember the coat.

  11. They both have very symmetrical faces; a very good sign!

  12. Where's Omar Sharif?

  13. Margot means Pearl. Beautiful photo.

  14. Lovely pics. Our only grandaughter is in 2nd year of nursery while George our youngest grandson has just started mainstream school. George has Down's Syndrome but he's loving school.

  15. Such lovely girls, Neil! I hope life is filled with fun, laughter, and happiness for them.

  16. Beautiful, beautiful darling girls.

  17. That is one adorable, stylish fashionista tot!

  18. They are such beautiful, happy, observant, delightful children. I especially enjoy watching them grow up, little by little. I thank you for including all of us in their childhood.

  19. Those amazing eyes!

  20. Those girls have such amazing eyes!

  21. Looking at that photo of young Phoebe, I see an astute tolerate no garbage kind person. I wonder if she will become that way.
    Margot looks to have slight dimples? If she does, they go well with her laid back character


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