21 October 2024


My niece Katie was born in the autumn of 1976 so later this month she will be 48 years old. Born in north London, she had experienced many visits to western Ireland before she moved there for good at the age of eighteen.

If you heard her speaking now you would think she was entirely Irish and you would think the same if you witnessed her singing or playing her flutes and whistles in a bar in Kilfenora, Lisdoonvarna, Lahinch or Doolin. In this she has followed her father, my late brother Paul.

Her singing voice is lovely. She closes her eyes and sails away upon the back of the song to somewhere else. Virtually all of her singing has been of other people's songs but in 2020 she crossed the line and created an original song for my brother. As it says in the first line, "This song is dedicated to my father".

I have featured it before in "Yorkshire Pudding" but recently I was alerted to the existence of another video version on YouTube. Listening to it and watching the video unfurl brought tears to my eyes. I remember how Paul and Katie were together - like peas from the same pod and he loved her very much. The feeling was wholly mutual.

A loved someone might die but they never go away - not entirely. Please listen to "When You Were Big and I  Was Small"...


  1. As long as someone remembers them they will live forever!

    1. Maybe that song will be known for years to come... at least by a few.

  2. That was amazing, tears was in my eyes so beautiful

    1. So glad you feel the same as me about that song Orly.

  3. That was a true tear-jerker.

    1. So glad it touched you Bruce. Thanks for listening.


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