28 May 2024


In my life, I have been fortunate enough to visit fifty of the countries on this planet. In total, there are 195 countries which do not include either The Vatican City or The State of Palestine. As it happens, I have visited the former but not the latter.

I am sure that there will be one or two visitors to this blog who have been to more countries than me but fifty is a pretty good score I think if indeed this is a scoring matter.

Every one of those countries has left me with memories and impressions that I cherish. I wouldn't like to say if there were "best" or "worst" countries on my personal checklist. They all had something good or interesting to offer.

If you kindly provided me with a wad of banknotes and told me that I could add three more countries to my list, the ones I would pick at this point in time are:-
(a) Bhutan
(b) Cuba
& (c) Tuvalu
I think I would have some memorable times in these three countries for different reasons. Other places I would love to go are Sumatra in Indonesia, Guyana in South America, Mauritius and Japan. I guess I am still greedy for travel. That appetite was stirred by my parents when I was a young lad.

If you were given an equivalent wad of money, which three countries in the world would you pick - places you have never been before? We can all dream.


  1. Ireland, Czech Republic and New Zealand.

    1. Czech Republic? I wonder what kind of draws you there?

    2. I've been to most of Western Europe, visited Senegal twice (which was enough Africa for me), South Korea (enough Asia for me) and am most interested in Eastern Europe. My older daughter has been to Czechia and told me that I would love Prague and enjoy the beer! :)

  2. I'd like Cuba, because I feel it's a bit like a time capsule of what used to be, though it is starting to change.
    Africa, yes, a continent, but I could visit anywhere there.
    And Ireland. I feel a kinship to Ireland because my grandmother was born there.

    1. People often think of Africa as one huge country. They don't do that with other continents.

  3. I have not travelled but my first choice would be Britain.

    1. We will put you and Jean up in our front bedroom. Remember to use air freshener after you have dumped.

  4. I would like to visit for the first time.....Turkey, Iceland, South Africa. I would like to visit again.....Costa Rica, Prince Edward Island and Spain.

    1. Co-incidentally, I have been researching a possible visit to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Also the new receptionist at my last school is now called Donna Smith.

  5. Three countries? My list is much longer, but I'll say Ireland, Canada and one of the island nations, Tahiti or Jamaica or that one where they filmed the TV series Death In Paradise.

    1. "Death in Paradise" is filmed in Guadeloupe.

  6. You remind me of my friend and pub quiz team mate Brian. No matter what country comes up in the quiz, he‘s been there - and he remembers stuff like how high is the highest waterfall in that country or what is the name of this or that mountain or building shown on the big screen.
    My personal list of where I have been is much shorter: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Czechoslovakia (as it was called back then), France, Italy, England, USA.
    If hassle-free travel was possible AND both money and time were available, I would love to see not necessarily entire countries but specific places such as Macchu Picchu (spelling?), Angkor Vat (spelling) and some others. Country-wise, I‘d like to visit Norway, Iceland and the Hebrides.

    1. Brian sounds like a good guy to have on your quiz team. Maybe you and OK should plan a Norwegian holiday.

  7. Switzerland for the amazing scenery and the amazing trains to view the scenery.
    Brazil but I am not saying why. I am just feeling a swoon coming on.
    Staying that part of the world, Cuba, partly to judge the success of its political system and to see if people are happy. I think it would be interesting.

    1. Your motivation for visiting Brazil seems questionable to me. What would Ray think?

  8. My country count is 15, on the bucket list are Japan, South Korea, Portugal - if limited to three.

    1. On my bucket list I only have buckets.

  9. Bhutan and Cuba also, not sure about third country, South American perhaps. There again I would like to see the great National parks of America.

    1. When we lose our curiosity all is lost.

  10. Canada for its scenery and great Prog bands like Rush and Saga.

    1. Canada is so big that each province is like a different country.

  11. I enjoyed reading the comments of where people have been or where they wish to go. You sure have been to a lot of places! When I was teaching, I would take students and parents on many overseas trips. It was my way of seeing the world which I otherwise could not have afforded on a teacher's salary. Looking at your map, I think the only two countries that I've visited that you haven't are Japan and Peru. My three top destinations choices are Portugal, Scandinavia, (I know it isn't a country, but I cannot decide which one I'd like to see over the others), and then back to New Zealand. I loved that country and would love to go again.

