4 July 2023


An Italian couple from Rome go on holiday to Sicily with their kids. They park their car close to the seaside, unload their swimsuits, towels, and buckets and happily walk to the beach. As they sit down on the sand, Vito realizes that he left his sunglasses in the car. "Darling, I'll just go grab my glasses, I left them in the car. I'll be right back." 

He gets inside the car and shuts the door behind him and starts looking for them. He leans down to look under the seats and in the various compartments. As he searches, he realizes the car is slowly raising in height on one side. Confused, he rolls down the windows and looks outside to see what's going on. 

A man, who apparently hadn't noticed the car was occupied, had lifted the vehicle with a car jack and was now proceeding to unbolt the wheels. Vito, recognizing the man was obviously trying to steal them, yells, "Hey! what the hell do you think you're doing?!" The thief looks up at him in surprise, pauses for a moment, then whispers with a rather reassuring tone, "OK, OK. I take the wheels; you take the radio."


  1. Good play on words today. I like them.

    1. I spent ages trying to find funny Italian jokes, memes and cartoons and this was the best I could come up with.

  2. My brother spends 6 months here and six months in Italy. When he is here he is a miserable git. When he is there he is a different person and tolerates things from the Italians that would send him into a blue frenzy back home. He will appreciate these.

    1. Is he in The Mafia? Of course it is an international organisation now - spanning the globe.

  3. Ho, ho, ho - are these from the Boys Own Bumper Book of Awful Jokes?

    1. I tried hard to find genuinely funny stuff but this was the best I could do Carol.

  4. I fun way to start the day

    1. Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! It's off to work Mr Penguin goes. He keeps on singing all day long - Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!

  5. I laughed out loud at, "Sign language in Italian."

    1. I saw a few people using that particular gesture. It's like getting to the very nub of things.


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