31 May 2024


This is, I believe, my first ever caricature of The Orange Monster. I created it this afternoon to mark his special moment in history. He is now the first ever president or ex-president of The United States to be judged by his peers in a court of law and found guilty of a series of felonious charges against him. You know the story.

I began calling him The Orange Monster after looking closely at photographs of him taken in court. Apart from the orange, there was something decidedly ugly about his face. Emily Bronte referred to the eyes as "the windows of the soul" but in his eyes there is a void, a meanness, a lack of humanity that makes me shudder - as if looking at a monster.

I know that if I worked harder on the caricature I could arrive at a more successful end result - achieving a much better likeness but for now this will do.

I followed his New York trial pretty closely and I can say conclusively that there was no evidence of rigging or political interference The wise and experienced judge, Judge Merchan, did a fine job of progressing the trial in a level-headed and unbiased manner. He acted entirely in accordance with the law.

No doubt The Orange Monster will kick and spit and seek to blame others for his wrongful behaviour. He will use his wealth or money begged from blinkered supporters to appeal about yesterday's clearcut verdict and maybe he will win because in The Orange Monster's world, truth doesn't matter very much.


  1. What surprises me about the whole thing is how his supporters are more convinced as ever that this trial was a sham. I think we are headed for some rough waters until the election in November, probably even after that. But I do enjoy the fact that he was convicted.

    1. The Americans who visit this blog - yourself included Michael - seem to view the Trump era with a healthy mixture of scorn and disbelief. Those who continue to support him need their heads examining.

  2. From what I've read, his followers donated about $38 million to his campaign after the trial. Crazy people. He is a narcissist and con man that knows how to work people. It amazes me.

    1. I am so glad that you see things that way WVH. With more Americans like yourself seeing the truth about Trump, there is a chance he can be consigned to history in November.

  3. He is a giant turd, a POS, a waste of skin, a disgusting excuse for a human being, I could go on but I won't. I was very happy to hear that he was convicted but who knows what will happen.

    1. You would think that such a conviction would be the end of him.

    2. You would think so but have you ever tried to scrape a dog turd off your shoe, it sticks.

    3. A very suitable analogy.

  4. This is not the end of the story. Crying and yelling will continue.

    1. Some toddlers will not end their tantrums until they get what they want.

  5. I don't think he'll face many consequences nor will his supporters abandon him. I fully expect him to win in November which is abhorrent to me. He promises what he can't deliver and too many Americans would sell their souls for $2/gallon gas.

    1. Didn't he say that he was going to build a wall along the southern border and that Mexico was going to pay for it? During his first term hardly any new wall got built - it was mostly replacing older barriers. Still hundreds of miles have no barrier whatsoever.

  6. If you thought he was unhinged before, keep watching.
    And pray for America.
    And pray for Democrats and Republicans who don't want Hitler 2.0 to vote Blue!

  7. You could have turned his mouth down more in your drawing. But, be that as it may, I must agree with many of your commenters in their view of him. What is even more unsettling is the number of people who still believe in him and the lining up of Republican politicians behind him. Truly amazing. May our country survive this time in our history...somehow.

    1. How could he hoodwink so many? Thankfully, he didn't get you Bruce,

  8. You just need to add bags under the eyes and downturn his mouth to its habitual bitter sulk. Great drawing otherwise. I am glad he got convicted, but jeard on the news he still has two more trials to get through, one being the stealing of top secret documents from the White House and the other being inciting the January 6th attack on the White House, after all that is done I hope he remains convicted and jailed for the rest of his life.

    1. The Jan 6th assault was on The US Capitol building, not The White House.

  9. That's a good summary of the events surrounding a convicted criminal.

    1. Surely it is against the law to be so ugly in a public place.

  10. There is some who would argue that after the trial he was unsure of himself in his speechifying. Never forget that this man has a family, who stand by him along with all his supporters. Just wonder if they are riding on the coat tails of the money he draws in his wake. Evil eyes, the soul of a monster peers out.

    1. "...the soul of a monster peers out" - yes, I like that. It's like a line from a poem.

  11. Even the Tories would have deselected him.

    1. Johnson had an army of fans that remind me of The Trumpists.

  12. Now that the Orange One has been convicted, I'm horrified that his future is still undecided. Surely a very long prison sentence is the only thing he can look forward to? To think that he could become the next US President will make the country a laughing stock throughout the rest of the world. Goodness knows what horrors he would plunge us all into.
    After all this, I suppose we have to look forward to something similar with "The Ginger Whinger"!

  13. Your post mirrors my view completely, he is a bully, loudmouth who shouts over anyone who does not agree with his view. With his wealth he buys loyalty to the point of being brain washed, and his 'loyal' followers give him funds to carry on, God knows what will happen if he become President again.

    1. There will be huge ripples across the rest of the planet. Ukraine might as well surrender if The Orange Monster returns to The White House.

  14. But would you still vote for him if you could?

    1. I would rather vote for the return of The Black Death.

    2. It is interesting what Jeeves Hat has written today, which is that there may be a good case for appeal on the ground of miscarriage of justice because proper process was not followed. It is a complicated legal argument which I cannot claim to understand, but unfortunately it suggests things may not be as clear cut as most of this blogger circle believe.

    3. Nit-picking, highly paid lawyers may always be able to unearth legal doubts. I am not a lawyer but frankly I was a little surprised that Trump was found guilty on all thirty four counts and that there was total unanimity in the jury room. Surprised but delighted too because he is as guilty as sin.

    4. I hope you are right. There is no doubt that he committed bribery and falsified records, but was it fraud or a felony, had the statutory limitation time expired, and did it break electoral rules? Was late evidence introduced or altered against which he did not have time to prepare a defence? We accuse his supporters of only believing what they want to believe; we shouldn't do the same.

    5. It was fraud as he claimed it as a campaign expense, but obviously that's not what the money was used for. To my knowledge there was no late evidence introduced and I am sure the district attorney's office was well prepared for this case. Both defense and prosecutors picked the jury, evidence was heard, Trump has the right to testify (he said he was but then didn't, then claimed he was denied access to testify) and he was convicted by a jury of his peers. End of case. He will appeal but that goes to the NY appellate court, and I don't think he stands a chance there. Also he has more cases coming up in Florida and Georgia, with the possibility of cases in Arizona and Michigan. He's been corrupt all his life. He just now got caught.

  15. To misquote the Bard, Won't someone rid us of this meddlesome monster?

    1. Who knows how American politics might evolve? One thing is for sure, The Orange Monster will not last forever.

  16. The truth only matters in that you must deny it.

    1. All truth seems inconvenient to him.

  17. I can't wait for the day I no longer have to hear about him or his nutty followers.

    1. What worries me is who or what will fill the space after Trump and his crazies have gone.

  18. "A void, a meanness, a lack of humanity" -- you said it! That sums up Trump perfectly. I think your caricature, while much better than anything I could do, makes him look entirely too kind.

    1. You are right Steve. When I am in the mood I will have a few more cracks at The Orange Monster.

  19. I was so relieved when I heard that he had been found guilty of all charges - but I understand from comments in the media here that alas even that does not seem to guarantee that he won't be re-elected! (I have trouble enough trying to understand politics in general, but how this man can still have so many followers beats most of it...)

    1. We do not expect our political leaders to be perfect but we expect them to be much better than Trump.


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