Outside my window... are apples hanging plentifully from the branches of our mini-orchard and the limp washing that Shirley pegged on the line this morning.
I am thinking... wonder how William's wedding has gone this afternoon and why weren't we invited - he's our next door neighbours' oldest son and we went to the other two family wedings and I know him best of all of them.
I am thankful for... my wife and my children and for being born within the ancient boundaries of Yorkshire.
From the kitchen... I can hear and smell absolutely nothing.
I am wearing... a "Fat Face" sweatshirt with a strange modern collar. Shirley bought me it as a birthday present and I opened this gift early on Wednesday morning.
I am creating... a lesson for my official observation on Tuesday. It's based on Robert Cormier's "Heroes" - a GCSE examination text.
I am hearing... the gentle humming of the computer fan and the stillness of this early autumn afternoon.
I am reading... "A Year in Marrakesh" by Peter Mayne - written in the 1950's.
I am hoping... that England whup Kazakhstan in this evening's World Cup group match.
Around the house... I want to get rid of the old NHS desk that we brought down from Frances's room following its recent redecoration. It's blocking up our little hallway.
One of my favorite things... is the word favourite with an English spelling!
A few plans for the rest of the week... 1. Finish the damned lesson plan. 2. Write computerised reports for around eighty older pupils - all in my own time - not in work time as other workers might expect. 3. Go to Ian's house to take down the wall cupboards pending his kitchen refurbishment. 4. Watch the England/Kazakhstan game later on today.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
I took this photograph in The Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Who is it?

If you fancy Katherine's meme, please run with it yourself - no copyright royalties required! Click on girl guides logo on the right >>>>
You need to get out, YP - of the job, I mean!
ReplyDeleteThis post made me chuckle. But hey, YP how about a link back to me somewhere? So you can *properly* bathe in my reflected glory as Lady Katherine de Blorg? And others can too.
ReplyDelete(Tries not to look at YP's codpiece out of the corner of her eye.)
Is it Apollo? Or his daddy Aesclepius? The snake makes me think the latter... but he is too young...?
ReplyDeleteJENNYTA - It feels that way to me. At the moment I am looking to next summer because I can already foresee that next summer's exam results will be "disastrous". I can't bear the idea of yet more of The Spanish Inquisition.
ReplyDeleteKATHERINE The statue is of someone from antiquity whose name began with A but not Apollo and ha ha - DEFINITELY not Aesclepius you silly thing!
YP, don't worry, I decided to split the reports with you hald and haf and I'm emailing across the forty that I wrote. You just need to put the names at the top of the most appropriate ones.
ReplyDeleteHmm, so Yorkshire men are far more interesting than they make out eh? happy birthday.