30 June 2024


I am just back from the Sunday night pub quiz at "The Hammer and Pincers". My team did not win but we got a £10 token for four correct corners on the Bingo-style answer sheet.  I only got four of the twenty five questions wrong - one behind the winners, Anyway, I think it's time for all you blogriders out there to attempt another quiz. Here we go:-


1. On Thursday, a TV presidential debate between Joe Biden and  The Orange Monster was held in an American city but which city?

2. What do Americans call the boot of a car?

3. In which village does the famous Welsh blogger John Gray reside with his two Welsh terriers?

4. From which Beatles song was the following lyric taken - "If there's anything that you want/ If there's anything I can do/ Just call on me and I'll send it along with love..." ?

5. What colour shirts do the English football club Chelsea normally play in?

6. What is the Spanish name for a principal bullfighter?

7. In which year did the artist Salvador Dali die?
(a)1919  (b) 1939  (c) 1959  (c) 1989

8. What was Elvis Presley's middle name?

9. Name this cartoon character from "The Simpsons".
10. The following statement means "I know nothing" but in which language is it written?  Ich weiß nichts

As per usual answers may be found in the comments
section. How did you do?


  1. Answers:-
    1. Atlanta
    2. trunk
    3. Trelawnyd
    4. "From Me To You"
    6. matador
    7 (c) 1989
    8. Aaron
    9. Mr Burns
    10. German

  2. I answered five correctly (1,2,7,8,10) I said toreador for number 6, but I guess the word "principal" in your question is the differentiator. Given some of the questions, I feel no shame for such a poor score.

    1. You feel no shame? Surprising Kelly - unless of course you are a MAGAist.

  3. 5, not bad for me:)

    1. Yes. Not bad for you but bad for everybody else!

  4. 1. Atlanta
    2. Trunk
    3. I'm trying to spell it correctly, but I get Trelawy .... and I get stumped.
    4. Uh oh ... I dunno.
    5. Uh oh ... again!
    6. Matador
    7. Thank the goddess for multiple choice: 1989.
    8. Aaron.
    9. I have never seen a single episode so, yeah, again, I dunno.
    10. German.

    Six of Ten, not so bad, eh?

    1. A Yank who has not see "The Simpsons". That is incredible. VOTE HOMER SIMPSON FOR A BETTER AMERICA! VOTE YELLOW!

    2. When I tell people that it does freak them out.
      I have also never seen Titanic nor have I seen any Tom Cruise film after Risky Business.

    3. You are culturally undernourished Bob!

  5. 8 out of 10. That's really good for me!

  6. Only five for me this time, 2-4-6-8-10, the others eluded me.

  7. 7 out of 10, not too bad. Of course I didn't know the colour of the Chelsea team's shirts, and I had not paid attention to the TV debate other than what was said about it on our main news; the city was not mentioned, I think.

    1. I hope you got that tricky one at the end - Number 10.

    2. It WAS tricky, but I got it! So proud of myself.

    3. And so you should be! Well done!

  8. Seven out of ten this time.

  9. 6/10 I am sure I don't have to pronounce John Gray of Wales' village.

  10. I was pleased to get 6. Missed out on 1,3 7 and 9.

    1. All things in moderation as they say.

  11. 1. yellow 2. Joe Biden 3. 100 4. (d) Liverpool 5. (d) orange 6. Paris 7. 2024 8. psychology 9. Mickey Mouse 10. Nice try.

    1. You must have entered a time warp! That was the last quiz!

    2. But how many did I get right?

    3. Nine out of ten. How could you not get your own name? Carlton Snaith - or just plain Carl to your friends.

  12. A record for me 90% correct. I missed the beatles song, I guess I am too young.

    1. I guess that in 1964 you would have been a very small child. In which year were you born David?

    2. Research tells me you were born in August 1958 - soon after Madonna. Also in Michigan.

    3. There is too much information about me online.

    4. Your deepest secrets are all there.

  13. Oh dear 5 for me. I guess that puts me in detention. I have never watched The Simpsons or many football games, so that was 2 wrong for starters. Having lived in Germany, I couldn't fail to get no 10 right!

    1. Yes. Detention for you young lady! See me in my office after school.

  14. Love that I was one of the questions xxx

    1. You know you have made it in the blogosphere when you become a quiz question!

  15. 1. Atlanta
    2. The trunk
    3. Trelawnawyd (arrrgghhh, Welsh spelling)
    4. Just guessing "Love Me, Do"
    5. Green and white (another huge guess)
    6. El toreador or el torero
    7. 1989
    8. Aron (Ha! That one I knew!)
    9. (no idea, never watched it)
    10. German

  16. Looks like I got 6 out of 10 and BTW, Elvis' middle name was spelled with one A!

    1. Not according to Wikipedia Bruce! Maybe you are Taylorpedia!

    2. His parents named him Aron. Many years later he tried to have it changed to Aaron and discovered it was spelled that way on government forms.

    3. I wonder why his parents were so keen to have that odd spelling in the first place. Perhaps it is simply that they didn't know the biblical spelling of Aaron.


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