16 December 2023


As I have held my new granddaughter in my arms and gently rocked her, a new song has emerged from the depths of me - a song never sung before. 
Margot, Margot, Margot
The stars are all aglow
Let's play out in the snow
Margot, Margot, Margot 
Falling  all around
It doesn't make a sound
Pure white upon the ground Margot
Margot, Margot, Margot
The stars are all aglow
Let's play out in the snow
Until it's time to go...
It's a good thing to sing to babies and one should not be bashful about it in my opinion. Just look down upon them and in suitable moments  sing as sweetly as you can  in the full knowledge that it comforts them and assists the early development of their language skills.

As the weeks pass, new verses may appear to extend my "Song for Margot". Ideas have already  crossed my mind but I have not worked them up yet. There are many possibilities.

Margot herself is six weeks old now and a very calm and contented baby with bright blue eyes - just like her mother before her. Margot is beginning to smile and make some sense of the world around her. If she emits one of her piercing cries, it's just because she feels the gnawing of hunger in her belly and mummy's special sustenance service is required.


  1. Communication with infants starts right away. It's important that we talk and sing to them.

    1. From the start we should feed their little brains as well as their bellies.

  2. Margot may soon have an entire opera sung for her!

    1. I would struggle with the soprano parts.

  3. This is wonderful. I loved singing to (and with) my children. I haven't done enough of it with my grandchildren.

    1. Glad I brought back a memory of your singing days Kelly.

  4. Is there anything sweeter than a baby's first smiles? I don't think so. Does Margot smile when you sing to her?

  5. I loved it when our Mum and Dad sang to us or with us. Especially my Dad had a beautiful singing voice. There were some favourite bedtime songs I believe most German children of my generation (and before) were familiar with, and I wonder whether they are still sung today.
    Having one‘s very own song is a treasure! There has never been a Meike-song, as far as I know.

    1. I can make one up for you - loosely based on "Bat Out of Hell" by Meatloaf.

  6. It won't be long before she is joining in with the chorus.

  7. You mean that GIF isn't a picture of Margot? LOL

    You do have an uncanny ability to make up songs on the fly!

    1. No. That was not a picture of Margot Steve. It was a kind of animated cartoon.

  8. Dear Margot
    Won't you come out to play?
    Dear Margot
    Greet the brand new day
    The sun is up, the sky is blue
    It's beautiful, and so are you
    Dear Margot
    Won't you come out to play?

    1. Dear Tasker
      No I won't
      Dear Tasker
      I have heard about men like you
      Who chase kids in the park
      The sun is down, the sky's not blue
      And soon it will be dark
      Dear Tasker
      No I won't

  9. I wish I had sung to my great nephew and nieces when they were younger, in spite of my poor singing voice. Maybe a lovely bunch of coconuts in once upon a time in a lonely tavern as I sing of a day trip to Bangor might have created a lasting impression. I could have informed how to not to fix a bucket with a hole in it and the pasta disaster of spaghetti meatball rolling off a table.

    1. I understand all your references apart from the last one about a meaty ball!

    2. On top of spaghetti, all covered in cheese, I lost my poor meatball, when somebody sneezed. It rolled off the table and onto the floor, then my poor meatball rolled out of the door. It rolled in the garden and under a bush and now my poor meatball is nothing but mush.

  10. I hope the second photo isn't Margot's comment on your singing! You are truly blessed with two beautiful granddaughters.

    1. Ha-ha! That's sleepiness, not boredom (I think!) !

  11. Margot's song is going to be enjoyed by her forever! She will be singing along with you before you know it! Maybe she will make up some of her own verses one day.

    1. Grandpa, Grandpa, Grandpa
      You're buried in the soil
      So no more stress or toil...

  12. She's so beautiful and so lucky to have a grandpa that loves singing to her.
    I sing to Miss Katie a lot. I take old favorites and add new words just about her and she loves them.

    1. You should make a record - "Songs for Miss Katie"!

  13. You'd better stop that singing(?). It's causing her hair to stand on end.

  14. Those photos weren't here yesterday, she's so beautiful :)


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