16 July 2023


In the middle  - that's Phoebe enjoying bathtime in Marbella, Spain with her two little playmates. Because of the nature of the world that we live in, I am not allowed to name the other two little children nor to give any clues as to where they might reside. They are all two years old. Let's say that the curly headed little boy on the left is called Gandalf and the little girl on the right is called Esmeralda and they live in  Narnia. I love that picture. They have been having a happy time in the posh villa in Marbella spending a great amount of time in the swimming pool. As you can see, their respective parents have been pretty diligent about protecting their skin during a time of searing heat.

Below - evidence of what I did with one of the conjoined courgettes. I know that one or two of you were interested  in how the twin plants were connected. After slicing them, I brushed the slices with olive oil and seasoned with pepper, salt and dry basil. Then I put them on an oven tray before roasting for twenty minutes in the oven - turning  once.

Just a reminder to self - today was the day that Shirley and I went up to "The Sportsman" at Lodge Moor on the edge of the city for Sunday lunch. It was as good as it was twenty years ago - all home cooking. That's so hard to find in pubs these days. Usually there's a sense that frozen or ready-made elements are present but not so at "The Sportsman". Delicious and I even left some beef as I had been given too much at the carvery counter. For me that is unheard of.

I came home to watch the Wimbledon men's singles final on TV, not imagining that I would spend five hours on our sofa  but I enjoyed all of the twists and turns and ups and downs and in the end I was happy that the young Spaniard - Carlos Alcaraz had won. It was a fantastic battle.


  1. That's a lovely photo of the kids in the tub but please be careful. There are a lot of creepy people in the world, sadly, who download photos of children and then wank off. I know this photo isn't on social media but there are programs designed to travel the web and scrape images from anywhere on the web. That's part of the reason I tried to stop showing Jack's face in photos. It's a sad world we live in.

    1. I am aware of that. However, 99% of human beings are good and decent. It is a sad world when we have to give in to the other 1%.

    2. It is and it is lovely to see such a sweet, innocent photo.

  2. Did you eat the zucchinis as they were or did they accompany something else?
    I love a good carvery - they are getting harder and harder to find as places think we want the fancy stuff.

  3. The kids look cool. I like Phoebe's expression where those blue eyes are turned up.

    1. I don't know what they were looking at.

  4. My son in law found a conjoined banana recently!

    1. I didn't know that they existed either.

  5. I am not allowed to show my grandaughters or name them or the town they live in. People can look things up on Google and it frightens parents to have a stranger writing as if he or she knows the area. They have to then gauge whether the writer is a threat or not. One post got me in huge trouble with my son and daughter in law.

    My son-in-law worked in cyber security while he was in the Royal Marines. He would tell you that when you post a picture of your grandchild in your garden, for instance, someone who knows what they are doing can tell exactly where the picture was taken. That's why I cannot post pictures of my daughter and him on my blog.

    1. There's a lot of scaremongering around and a lot of hypersensitivity. I prefer to not go down that route.

  6. If someone put the children's photo on FB, someone would complain about public nudity.
    The courgette offcut is an interesting shape. You knew I would bite, didn't you.

    1. I knew you would bite because you are a cannibal.

  7. The little boy looks like a cherub from a Baroque painting come alive! It‘s a lovely picture and conveys the perfectly innocent pleasure those three little children were enjoying.
    Good to know there are still pubs around serving all home cooking. I am looking forward to what has become my sister and my favourite eating place in Ripon, Oliver‘s Pantry.

    1. Yes. It is a picture of innocence - with their whole lives ahead of them. They will live through an era where climate change becomes ever more problematic.

      Sorry that the weather outlook for North Yorkshire in late July continues to look unsettled but I know that you and your sister will make the most of things anyway.

  8. The little ones make my heart sing. My oldest grandson has curls like that, but he is 27 and his hair hangs just below his shoulders.

    1. Innocence is a lovely quality isn't it Elsie?

  9. I love your photo, and their delicate protected white skin, well done parents. Your meals sounds the best, as for the tennis, wonderful match, great play, bit disappointed with antics from Novac, and I think the best man won.

    1. Novak smashed his racquet like a spoilt brat and the amount of ball bouncing before each serve was potentially very distracting for Carlos.

  10. Wish I'd read your blog before I went out to the supermarket this morning, their courgettes looked excellent. I must make a note and try your oven method. I usually add them to gazpacho when i make it, or a sautéed addition to a meat dish.
    The photo of the children is delightful, but I share others concerns about the misuse of such innocent images. I can remember when it became illegal to take photographs of young children in the bath, or unclothed, even for the family album. This was in the innocent days of "old fashioned" photography.

    1. Why should decent, wholesome people have to cower or change because of a tiny number of perverts? The picture is of childhood innocence and I have no regrets whatsoever about including it in this blogpost.

    2. I have photos of my children wearing nothing but bath bubbles (soap suds) but I will never show them online.

  11. I looks like two blooms that grew together, interesting, and tasty

    1. I did find expert reference to this phenomenon through googling intelligently.

  12. They look like "Infinity courgettes."

  13. Did they taste twice as good as single ones?


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