26 May 2024


You didn't think that I had forgotten about "Quiztime" did you? This week's quiz concerns Portugal and you will have to look back in this blog to find the answers for Questions 3 & 4. Good luck! Answers may be found at the head of the Comments section.


1. What are the two principal colours of the Portuguese flag?

2. What is the capital city of Portugal?

3. What was the name of the villa where Mr Pudding and family stayed between May 11th and May 18th 2024?

4. What was the name of the lighthouse that was very close to the holiday villa?

5. On  which Portuguese island was the world famous footballer Cristiano Ronaldo born?

6. In which century were the two great Portuguese explorers Ferdinand Magellan and Vasco da Gama born?

7. What is the most southerly region of mainland Portugal?

8. With which alcoholic drink would you mostly associate the northern city of Porto?

9. This tower is located on the coast near Lisbon but what is its name?
(a) Belém Tower   (b) Cristiano Tower   

(c) Pudding Tower  (d) TAP Air Portugal  Tower

10. "Pastel del nata" is a popular Portuguese tart but what is it filled with?


    1. Red & Green
    2. Lisbon
    3. Casa Pogoda
    4. Farol de Alfanzina
    5. Madeira
    6. Fifteenth century
    7. Algarve
    8. port
    9. Belém Tower
    10. custard

  2. I got one right. Sigh.

  3. I didn't know the answers to #5 and #6 but got all the others.

    1. Not bad. Give yourself a hefty pat on the back Elsie.

  4. Without checking back on your posts, I got 7 out of 10. Not bad, even if I say so myself (and I have never been to portugal, but you can tell I am not into football).

    1. Only I decide if your performance was "not bad"! It was not bad.

  5. Oh, I did terrible this week.

  6. I only got 2 ! I know very little about Portugal ,( and `No 9 was an educated guess !)

    1. Stick to propagating christmas cacti Frances!

  7. 9 out of 10 this time.

    1. Clever clogs or as they say in Portugal - obstruções inteligentes!

  8. Well, there's a surprise, I actually got them all right - and 5 & 6 were a wild guess! Must be a fluke, so I'm going to have a cup of coffee to celebrate!

  9. 1. Red and green?
    2. Lisbon.
    3. 4. To check back would be cheating.
    5. Madeira.
    6. Did they come to Australia? I think so. Confusingly the 1900s was the 20th century and the we are now in the 21st century. A few hundred years ago, some years before you founded my country as prison for those who stole a penny.
    7. Algarve.
    8. Duh, port. We drank some in a port cellar.
    9. Belem Tower?
    10. What do we call it? Portuguese tart. I can think of one thing a Portuguese tart may be filled with, but in the case, it must be custard. Egg based custard?

    1. I personally did not turn Australia into a prison! Good effort but zero marks for Q3 & 4.

  10. If No. 9 is Belém tower, which I assume it is, then I've learned something. I only know Belém as a city in Brazil -- I didn't realize it was named for a location in Portugal, though that makes sense. I do remember Pastel de Nata from my time in Lisbon -- yum!

    1. You seem to be keeping your total score under wraps. I wonder why?

  11. 1. I always find there are two choices: red and blue or red and green, and I'm going with the latter.
    2. Lisbon, sadly, is the only name I can think of, so I'll say Lisbon.
    3. Pretty Spot?
    4. Um, Pretty Spot Lighthouse? Just a hunch without cheating.
    5. Haven't a clue!
    6. I'm saying 15th
    7. I'm guessing it's not South Portugal?
    8. Well, you just gave this one to me: Port.
    9. Belém Tower; the other answers were cute but ...
    10. I think it's a pale colored Nata?

    1. I realise that you are intellectually challenged Bob so this was an excellent effort! Five out of ten is brilliant for a middle-aged American male!

  12. I didn't even try, Neil. Too difficult for me...

    1. Never mind Ellen. I guess it was not your kind of quiz.

  13. Forgotten about "Quiztime?" I don't understand. Have you had them before?

    1. Yes but you but you have been an awkward contestant.


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