11 May 2024


Song for Lost Youth

Perhaps I should have cradled it
Like a dove
Kept it safe with tender love
But I squandered it -
Like a wild mountain stream
Desperate for an ocean
That was but a distant dream.
...I just never thought
That I could have loitered in the shallows
Reflecting the blueness of the sky
- Concealing silver fishes
- Quietly biding my time
- Stretching it out.
And so, and so it's gone now
- My ephemeral youth
- That precious once only gift
- That honeyed sweetness,
Leaving only the trembling resonance
Of distant echoes
From half-remembered hills.


  1. Ah but you're so much wiser now.

  2. This certainly strikes a chord with me as I'm at the age when some things seem very long ago.

  3. Youth is wasted on the young. I think it's a universal frustration.
    Gushing-blundering-raging describes it very well

  4. Youth is wasted on the young. If we had known then, what we know now, would we have done any better?

  5. That's a great poem. Thank you.

  6. That's what youth is all about...looking forward to the big next step. And then we make it to whatever that big step is and reflect on the simplicity of our youth. The circle of life ~ Enjoy your family holiday!

  7. I have liked this poem for a long time. As you may recall, I included it several years ago in the sidebar of my blog, giving you the full credit you deserve. I'm very pleased to see it again on your own blog.

  8. I hve liked this poem for a long time. As you may recall, I included it several years ago in the sidebar of my blog, giving you the full credit you deserve. I'm pleased to see it again on your own blog.


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