28 September 2023


Trump mini-speaker

I swear that I am not making this up. There really is an online store where you can order stuff that pays homage to the American demagogue and no doubt  help to pay his spiralling legal bills.

There was a time when such an idea would have been unthinkable. Serious politicians are meant to focus on the onerous responsibility of running countries not upon souvenir merchandise sales.  But Trump spotted a business opportunity.

At the Trumpstore you can purchase all manner of apparel from T-shirts to baseball caps and from hoodies to golfwear. Mostly these items bear a single word and that is "Trump". It is as if he is some sort of religious leader - a mast to pin your allegiances to.

Leaving the clothing aside, here are some of the other bizarre items you can purchase via Trumpstore 

Lady's clutch bag $84

Trump gummy bears

Mar-A-Lago and Trump jet models - sold as a set for $205

Dog collar

Beach ball and bucket set

Trump cheese knives $44

Perfume, hi-ball glasses, bandanas, flasks, umbrellas, socks and many other Trump items may be bought from the Trumpstore. But here are some things that they don't sell - Integrity, Honesty, Kindness, Humility, Intelligence, Fairness and  Truth. Of course these things do not sit well with Donald J. Trump. And they do not seem to matter much to his deluded followers either.


  1. It is a conundrum. Since they're selling his mug shot on various items I wonder if they'll some day sell photos of him behind bars.

    1. One can only dream but I rather think that "The System" will shy away from that conclusion. In the end justice is a slippery creature.

  2. Whilst I hold no liking for "The Donald", I think that it is unfair to target just him for the lack of qualities that you list. Just as an example, our beloved Liberal Democrats are neither liberal not democratic - wanting to overturn the BREXIT referendum result just because the voters chose to vote the "wrong" way. And just how many U-turns has Sir Kier made since assuming the role of Leader of His Majesties Opposition? And just how many lies has the present government told about how they were going to drastically reduce immigration whilst presiding over a 600,000 nett immigration figure?

    1. Of course you are right Will but here I was focusing upon Trump - nobody else.

  3. Nice turn for the ending of this post.

  4. In my house I wouldn't want ever a single thing that had Trump stamped on it.

  5. I suspect that similar shops exist for many "celebrities", be they movie stars, famous athletes, or just "in" people who have done nothing more than showing their faces and bodies anywhere and everywhere on social media.
    You'll be hard pressed to find Inegrity, Honesty, Kndness, Humility, Intelligence, Fairness and Truth in any shop. Those things are too valuable - nobody would be able to pay for them if it were even possible to attach a price tag.

    1. Did Mrs Merkel have a similar online store?

    2. I never checked, as I was (and am) not interested.

    3. She was a proper leader - focused and hard-working. I very much doubt she would have approved of an online self-promotional store.

  6. I don't think there would be a northern train set if Sunak had a store.

    1. Little models of Sunak would be sold in matchboxes. He's so tiny. Maybe there'd be wind-up ones too.

  7. Are you informing us of this just in time for your birthday?

    1. I don't need a present. Just send money.

    2. I was thinking more in terms of Trump underpants with the name written across the seat.

  8. I'm not sure if it's universal but the verb 'to trump' can mean to fart. On that basis, I don't fancy the trump sweets at all.

    1. You certainly would not want Yorkshire Pudding trump flavoured Addy!

  9. That's very bizarre. Trump cheese knives? Why?!

    His acolytes don't strike me as the type of people who would need cheese knives.

    Trump was a brand long before he was a president, though. Maybe the issue isn't that a politician has all these branded items for sale, so much as that we've elected a person to public office to will slap his name on just about anything.

    1. Librarians can buy "Trump" pencils from Trumpstore.

  10. When will this Trump cult go away forever?! I'm so sick of hearing his name, seeing his ugly face, hearing the lies that come out of his tiny, puckered mouth.......

  11. The arrogance of the man is unbelievable.

  12. Do they have prison jumpsuits with his name on them???? Not Yet.

    1. They would sell like hotcakes but I fear that the American "system" will in the end pull back from the merited incarceration of Trump. They just won't do it.

  13. Why would anyone expect anything less?

  14. Proves that old PT Barnum saying about a sicker being born every minute ... though I think it's quicker than that!

    1. Maybe the moronic thinking was there all along. It was just better hidden.

  15. Some people are idiots. I hate this stuff.

    1. In England some people tell me that Americans are such morons to follow Trump and I frequently point out that that more than half of Americans - yourself included Ellen - have not fallen for the craziness.

  16. Yes, it's a cult and I'm so tired.


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