1 June 2024


At English Bay, Vancouver

A decade just flashed by. However, my saved digital photographs help me to remember the special holiday that Shirley and I enjoyed in 2014.

We flew to Vancouver from Manchester. After three nights that included a trip up to Whistler, we took a ferry to Vancouver Island where we stayed in the capital - Victoria for four nights. Next we took another ferry across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Port Angeles in Washington State. There we picked up another hire car and after nights in Ocean Shores and Olympia, we drove down to Portland, Oregon before heading east along The Columbia River then back north to Seattle via Goldendale and Ellensburg. After three nights in the suburbs of Seattle, we returned to Port Angeles and the ferry back to Vancouver Island before flying home.

It was an itinerary that I had planned carefully myself and as on other occasions, it was very satisfying to witness everything coming together nicely with no significant hiccups. From my photo files I have picked six pictures to share with you from our Pacific North West holiday. A decade ago.

A hoary marmot emerging from hibernation in the snowy mountains above Whistler B.C.

"The Empress Hotel" in Victoria

Heading to Vancouver Island with the mountains of British Colombia beyond

At an abandoned farm near Ellensburg, WA

Fake Stonehenge north of The Colombia River - on the way to Goldendale


  1. You picked a beautiful area to tour. Come back for another tour because there's more.

  2. The Pacific Northwest is one of my favorite spots in this country.
    Looks like y'all had a whirlwind fun trip,

  3. A nice choice of photos, especially the the 'fixer upper' homes. At least the first kind of has a roof.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. I think in my next life I would like to be a traveller.

  5. Time is weird like that, isn‘t it - sometimes events from 10 years ago seem like only recently, while at other times something that happened a few years back feels like it was in another life.
    How curious to come across a fake Stonehenge!

  6. A great adventure in a very pretty part of the world.

  7. Vancouver Island is beautiful, our son and his family live there and we were lucky to visit there in 2019, they are coming over here in a month's time to visit us.

  8. I have never been to any of those places and was surprised to read that there is a place called "Ellensburg"! I wonder what led you to plan the trip to all of those places, Neil.


  9. You've been places on my continent that I have not.

  10. Time flies! That fake Stonehenge is weird. Does it have a purpose -- or is the purpose mysterious, like the original Stonehenge? That top sculpture is somewhat horrifying.

  11. I live just south of Portland and have been to all the locals pictured. So happy you experienced such a nice trip to the USA.

  12. Sounds like you had a lovely visit to my neck of the woods. :)


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