  12. I have, and I have been to Disneyworld in Florida.

    1. What is the capital of Disneyland Michael and does it have a monarch or a president?

    2. I am not sure of the capital, but it has a benevolent monarch. I believe his hame is Mickey.

  13. Since I've never been anywhere outside of the US, I'd have a very hard time choosing three.

    1. That should make it easier to choose Jennifer!

  14. I've been to 14 counting those in Great Britain, half only through work. I never believed that unnecessary travel is good.

    1. Stay home then. No need for you to go into Huddersfield. They can deliver.

  15. My three first-timers would be:-
    Borneo (to see orang utans)
    Fiji, for its beauty
    Patagonia (OK, not perhaps a country in its own right but still fascinating)

    1. I would like to accompany you to Patagonia. We can ride horses together.

  16. I would guess 50 is much higher than average. Looking back, I think I have only been to 7 or 8 countries and that seems like a lot compared to most of my peers.

    If I had to pick three right now, I would go with Thailand, Egypt and Chile.

    1. I would love to visit Egypt but I am nervous about Muslim warriors.

  17. I'd like to see the places where Jesus lived and worked. That would probably mean modern Israel and Palestine? I also always wanted to see Morocco.

    1. I would be nervous about The Holy Land myself.

    2. Yes, the timing would need to be right.
      Reality is, I'll never go so it doesn't matter

  18. The Camino de Santiago also captures my imagination, so add France and Spain.

    1. "To Be A Pilgrim"... there's a rousing hymn with that title.

  19. I haven't travelled much but I do want to visit Ireland, Iceland, and Italy. And Costa Rica.
    Nova Scotia is beautiful, we went there for our honeymoon. PEI was okay. It reminded me a lot of southern England.

    1. I think NS + PEI would be a great location for a ten day fly-drive holiday.

    2. It will be a wonderful location. Cape Breton Highlands is a beautiful park. The Fortress of Louisbourg is also amazing. If you go to Peggy's Cove, go as early as you can, it gets so busy. Lunenburg is a UNESCO world heritage site and beautiful. There's lot of other stuff too, obviously, it's Canada:)

  20. I have been to Cuba! I can't believe I've been to a county you haven't. I still can't believe I went, either. It was a very memorable trip for many reasons.
    You are a well-traveled man.

    1. France & Stew visited Cuba and my late brother Paul went there too. I like the idea of Cuba. The reality might be a bit different.

  21. Scandinavia and yes, that encompasses more than one country.

    1. I can assure you that Australia and Portugal are not in Scandinavia.

  22. Oh, and since I live in the US, my husband and I are visiting as many National Parks as we can to fill our NP Passport with the park stamps.

    1. We visited The Sequoia National Park in 2005. Marvellous to witness.

  23. I have been to Italy, China, and Rwanda and I can't imagine having any more big trips like that. But if I was younger, I might want to visit Spain and England and France?

  24. I've never been a great traveller, and have "only" been to six countries besides Sweden - or eight, if you count England, Wales and Scotland as separate countries. (The others are Norway, Denmark, Spain, Germany and Austria.) All back in the previous century. Since then, too many "health and hassle" aspects involved... Even magicking all that away, I still suspect I'd probably have ended up visiting some more places in Europe rather than flying across the world to more exotic places. Perhaps Berlin (not included in my actual visits to German), Ireland, and Italy.

  25. Fifty is impressive! I haven't added up my countries but I'm sure it's not that many. South America is my bucket list destination and I'm (hopefully) about to make that happen, but I will have others after this trip is done!

  26. I've never counted them before, but I would guess my total is between 12-15. I think I would pick Canada, Egypt, and Spain. My runners up would be Botswana, Iceland, and Australia. (see how I managed to get six in there?)

  27. That's impressive. I filled in my own map and it appears I have visited only eight countries: Canada/US/UK/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Ireland. However, it did not list my two favourites: Scotland (the UK, of course), and Sicily (Italy, of course). My third would be Ireland. I hope to see many more in the next decade.

  28. Oh, wow. I have only visited 8 countries so i have a lot to pick from. I would say Scotland, Switzerland and Brazil.

  29. OMG, reading the other comments I found many more I'd love to visit: Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, all of the Caribbean countries including Cuba, and so many others.


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