29 January 2025


Ready for a heart-warming story? My apologies if you have already stumbled across it.

In the picture you have got Mr and Mrs Shears from Coventry, England. He is called Donovan and she is called Kirsty.

Back in 1998, they were both eighteen years old. Donovan , a citizen of Coventry in the English Midlands, acquired his first mobile phone and he began messing about with it. He sent out some random texts to random numbers. He was just experimenting. Each time he wrote , "Hello?" but at first there was no reply from anybody. But then he got a reply. The text just said "Hi" and it came from Kirsty in Cleethorpes - 120 miles away.

Anyway, one thing led to another. In the weeks that followed they texted each other regularly. Then they had phone conversations and after about six months, Kirsty travelled by train to meet Donovan in Coventry.

Love blossomed and they were married  in 2002. Later, two children came along - a boy called Stirling and a girl called Alora. They were blessed because Kirsty had struggled to get pregnant and thought it might never happen.

On Valentine's Day this year the couple plan to reaffirm their marriage vows in Coventry Cathedral. It turns out that that random phone text contact in 1998 changed their lives forever and for the better. Donovan and Kirsty are still very much in love  with a happy family.

Praising his Scottish wife, Donovan said,  "She is an amazing woman, she's so intelligent and we know each other so well, she's my best friend as well as my wife."


  1. So have you changed your mind about mobile phones?

    1. I think that there's a big difference between those old mobile phones and smartphones. It seems that here in Britain they plan to phase out terrestrial house phones and I suspect that it is at that point that I will, reluctantly, have to acquire my first mobile phone.

    2. You can get a Doro like I have. It does texts and calls. And is also a radio. That's about it. No distractive crap. Was important when I was going to appointments in Leeds every day as there was no knowing how long it would take.

  2. Great story. I like happy endings.

  3. I met Carlos online with just a Hello ... from across the country ... and it's been over twenty-four years for us!

  4. It's a nice story, and I wish the family many more happy years together. One thing puzzles me, though: Cleethorpes is in Lincolnshire, but the last paragraph says "Praising his Scottish wife...".

    1. Yes. She is Scottish. I imagine that originally she was from Stirling in Scotland - given her son's name.

  5. That is a lovely story, and just shows how good the internet can be. After all, you wouldn't have me as a bosom blog buddy if not for the net. Get out there and buy a smart phone. You don't have to obsessively looking at the screen, but they are just so useful. Most houses here still have landline connections, but no one uses them anymore. We unplugged our home phone around three years ago and we never missed it.

    1. I use our landline connection a few times each week. As I say, it is with much reluctance that I will finally join the vast flock of brainwashed phone sheep. Baaaaa! Baaaaa!

  6. That is a good tale in all the misery that goes on in the news. They look a very happy family.

    1. As I said in the blogpost title - Heartwarming.

  7. Awww. What a lovely story amid all the gloomy news at the moment.

    1. The boy, Stirling, looks just like his father - same smile. Looks like the kids are well fed.

  8. Word of warning- get your smart phone before you're too old to deal with technology. I'm serious. We have a friend whose regular phone service is no longer available and he finally got a smart phone. He's never had a computer, has absolutely no technological skills, and lives alone in a rather remote place. He has almost no mobility and has had many medical problems. So it is very important for him to have his phone on him at all times so that he could call for help if he needs it. But because of his refusal to use the phone unless it is absolutely necessary, even the simplest tasks on it are often more than he can handle. That phone could enlarge and enrich his life immensely if he learned to use the different functions but while it was once a matter of stubbornly refusing, he now is unable. Don't get to that place. You absolutely do not have to use a phone for social media but the search functions are wonderful, as are the plant identification abilities, the camera, and the mapping and directional functions. In short- you can use it as YOU want to use it. But the sooner you learn, the more you will be able to get out of it.

    1. I can see where you are coming from with this Mary and I guess you would reject my urging to get you to throw away your smartphone and live without one as I do.

    2. But long before I'd accept your challenge, I would want to see you TRYING a smartphone. I've lived without one and with one and I know what the advantages and disadvantages are and have based my decision to have one on that.

    3. Ms Moon is right. It's not the phone that's evil or seductive. It's the way people use them. I've had an iPhone for 15 years but I mostly only use the camera, the map, the e-mail and the text functions. I never browse the web with it, and I usually have it set to silent so I go to it rather than it coming to me.

  9. i bite my tongue and refrain from foul language (on this one accasion) - it just goes to show that not everything is doom and gloom and not everyone is a four letter word - heartwarming and reaffirming - let's do more nice things - no bugger ever texts ME, and if they do i ignore it!

    1. Are you one of the seven dwarfs?...Grumpy?

  10. A lovely story, and how did you meet Mrs. P?

    1. I met her when I was lying in a sleeping bag on my friend's floor. He brought three nurses home from the pub and she was one of them.

    2. Very romantic story.

  11. A beautiful love story...thank you for sharing and bringing a smile to so many.

  12. Thank you for this uplifting post. I needed to read something good today.

    1. There are many nice stories - all around us.

  13. I was waiting for a typical YP snarky comment but the story just ended. Are you well?

  14. Like Andrew and Mary Moon have suggested, you don't need to use all the "bells and whistles" on a smart phone. Just learn the parts you know you will need, texting, calling and answering, how to contact emergency services and maybe how to use the camera function.

  15. That is a lovely story. Romance lives! ❤

  16. That is a great story.


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