4. Friendship. Although I have always been independent, self-sufficient, free-thinking and happy with solitude, I still cherish friendship, connecting with others, helping others, laughing with others, sharing the unspoken realisation that we are here, this is it and the troubles and joys that I encounter in life will be similar to yours. We are all on this ship together. I won't fawn for friendship, barter for it or buy it but if friendship comes I will embrace it, sustain it. To have good friends is a poweful antidote to nastiness and stress.
"O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I have bad dreams." - Hamlet Act II scene ii
31 May 2006
30 May 2006

Va t'empaler encule = Go fuck yourself
Suce ma bite sal pute! = Suck my dick, you dirty whore.
Tu pues la merde! = You reek of shit!
Mangai chinabu = Mother fucker
Thunga Mordray = You shaven cunt
Muqai ti namu = Go fuck your mum
Ingquza yakho inuka njengo fishi = Your pussy smells like fish
Msuno kanyoku = Your mother's cunt
Ugogo wakho isfebe = Your grandmother is a bitch
Riddu mer = Fuck me
Skítapíka = Shittycunt
Hommaskítur = Gayshit
28 May 2006

26 May 2006

24 May 2006

21 May 2006

19 May 2006

Kayin Prince (1991 - 2006) - gifted footballer - he was helping to break up a fight.
16 May 2006

"Frsstup bzzirtz!" (Move it bitch!)
13 May 2006

Until blogging came along, the Verificans eked out their peasant lives rearing goats and weaving reed baskets. Verifica’s previous claim to fame was that it was Europe’s number one producer of Balkan parsnips - they were even exported to the USA. Nowadays most Verificans are employed in producing Word Verification codes – not just for Blogger but for online banking and a range of other internet services. Foreign money has poured into the country and the standard of living in Verifica has shot up with most peasants now owning SUVs and pop up toasters.

Hzzeorg Xxrijkm
The greatest poet in the Verification language is also its prime minister Hzzeorg Xxrijkm. Here in this extract from the seven hundred and fifty line epic poem“Verifica, Verifica!”he captures the true spirit of his nation:-
Yxzelhh vuyvypd dsskipl xxrwqyq nnihvgf
Zrtqiop bbgsdrt mkikmnb mlkopio
Dwqmkkp cvxcxzs hhjinji ccdgiui
Sfghjkl dbhnilm ggqqxip Verifica, Verifica!
Roughly translated this means:-
Oh land of goats and reed weavers
Sweet land of liberty
Send us victorious, happy and glorious
Comrades all we will fight for fair Verifica, Verifica!
11 May 2006

A is for arabesque and artichokes
B is for bumptious and bibliophile
C is for codswallop and clandestine
D is for dumplings and deliquescence
E is for ease and elongated
F is for fraternal and filigree
G is for grandiose and gargantuan
H is for heinous and harass
I is for indigo and idealism
J is for juxtaposition and jurisprudence
K is for kindling and kindness
L is for luscious and languorous
M is for marshmallow and mellifluous
N is for nincompoop and nerd
O is for ordure and onomatopoeia
P is for propinquity and pyjamas
Q is for quietness and quiver
R is for rambling and rhapsody
S is for sensuality and sarsaparilla
T is for titillation and trinkets
U is for undulation and usurer
V is for vixen and vivacious
W is for wonder and wisteria
X is for xenophobia and Xanadu
Y is for yak and yearning
Z is for zoological and zipcode
"vivacious vixen" after Google Image Search. Wonder what her favourite word is?
9 May 2006
On Sunday morning, I drove Chris over the Pennines to Manchester Airport for his flight home. We took the winding Snake Pass with its excellent views of Ladybower reservoir, the wild moors of The Snake summit and the curvaceous descent into the old milltown of Glossop. Sheep dotted the early morning hills beyond the ancient jigsaw patterns of dry stone walls - like the land's ribs - as a thin mist swirled in slow motion over the tops.
Chris said, "I'm so ashamed. What have we got to offer in America compared with all this?"

5 May 2006

3 May 2006
Littering could cost you a £75 fine in the borough of Luton. A woman has been fined £75 for throwing a crisp out of her car window. Hilary Buckland, of Orchard Way, Lut

'Hard done by'
Mrs Buckland said one of the children in her car threw the Wotsit into her lap while she was driving in Leagrave High Street, Luton. She then threw the crisp out of the car window. The council's Enforcement Chief Jon Maddox said: "The council has invested significantly in a cleaner Luton and my colleagues work hard to make a visible difference. I don't intend to let a small minority of litter louts take us a step backwards and will take action against anyone I hear of dropping litter."
Mrs Buckland said: "I'm always clearing up litter and always telling my children. I just feel so hard done by."
2 May 2006

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